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Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods

Mr. Gridlock

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Okay, here's what I have for a DD-like character:


30 +10 PER with all Sense Groups

32 Spatial Awareness (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees)

20 Discriminatory with Normal Hearing, Normal Touch and Smell/Taste Group

10 Analyze with Normal Smell and Normal Taste

5 Tracking with Normal Smell

10 +20 versus Range Modifier for Normal Hearing

7 +20 versus Range Modifier for Normal Hearing (10 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)

3 Detect Human Falsehood 23-/13- (Hearing Group)


Some of the questions I have are related to PER mods for scenarios like:


How much of mod would it be to hear a heartbeat across a room (all other things being equal)?


Detect the scent of a cologne in a room after someone left X amount of time ago.


Track someone's cologne through a busy city (with all its other smells!)


Something "easy" like discriminating between two different people?


For the Detect Lies, what mods would you apply? Skill Vs Skill against Persuasion + Acting (complementary)?



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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


First, put your Spatial Awareness as part of the Hearing sense group. Second, I might add analyze to your touch group as well; in some instances, DD could read the newspaper by running his fingers over the (printed) words. For Detect Lies, I'd build that as a Hearing Sense group sense; you have almost everything else on the group, you practically only need to add the Detect itself; 3 points. (Half-phase action, 'cause it isn't a sense, is part of it, natch.) Oh, wait, you look to have done so. Well, basically, if the individual a) knows it's a lie, and B) is not a pathological liar, it'd be damn near automatic. The tricky part is when someone can shade their words so that they're not lying exactly -- or if they don't know it's a falsehood.


Everything else? Heartbeat is almost a given; even 'noisy room' is something that he doesn't have to worry about, because he has +20 vs Range, Discriminatory, Analyze on his Hearing. For the cologne thing, use the time modifiers, varying on how well ventilated the room is; if not very, then halve the time modifiers. If well ventilated, then double them. Tracking a cologne through a busy city, presuming he's relatively nearby? Again, minimal if not another gimmie; he has Discriminatory, Analyze, Tracking on it. That's why he paid, like, 20 points for them. If he could normally see them, or an object that size at the distance you're talking about, then he's in like Flynn.


Do Not Underestimate The Power of Spending Points.

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


The Wyrm's suggestions work well.


+40 RMod is pretty much mega scale. Just as a suggestion....


Passive Listening: +12 RMOD

Active Listening: +6 RMOD, +5 PER MOD


Now, distance yourself from the fact that he is blind and what he can "see" is invisible. What mods do you put on tracking someone through a city? Well, if you can follow them then it is pretty easy. If they are wading into a crowd of 20,000 passer-by then it doesn't matter what your skill roll would be... just as if you were sighted.


Look at Tracking in FH for some guidance.


Time Mods, Popularity of Odor Mods [Did you see the silver minivan? What do you mean there were 30 of them!], and environmental factors all play a roll [You sanitized the whole room!]. A good rule of thumb -2 = Challenging, -5 = Flat out hard. If you have penalties for Time, Strength/Uniqueness of Scent, and Interference about the best you can rack up is a -15 to the roll but most likely it will be in the -6 to -10 range.

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


(NOTE: I wrote this reply about six hours ago, but there seemed to be some kind of server problem and I was annoyed the time spent composing it was going to waste, so I saved the reply until I logged in again.)


Those are some crazy sense modifiers. Heh heh. Here's roughly how I would handle it.


How much of mod would it be to hear a heartbeat across a room (all other things being equal)?


The book places a whisper at -3. I'd guess that is at a normal range of less than 4 hexes (8m), so generally "across a room." A heartbeat is much harder to hear than a whisper. I'd say I'd have to be 4 times closer (-4) to hear a heartbeat, except that really that isn't even sufficient; a normal person doesn't generally have a prayer of hearing a heartbeat even from a few cm away, but needs actual physical contact. Call that another -3. So I'd probably put hearing a heartbeat from from across a room at about a -10.


Detect the scent of a cologne in a room after someone left X amount of time ago.


