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Stormbringer universe to HS


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Hello. I want to explore the Stombringer/Elric universe (I've got the 1985 version :)) with the Hero System. I want to know if there is someone who has already make the conversion for the SUMMON/LINK demon? If not, how would you build a DEMON with the SUMMON power that can let the warlock use the DEMON POWER ...or let the demon power be a part of the equipment of the Warlock.


Exemple : A Demon of protection can be summon by a sorcerer. this sorcer want to define the power of the demon ... and link it to his armor. In the 1985 version, a sorcerer could link the demon of protection to his armor and get a bonus of protection defined by the CONSTITUTION of the DEMON linked.

Same thinking with the DEMON OF COmbat. THe sorcerer get a bonus to his attack roll depending of the STR of the DEMOn. THe more STR the demon had, the more bonus the sorcerer get.


I want to recreate that SUMMON POWER. How could it be done. I'M kind of a newbie to the system...and I need some help. I appreciate your time for this.


Sorry for the english....I speak french..so, I know there is a lot of grammatical mistake here :(

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Re: Stormbringer universe to HS


Take a look at The Valdorian Age supplement for Fantasy Hero. It has a magic system that is nearly perfect for Stormbringer style games. Sorcerers in VA use a Summon to spin off all their magic, and keep track of a "credit/debit" favor system with the entities with whom they exploit.


It is much different than the Chaosium magic system, but I feel it reflects the books much more closely.


also check out http://www.multiverse.org. It's the Moorcock site and there's a healthy community of gamers exploring his Multiverse over there.

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Re: Stormbringer universe to HS


Yes, do check out the Valdorian Age Fantasy Hero book it has a great magic system that is very Elric-esque.


The sorcerers there get a Summon power and have all the rest of their spells based on the power level of the Summon.


The Active Points of the spells in their Multi-Power Pool are limited to a maximum of the Active Points of the required Summon. Or adjust this number to whatever proportion works best for you.


Then you use the MPP Slots to create enhancements such as Demon Weapons and Demon Armor.


If I recall correctly, this is sort of like Chaosium's Elric and Stormbringer games using the POW stat of a creature.

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Re: Stormbringer universe to HS


Thank you for the suggestion. I will buy the Valdorain Age setting.


Until them, I need your help for some concept ideas for the binding part of a summoning. Here what I have done for the limitation of a Demon summoning. Is that ok?


The general limitation :


Limitations : OAF Expendable (Hellbore supplie, difficult to obtain ; -1¼), Concentration (½ ML ; -½), Increased END cost (X5; -2), Require a skill roll (-½), Side Effect (Drain END 3d6 ;-½), Delayed Return Rate (Rec/day only; -1), Extra time (1 hours / 10 Active points ; -3½), Gesture (-½).

The Specific limitations :

Démon of combat : Antagonist/hostile (-¾), OAF Expendable (sacrifice human – difficult to obtain ; -¼) Total : -10 ¾


Demon of protection: Antagonist/annoyed (-¼),OAF Expendable (sacrifice animal – difficult to obtain ; -¼) Total : 10¼


Démon of knowledge: Antagonist/annoyed (-¼),OAF Expendable (sacrifice art objet – difficult to obtain ; -¼) Total : 10¼


Démon of transport: Antagonist/annoyed (-¼),OAF Expendable (sacrifice animal volant – difficult to obtain ; -¼) Total : 10¼



Now .... I want to build a SUMMON POWER that let a sorcerer conjure a demon. But I want the ACTIVE POINTS taking for a demon power be limited to the value of an abilitie. Let say that my DEMON of PROTECTION can help the sorcerer to have a better armor when he bind it to his armor. The demon could have the power ARMOR. Now, how much CHARACTER POINT could the sorcerer spend on the ARMOR power? My idea is that if the sorcerer put 45 points in CONSTITUTION (the characteristic link to ARMOR, IMO), then the ARMOR power would have a maximum of 45 CHARACTER point spent. So the demon could have 30PD/15 ED maximum.


My need for your help is here :


1. How do I build this concept? How do I link a maximum Character Point defined by the value of a CHARACTERISTIC.


2. How do I build a Power that chan bind a demon in an objet?


I know ... I must buy the Valdorian Age ...But I can't now. So, I will try to do this on my own for now. And I'll appreciate if you could help me on this.

Thank you very much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Stormbringer universe to HS



1. How do I build this concept? How do I link a maximum Character Point defined by the value of a CHARACTERISTIC.


2. How do I build a Power that chan bind a demon in an objet?



In so far as I understand the question - you don't.


Hero works by "Reasoning from Effect." What is the effect you want for binding a demon to an object?


Basically, you would do this by defining the object as a Power bought through a Focus, perhaps with some other Limitations.


Lucius Alexander


Looking for something suitably absurd to bind a palindromedary into.

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Re: Stormbringer universe to HS


In so far as I understand the question - you don't.


Hero works by "Reasoning from Effect." What is the effect you want for binding a demon to an object?


Basically, you would do this by defining the object as a Power bought through a Focus, perhaps with some other Limitations.


Lucius Alexander


Looking for something suitably absurd to bind a palindromedary into.


One way to do it might be ... transform! :D


Actually, I'm only partly kidding. One of the tropes in my fantasy game is that all magic items have to be paid for by points. Not necessarily by the person who carries it, but by the person who makes it. Since most artificer types are not that keen on spending their own XP (life force) to make items for sale, they often look for ways to get someone else to carry the burden.


The typical way is a sacrifice (either willing or not). It doesn't have to be physical - in the game, a witch made a protective charm for the players in exchange for memories of a happy event, in another case a wizard taught one some spells in exchange for some years of life (in both cases the PCs lost some XP, that were transferred to the item/NPC) and the lost XP was covered in one case by a small disadvantage.


However there is a cult that makes powerful magic items by summoning demons and binding them into the item (ie: they summon and trap the demon, and then transform the demon into the desired item). This has the advantage that it's cheap (you get a lot of free points in a demon!) but has the disadvantage that ... well ... your magic item is actually powered by a demon. And since it's a transform, you have to have some way for the demon to "heal back" (typically some gobbledygook "Like in a week where two Mondays come together" etc). And if it's smashed, or dispelled .... I had the classic Niven bit, where at one point the PC with the neato-kewl magic sword gets it dispelled and then discovers he's holding a very angry demon by the foot ....


So, I'm not suggesting that the player in question does this. But he could buy the magic item with the powers he wants and then limit it by associating the item with a specific demon, which gets him a pretty decent recoverable focus bonus. In other words, to generate a 20 active point power, he needs to summon 20 active points worth of demon first (not the actual points in the summon power, just the points in the demon). This is pretty much what he's suggesting. Whether the demon is a demon of protection or a Demon of seduction is pretty much up to the sorceror, but should be reflected in it's stat.s and powers.



cheers, Mark

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