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Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


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Re: Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


I'll have to admit that I won't be able to hand in any results. I was too busy the last weeks. I had some wonderful ideas though, but I'll be keeping them for myself, in case of possible future usage. :D


All I can say is that the three villains would have been enemies of the Pope's own super team, the New Palatine Guard! :king:

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Re: Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


OK... tomorrow is the last day for this. Wow, three weeks just flew by.

I'm going to announce the winners on Friday. It'll take a few days to look through them properly and run them by my regular playing group to get some feedback.

So MANY great ideas...

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Re: Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


Go ahead and colour it.

I think I have sorting things out and I shall post the results later this afternoon.



Cool, got the pic done and it's one of my best (if i do say so myself). I'll wait to post it though just in case the final depictions give me different colors to work with.

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Re: Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


OK, sorry sorry for the delay, but I'm drawing a lot lately.

This was a very difficult contest to judge. I was impressed with people's ability to make connections between three characters that were drawn at random on a whim 20 years ago. The current drawing was done this year, but the characters have been kicking around for some years..

There were some really cool suggestions and creative ideas I would have never come up with.

First off, the honourable mentions...

CoreBrute come up with the amazing name "The Devil's Skin" and the line "He has actually no connection to magic. He's just had a very bad 17 years."

Balabanto came up with the cool idea of the single villain, something I had considered before this, but already had a similar character in an old campaign and I think there was a Buffy big bad like that.

Golden Age took CoreBrute's great name and came up with a different twist that could be a cool, sympathetic villain.

I appreciated Eosin's take on the characters, but like all the characters in my campaigns I want to keep them separate from any existing game or comic universe.

Highwayman's God, the Devil and Dr. Bob sounds like a great movie. Really nice idea of character chemistry there. It would make a neat webcomic.

jwpacker brough a fascinating gender-bending twist with Sharlene. I must admit I would have never thought of that one. Good work also on Aleph and the Reverend.

Greenbriar's ID, Ego and Superego was a cool idea that would have been interesting to see developed.


that leads us to the three prize winning entries brought to us by two contestants.

That's right folks, there are TWO (count em) TWO winners. Lucius and Bob Greenwade (the crowd goes wild) Each of these winners has earned THREE FULL COLOUR character drawings of their very own characters (or existing characters in fabulous poses determined by the winners)! I was seriously impressed with both of their entries and appreciated the time and effort spent on each.


So... what is the final Character group?

I'm using Bob's name Trinity of Villainy.

The top member is Lucius's creation "The Phantom". I liked the mentalist/occult/man who wasn't there concept. Also the fact that he is being manipulated by another villain (which could very easily be Bob's Mind character, he's definitly tough enough to be a major villain in my campaign and I like the Big Boss idea).

Bob's Body writeup is the "vampire brick" I've been waiting all my life to meet. I think he'd be a major threat to my campaign. I'm stealing Lucius' name Scaredevil though. I just didn't want two mentalists. I also liked Bob's linking him to New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina. That's gold.

Lucius' Reverend Chuck is the third character. I like the ambiguous nature of his powers and the dangers of too much power. Kramer's Beads sold me on it though. Holy cow. I think though that Reverend Chuck has taken it upon himself to convince Scaredevil (the vampire) that he could use his "curse" as a boon and do something positive in the world.

So, you see why both of them just had to win? Looks like I'll be doing some drawing in the near future. I'll post the results here and they'll double as my daily drawings over 6 days.

Thank you everyone for participating. I think these boards have a great wealth of creativity and advice and thought this would be fun. Thank you.

Lucius and Bob, please contact me on here with messages and I'll get the specs for your drawings. You earned them.

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Re: Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


Great stuff here. This is a low res version of my colors...


Edit: there is a large version of the picture, which looks much cleaner, on my deviantArt account now. I'm really pleased with the way this turned out, and I love the character concepts here.



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Re: Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


Crisis of Faith:


The Atheist [Top center]: "I believe in nothing therefore nothing is real!"


Powers: MC Esher-like Illusions. Up is down, left is right, nothing is as it seems. Ego attack ("mind blowing").


Background: Philosophy Professor Ted Spooner tought the philosophy of nothing-ness for years until the University dumped him because he "had nothing esle to offer." This sent him into a downward spiral of despair, and then, when he was at his lowest, everything (or rather "nothing") became clear. All existance was a lie and only he could see the trueth, but he was determined to make everyone else see.


Personality: Ted is pretty sure he's the smartest man in the room wherever he goes. Some might call him delusional but he thinks everyone else is just too dumb to see "his trueth". he's also an old school hippy.


Father Voodoo [bottom right]: "I believe in everything! Feel the sting of my contradiction!"


powers: Check-list hero/villain. Each multipower slot is inspire by a different religion/practice (holy bolt, voodoo summoning, budha's force field, etc...)


Background: Rev. Don Harper bounced around many foster homes as a child and each one forced him to take part in a different religion. Eventually he came to the point where he was too afraid of being wrong to not believe in any of them, so he decided to believe in all of them. He finally snapped when he began manifesting powers and started believing that he was the chosen one for every faith.


Personality: Split. one minute he's calm and collected, the next he's cowering in a corner. Pointing out that any of his religions directly contradict each other sends him into a rage.


Devil's Frontman [bottom left]: "Penny for your soul?"


Powers: brick with sonic scream (why not?).


Background: Satanic-rock star dies in a fiery bus crash and is reborn to shake the pillars of faith. Someone down under has big plans for him, and i don't mean Australia. For now his orders are to make as much noise as possible (in a world media sense) in the name of the Devil.


Personality: Nobert Wellermier is not very bright, but he knows how to rock. He's only doing this for money and chicks. :rockon: The other guys can do all the planning. Sometimes, something darker takes over but Nobert claims to black out during these episodes.

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Re: Three Villains, one picture, no ideas.. One Contest...


Thank you!


While praise is always welcome, I want to say again that I don't think my ideas are necessarily better than those of anyone else here. In particular Greenbriar's suggestion made me look again at the picture and ask, why didn't I think of that one?


But I had a lot of fun thinking about this challenge and working on the characters.


Everyone's been remarkably kind about it too. I keep looking at Scaredevil and seeing flaws and questionable elements, but no one has jumped on it.


As it happens, I'd recently been reading about Charles Manson and about Jim Jones - which is where the inspiration for Reverend Chuck came from. Quite a lot of that character in fact comes directly from those two historical figures.


As for Phantom, the idea of "the person no one remembers" has been kicked around on the boards before.


And Pandemonium - I have no idea where the devil (pardon the expression) the inspiration for THAT one came from!


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary hopes I'll have a portrait done of it, but I haven't made up my mind to that yet.

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