The book lists smelly person (unbathed or perfumed) at +2. I'd say that would persist for a few seconds after they left. Maybe take off -1 to -5 for each step on the Time Chart after that, depending on how well ventilated the air is. I'd say going up to the spot where they stood (especially if they sat, lay, or leaned up against something) would negate some or most of the time penalty, since scents tend to stick to objects better than they hang out in the air.


Track someone's cologne through a busy city (with all its other smells!)


I'd probably just use the equivalent of "noisy area" for Hearing (-3), plus or minus depending on the quality of the neighborhood.


Something "easy" like discriminating between two different people?


Unless the person is relatively unknown to you, or two people smell very similar for some reason (twins, wear the same cologne, etc.), I'd say this is just a part of the Discriminatory adder. If you didn't have Discriminatory, maybe something like a -5 normally, if allowed at all.


For the Detect Lies' date=' what mods would you apply? Skill Vs Skill against Persuasion + Acting (complementary)?[/quote']


Sounds reasonable, I guess, especially if the character's sense is going to be complimentary to their own Conversation and/or Ego skill. For more direct application consider things like an Ego or even Simulate Death roll for the liar; the person opposing doesn't necessarily want to affect their demeanor, but actually calm their physiological response to the stress of the situation (slow their heartbeat and breathing, etc.).

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


This is just a personal thing but I have a bit of a problem with 'detect human falsehood'; what you are presumably doing is detecting changes in rathe of breathing and heartbeat, changes in skin temperature and perspiration.


If that is what you are doing I'd require one of two things:


1. Actually define the detect for what it does. You can label the power any way you like, but the detect should specify what you are detecting not the conclusions you draw from it.

2. Define the detect as you have but make it clear in the sfx what you are doing.


I prefer the first one. It can be used to detect lies, like a lie detector, or perhaps to diagnose illness, detect emotional state or whatever. It would depend on the skills you take to allow you to analyse the data. It actually makes the sense more useful as you can do mare with it without changing the build of the detect. You can base it on his other senses, especially hearing.


This was an actual DD story at one point: Matt Murdoch had a client accused of murder, and his senses confirmed that he was not lying when he said he was innocent. In fact he was guilty but had a pacemaker so his heartbeat never varied.


One other point: it will be difficult to detect falsehood in someone who is, for instance, in combat: if they are sweating, gasping and their heart is already hammering, a lie is going to make little difference.

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


+40 vs range in addition to his +10 to all senses means this guy can hear whispered conversations in the next state over. Maybe scale back a little? Also' date=' the Concentration limitation should have twice the value, since it's not an instant power.[/quote']


Actually, per pg. 373 of 5ER, +20 RMod covers about 5 some-odd miles. So thinking about how often DD's sense extend that far out, I'd cut the mods in half. He can cover the city when he concentrates, but routinely can hear things about up to a block away.


Of course, there's been a hundred writers who all have written him differently, so....

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


This is just a personal thing but I have a bit of a problem with 'detect human falsehood'; what you are presumably doing is detecting changes in rathe of breathing and heartbeat, changes in skin temperature and perspiration.


If that is what you are doing I'd require one of two things:


1. Actually define the detect for what it does. You can label the power any way you like, but the detect should specify what you are detecting not the conclusions you draw from it.

2. Define the detect as you have but make it clear in the sfx what you are doing.


I prefer the first one. It can be used to detect lies, like a lie detector, or perhaps to diagnose illness, detect emotional state or whatever. It would depend on the skills you take to allow you to analyse the data. It actually makes the sense more useful as you can do mare with it without changing the build of the detect. You can base it on his other senses, especially hearing.



I don't disagree with you at all. I was just copying the power from the UNTIL SPDB. Which now that I looked at it again, says


Detect Spoken Falsehood (Hearing Group) at INT+2 for 5 points.


I kind of always felt this was too cheap.


