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new marvel time line


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Hello everyone I'm working on a time line for an up and coming game. The game is based in a world based roughly (very roughly) marvels. As I went throw my stack of old and new comics I noticed some things redundant story lines ex. Civil war/ mutant reg. Phoenix saga and onslaught old characters that have yet to age standing next to young characters that are now fully grown and well just some really bad story arcs and patch works. So hear is what I need help with

  1. what story lines seem like there just rehash of an old story so should be combined
  2. what current characters should be retired or if they died once should stay dead
  3. are there any story lines you liked but just got ditched

just to bring you to speed on what Ive done so far

  1. the first shield agency was formed in 1943 there task black ops missions overseas using meta humans this is not known to anyone outside of nick fury last mission exterminate all known meta humans collect all meta tech this mission started in 1945 and finished 1951 most ww2 metas wiped out some went into hiding they did not know there was a gene if you showed power you were hunted
  2. during ww2 Germany had the largest force of meta humans they just weren't very powerful japan had some of the most powerful but were few in number other nations had very levels in these scales only the us had high numbers in both

your input and ideas would be appreciated

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Re: new marvel time line


Well I have to say I stole the idea of an Avengers, and pretty much an entire Marvel, legacy game from some of the guys here.




While I can't remember what they did specifically I know I got together with my players and discussed with them what they liked and wanted from a Marvel time line. We pretty much went with everything in Marvel up to and including the basic idea of Disassembled in real time and that occurred in the mid to late 80's. So it's 20 years later. Spider-man retired and his daughters running around. Thor had been missing. Stark died a couple of years ago due to liver failure. Cap has still been waging his one man campaign on keeping the world free. We decided that Colossus from the X-Men, Guardian of Alpha Flight and a couple of others I can't think of stayed dead. I think the only thing I blatantly stole from them was that Kitty Pryde was the new head of SHEILD.


As I said we did go with the basic idea of Disassembled. However it wasn't due to the Scarlett Witch gong off the deep end yet. No one, including the players, know exactly why the Avengers disbanded. That's going to come up at some point and if done right they may just hate me. :sneaky:


If you have any other questions or need anything just toss me a line. I'd be happy to help out.

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Re: new marvel time line


Well I have to say I stole the idea of an Avengers, and pretty much an entire Marvel, legacy game from some of the guys here.




Hey, that's my game! :rockon:


Well, technically Snake Gandhi started it, but when he disappeared I took over as GM. It's kinda on hiatus right now due to issues at work, but I fully intend to get back to it. It's too cool a game to let lie fallow forever. :)


Hawksmoor described it about right. Approximately 10 years ago, the Avengers disbanded for reasons yet-to-be-revealed. Thor went back to Asgard, Stark went back to his business (and eventually passed away), and so on. Ten years later, a group of young heroes, the sons and daughters of the original Avengers, come together under the guidance of Katherine "Kitty" Pryde (Director of SHIELD) to fight evils too strong for any one hero to stand against.


The team currently consists of:

, son of Captain America

, son of Hank and Jan Pym

Black Knight III
, daughter of Black Knight II and Sersei

Shield Maiden
, adopted daughter of Thor

Iron Girl
, daughter of Iron Man

, daughter of Spider-Man

Ms. Marvel II
, daughter of Ms. Marvel

We've had three spin-off games from it: Thunderbolts: The Next Generation, X-Men: the Next Generation, and West Coast Avengers: The Next Generation. :D

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Re: new marvel time line


Awesome HawksmoorSD! :) I'd love to see a breakdown of your version (either online somewhere or in a separate thread) sometime. :thumbup:


Hello everyone I'm working on a time line for an up and coming game. The game is based in a world based roughly (very roughly) marvels. As I went throw my stack of old and new comics I noticed some things redundant story lines ex. Civil war/ mutant reg. Phoenix saga and onslaught old characters that have yet to age standing next to young characters that are now fully grown and well just some really bad story arcs and patch works. So hear is what I need help with