So maybe something like this:


15 Human Lie Detector: Detect A Class Of Things (Physiological changes: galvanic skin response, repiration, heart rate) 11- (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Analyze

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


Actually, per pg. 373 of 5ER, +20 RMod covers about 5 some-odd miles. So thinking about how often DD's sense extend that far out, I'd cut the mods in half. He can cover the city when he concentrates, but routinely can hear things about up to a block away.


Of course, there's been a hundred writers who all have written him differently, so....


I just checked my math, and +40 vs range adds up to over five thousand miles. That's more than the distance between Anchorage and Miami. With an effective +50 roll, the range of your hearing is greater than the circumference of the Earth, meaning your DD-alike can learn Chinese through total immersion without ever leaving his apartment.


Yeah, cutting those mods in half sounds like the least you could do. +10 vs range gives you perfect hearing out to 256 meters, which is not bad at all.

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods



I kind of always felt this was too cheap.


So maybe something like this:


15 Human Lie Detector: Detect A Class Of Things (Physiological changes: galvanic skin response, repiration, heart rate) 11- (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Analyze


It depends on genre and challenges.


is your game going to involve a lot of mystery and a lot of "who is lieing" importance?


If its a fairly obvious blac-white four color game where the badguys are obvious and a lot of the focus is "violence solves the problem" then this detect lie is mostly fluff... maybe just let it be a power skill roll for "super senses" power skill.


if it is a mystery driven game then its too cheap at even 15 cp and might ought to be purchased as a form of telepathy SFX great listening. But should weigh in maybe as much as 50 cp.


What game are you running is vital for pricing "detect falsehood.


great osric's ghost, imagine how much it should cost in an AMBER game or a courtly intrigue season?

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


Yeah, I'm not much for that kind of Detect that can completely substitute for the perfectly good use of Social Skills. It's kind of a D&Dism, even though it's not a magic SFX in this case. In most games and situations I'd allow the Detect to be Complimentary only. But I'm not going to rule out it having its place.


One thing I always seem to flip-flop on is whether Range levels (or straight bonuses, but I have less problem with them because they're not as cheap) on senses like Hearing have built-in noise cancellation, so to speak. It's not like Clairsentience where you can place your actual point of perception some place far away. In order to hear a conversation going on in China, you're going to have a lot of stuff in between to filter out, and that's assuming you can "narrow the beam" to hear only in a straight line like sight....

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


It depends on genre and challenges.


is your game going to involve a lot of mystery and a lot of "who is lieing" importance?


If its a fairly obvious blac-white four color game where the badguys are obvious and a lot of the focus is "violence solves the problem" then this detect lie is mostly fluff... maybe just let it be a power skill roll for "super senses" power skill.


if it is a mystery driven game then its too cheap at even 15 cp and might ought to be purchased as a form of telepathy SFX great listening. But should weigh in maybe as much as 50 cp.


What game are you running is vital for pricing "detect falsehood.


great osric's ghost, imagine how much it should cost in an AMBER game or a courtly intrigue season?


I agree that in some games certainty is a buzz kill, but let me recount an anecdote...


My brother ran a Golden Heroes solo game for me YEARS ago. I was this super athletic telepath type. I disturbed an assault in an alleyway. Saw this figure leaping away, called 911 and TP'd the victim to try and get a clue as to the attacker. Her mind was a bit of a mess but I got this very strong impression of this character leaping at her, claws out, good detail on the costume and face.


Tracked this joker down. Bit of a fight, eventually overcame him and read HIS mind: turns out that he had been leaping to her rescue: she'd never seen the attackers but, because telepathy is no more precise than spoken language and, in many ways far more open to misinterpretation, I'd gone off on completely the wrong track.


The point of this long winded anecdote is that even a plot killer power like TP (or detect lie) can make a really interesting plot device and can be used - quite legitimately - to mislead if you have a good enough grasp as to how it actually works AND a gullible enough player :o.


As I mentioned above, a similar plot device was actually used in DD, probably more than once: DD relying on his senses telling him someone is not lying when it is obvious that he is, and DD's senses are somehow being fooled.


You can't do that all the time or it loses all impact, but for an occasional 'interesting' plotline, misinformation is an excellent tool.


The other thing you can do is have a scenario where the crime has been committed, and the hero KNOWS who did it due to super senses, but that testimony is not admissible in a court. The villain has been incredibly smart, and has committed an almost perfect crime. The hero's attempts to show he is guilty backfire because no one believes the hero. The whole thing comes down to both hero and villain tracking down an eyewitness (or more than one), the hero to persuade them to testify, the villain to eliminate the witness.


In fact, for a mental powers hero you could even have a few attempts to 'prove' the guilty party fail, then catch him on tape confessing to the crime to the hero, in a gloaty sort of way. Villain arrested and claims he was mind controlled, so he is released and the hero is arrested for mental assault and attempting to pervert the course of justice. Interesting...

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


Yeah, I'm not much for that kind of Detect that can completely substitute for the perfectly good use of Social Skills. It's kind of a D&Dism, even though it's not a magic SFX in this case. In most games and situations I'd allow the Detect to be Complimentary only. But I'm not going to rule out it having its place.


One thing I always seem to flip-flop on is whether Range levels (or straight bonuses, but I have less problem with them because they're not as cheap) on senses like Hearing have built-in noise cancellation, so to speak. It's not like Clairsentience where you can place your actual point of perception some place far away. In order to hear a conversation going on in China, you're going to have a lot of stuff in between to filter out, and that's assuming you can "narrow the beam" to hear only in a straight line like sight....


This is a good point. When Superman hears Lois scream for help because someone dastardly is about to do something unbecoming to her, the only 'logical'* explanation is that he hears everyone cry out for help, but only selects for Lois a lot of the time. Which is an interesting guilt-trip storyline...


That would imply massive brain processing power, which is perrfectly appropriate for Superman. He probably has a lot of levels of 'rapid sense' as well as telescopic.


Generally, however, I assume that telescopic senses work more like a pair of binoculars. If you are specifically looking for something with a pair of binoculars, the most efficient way to do it is spot the general area without the binoculars (if you can) then zoom in on the area for detail. Imagine standing in a 10 foot cube, knowing there is a small dot on the inside surface that you can JUST see with the naked eye at 5 foot. You have 600 square feet to scan. If you can scan 10 square feet a second it should take you no more than a minute.


Now imagine that you are in a 100 foot cube, same rules, but you have a pair of 10x binoculars. You can not spot the dot with the naked eye so you have to scan with the binoculars, in order to be able to see the dot. This time you have 60 000 square feet to scan. You can still only manage 10 square feet a second: all the binoculars do is make it seem you are closer - they do not expand your field of vision, they probably reduce it in fact, but let us ignore that. This time, to guarantee finding it is going to take 6000 seconds, or 100 minutes.


As for filtering, I tend to assume that you can filter, but I would certainly apply penalties for less than ideal conditions. Ever played with a parabolic reflector wired to a microphone? You genuinely can hear things better in the direction you are pointing. In fact you can even filter just by cupping your hands round your ears with the open bit pointing forward.


Thing about that though is that it relatively amplifies sound in the direction you are pointing BUT relatively dampens it everywhere else.


This may seem like overthinking - but you do not need to have these considerations in the forefront of your mind, so long as they sit at the back and excercise a little gentle control over proceedings. At the end of the day, if it is vital to the game that you hear the hissing of a fuse wire, and the hammering of a bound Lois' heart as she struggles to spit out the dynamite gag :hush: over 300 feet away across a crowded nightclub and through four intervening walls, it is more important that you get the chance to do so than that we worry about whether it is technically possible. :D





*well, as logical as you can be in these situations

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


This may seem like overthinking - but you do not need to have these considerations in the forefront of your mind, so long as they sit at the back and excercise a little gentle control over proceedings. At the end of the day, if it is vital to the game that you hear the hissing of a fuse wire, and the hammering of a bound Lois' heart as she struggles to spit out the dynamite gag :hush: over 300 feet away across a crowded nightclub and through four intervening walls, it is more important that you get the chance to do so than that we worry about whether it is technically possible. :D


The only problem with this logic is that when I'm wanting to play a DD-like character, I don't want reality. I want comic book reality, and I want to be able to have the powers that I need to get me the ability to hear the cry of help across New York City.


That's what happens in the comic book. That's the reason I like playing comic book supers, to have abilities far outside the reality of real existence.


I know that so often the real world creeps into explaining or understanding comic book physics, but there comes a point where it's rather immaterial--just give me the super power!

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


One I like to buy is Microscopic touch...so you can feel the Tiny stuff.


Shoot I figured Supes had Mind Link with a sfx I hear your call....I do think you have way too mush Telescopic...


But maybe buy some Penalty skill levels to model the whole "filter" thing?

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


The only problem with this logic is that when I'm wanting to play a DD-like character, I don't want reality. I want comic book reality, and I want to be able to have the powers that I need to get me the ability to hear the cry of help across New York City.


That's what happens in the comic book. That's the reason I like playing comic book supers, to have abilities far outside the reality of real existence.


I know that so often the real world creeps into explaining or understanding comic book physics, but there comes a point where it's rather immaterial--just give me the super power!


I'm with you: you want to be able to pick out a scream in the hubbub of a city. I'd suggest the fix is in the mix though: when building the character, take some levels of 'rapid': a character with rapid senses can read, take in, absorb or otherwise process data or sensations much faster than usual. That would allow the character to effectively filter: he is hearing everything and picking out of it the certain sensations: the sound, for instance, of a scream, in amongst thousands of other sounds.


Without 'rapid' a telescopic sense can focus on a point and sense it as if they were standing there, but they can't focus on everything.

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


This is a good point. When Superman hears Lois scream for help because someone dastardly is about to do something unbecoming to her, the only 'logical'* explanation is that he hears everyone cry out for help, but only selects for Lois a lot of the time. Which is an interesting guilt-trip storyline...


That would imply massive brain processing power, which is perrfectly appropriate for Superman. He probably has a lot of levels of 'rapid sense' as well as telescopic.


Generally, however, I assume that telescopic senses work more like a pair of binoculars. If you are specifically looking for something with a pair of binoculars, the most efficient way to do it is spot the general area without the binoculars (if you can) then zoom in on the area for detail. Imagine standing in a 10 foot cube, knowing there is a small dot on the inside surface that you can JUST see with the naked eye at 5 foot. You have 600 square feet to scan. If you can scan 10 square feet a second it should take you no more than a minute.


Now imagine that you are in a 100 foot cube, same rules, but you have a pair of 10x binoculars. You can not spot the dot with the naked eye so you have to scan with the binoculars, in order to be able to see the dot. This time you have 60 000 square feet to scan. You can still only manage 10 square feet a second: all the binoculars do is make it seem you are closer - they do not expand your field of vision, they probably reduce it in fact, but let us ignore that. This time, to guarantee finding it is going to take 6000 seconds, or 100 minutes.


As for filtering, I tend to assume that you can filter, but I would certainly apply penalties for less than ideal conditions. Ever played with a parabolic reflector wired to a microphone? You genuinely can hear things better in the direction you are pointing. In fact you can even filter just by cupping your hands round your ears with the open bit pointing forward.


Thing about that though is that it relatively amplifies sound in the direction you are pointing BUT relatively dampens it everywhere else.


This may seem like overthinking - but you do not need to have these considerations in the forefront of your mind, so long as they sit at the back and excercise a little gentle control over proceedings. At the end of the day, if it is vital to the game that you hear the hissing of a fuse wire, and the hammering of a bound Lois' heart as she struggles to spit out the dynamite gag :hush: over 300 feet away across a crowded nightclub and through four intervening walls, it is more important that you get the chance to do so than that we worry about whether it is technically possible. :D





*well, as logical as you can be in these situations


Yeah. I'm a physicist. Believe me, all those considerations bounce around in my head when I think of this sort of thing. And I try to balance how much of it I want to influence my gaming as well. Some of it is a realism/physics point of view, and some of it is a game balance point of view (e.g. that learning Chinese example mentioned earlier). So I kinda try to use one to satisfy the other, if you get what I mean.


If you've got enough of a hearing bonus to be able to hear all the dastardly plans of the villains as they are being made, what kind of balance can we bring in to keep it from happening all the time and making life too easy? Silence fields everywhere? Heh. You're right that the Rapid thing might be a good balancer, but hearing is kind of an interesting sense as well, which doesn't always parallel extremely well similar examples with sight. So yeah, like I said I tend to flip-flop quite a bit. I think what I need is a good hour of philosophic musing on the subject at some point. LOL.


A little Telescopic shouldn't be a replacement for full-blown Clairsentience. Then again, those are real points and the character should definitely get what was paid for. Hearing a cry for help from across the city I'm all for. Heck, I'd almost give the character points for such an ability. :eg:;)

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods



If you've got enough of a hearing bonus to be able to hear all the dastardly plans of the villains as they are being made, what kind of balance can we bring in to keep it from happening all the time and making life too easy? Silence fields everywhere? Heh. You're right that the Rapid thing might be a good balancer, but hearing is kind of an interesting sense as well, which doesn't always parallel extremely well similar examples with sight. So yeah, like I said I tend to flip-flop quite a bit. I think what I need is a good hour of philosophic musing on the subject at some point. LOL.


A little Telescopic shouldn't be a replacement for full-blown Clairsentience. Then again, those are real points and the character should definitely get what was paid for. Hearing a cry for help from across the city I'm all for. Heck, I'd almost give the character points for such an ability. :eg:;)


Perhaps normal hearing ought to include the ability:


Rapid sense (x2) 10 points, 11- activation (8- if not concentrating specifically) (-1) 5 points :)


Actually, to an extent at least, the ability to pick up stuff you are not specifically concentrating on is taken into consideration by the increased arc of perception: sight HAS to concentrate on a limited field, hearing can pick stuff up whereever it is in relation to you.


I agree that the ability for a character to know where the plot wants him or her to go next should probably be a freebie:


Detect deliberate GM hints (class of things) 5 points

Incresed arc of perception 5 points

Ranged 5 points

Sense 2 points


All NCC (-2)


17 points active, 6 points real :)

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


Couldn't ya take Danger Sense? You can take it in and out of Combat, a big area, and Danger to others...that way you "hear" screams but not villians plotting (unless the GM feels you should...;) ) and then you set it in the Hearing sense group (Say take Flashes as both D-sense and Hearing...-1/4?)

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


Couldn't ya take Danger Sense? You can take it in and out of Combat' date=' a big area, and Danger to others...that way you "hear" screams but not villians plotting (unless the GM feels you should...;) ) and then you set it in the Hearing sense group (Say take Flashes as both D-sense and Hearing...-1/4?)[/quote']


Nice idea! Some Limitations (Others Only?) could make it a very well tailored construct.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


Couldn't ya take Danger Sense? You can take it in and out of Combat' date=' a big area, and Danger to others...that way you "hear" screams but not villians plotting (unless the GM feels you should...;) ) and then you set it in the Hearing sense group (Say take Flashes as both D-sense and Hearing...-1/4?)[/quote']


But then you're essentially just rebuilding an existing sense with a Talent that itself was just built using Detect. I'd just stay with the Passive Sonar or Spatial Awareness approaches instead.


from 5er page 89,


Danger Sense Cost:

base ability is Detect Danger Detectable By Normal Human Senses In Combat, Including Range To Danger [5 Character Points], Increased Arc Of Perception [360 Degrees; +5 points], plus Targeting; Only If Make Half Roll [-1].

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Re: Daredevil-like senses and PER Mods


But then you're essentially just rebuilding an existing sense with a Talent that itself was just built using Detect. I'd just stay with the Passive Sonar or Spatial Awareness approaches instead.


from 5er page 89,


True, but you solve the "Plot Busting Hearing" issue by taking D-sense.....

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