  1. what story lines seem like there just rehash of an old story so should be combined
  2. what current characters should be retired or if they died once should stay dead
  3. are there any story lines you liked but just got ditched

just to bring you to speed on what Ive done so far

  1. the first shield agency was formed in 1943 there task black ops missions overseas using meta humans this is not known to anyone outside of nick fury last mission exterminate all known meta humans collect all meta tech this mission started in 1945 and finished 1951 most ww2 metas wiped out some went into hiding they did not know there was a gene if you showed power you were hunted
  2. during ww2 Germany had the largest force of meta humans they just weren't very powerful japan had some of the most powerful but were few in number other nations had very levels in these scales only the us had high numbers in both

your input and ideas would be appreciated


Any particular reason behind point 1? (in what you've already established) Just to explain the "superhero null zone" of the 1950's? Was there a particular rationale for SHIELD/govt to do so, and if so why didn't they pick up where they left off when supers started to reappear? Presumably the really powerful ones like Apocalypse either weren't around or just weren't found. What about folks like Magneto and Sub-Mariner? With the US having the most and most powerful supers, why take them out? Seems like a waste. Not to mention ungrateful.


As for the storylines/characters, personally mainly the redundancies and the things I just personally don't like. :D If you have three characters that are pretty much the same, you can get rid of at least one of them.


*Any of the Thanos and Warlock post-resurrection stuff. The initial storylines were cool, leave them be. No need for all the Infinity mess. Besides, if you need more "universe almost destroyed" stories you've got the M'krann Crystal, Korvac, and folks like Galactus and Dark Phoenix.


*Speaking of which, Jean Grey should have stayed dead. Great storyline, her coming back really weakens the impact and the sacrifice. It should remain one of the central moments of the X-story.


*I (and the Marvel:TNG games mentioned above) pretty much ignore everything around 2002 on - Disassembled, Civil War, etc. Once Busiek left Avengers is around where we cut off, with selective memory and rewrites for earlier things as needed.


*Venom and the whole symbiote plague that followed. The original alien costume story was pretty interesting, but Venom and all that followed left me pretty cold. And I hear lately they made Mac Gargan (Scorpion) Venom now? Gah. Scorpion was cool, why ruin him? There's plenty of "almost like Spidey's powers" bad guys in the Spidey books (like Scorpion himself), why add another half-dozen with crazy teeth?


*Pretty much any "everything you thought you knew was a lie!" stories and everything that flows from them, especially where they mess with the origin story. Nope, Peter Parker couldn't just randomly get bitten by a radioactive spider, it's really some mystically-influenced hooplah! :thumbdown

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Re: new marvel time line


Awesome HawksmoorSD! :) I'd love to see a breakdown of your version (either online somewhere or in a separate thread) sometime. :thumbup:




Any particular reason behind point 1? (in what you've already established) Just to explain the "superhero null zone" of the 1950's? Was there a particular rationale for SHIELD/govt to do so, and if so why didn't they pick up where they left off when supers started to reappear? Presumably the really powerful ones like Apocalypse either weren't around or just weren't found. What about folks like Magneto and Sub-Mariner? With the US having the most and most powerful supers, why take them out? Seems like a waste. Not to mention ungrateful.


As for the storylines/characters, personally mainly the redundancies and the things I just personally don't like. :D If you have three characters that are pretty much the same, you can get rid of at least one of them.


*Any of the Thanos and Warlock post-resurrection stuff. The initial storylines were cool, leave them be. No need for all the Infinity mess. Besides, if you need more "universe almost destroyed" stories you've got the M'krann Crystal, Korvac, and folks like Galactus and Dark Phoenix.


*Speaking of which, Jean Grey should have stayed dead. Great storyline, her coming back really weakens the impact and the sacrifice. It should remain one of the central moments of the X-story.


*I (and the Marvel:TNG games mentioned above) pretty much ignore everything around 2002 on - Disassembled, Civil War, etc. Once Busiek left Avengers is around where we cut off, with selective memory and rewrites for earlier things as needed.


*Venom and the whole symbiote plague that followed. The original alien costume story was pretty interesting, but Venom and all that followed left me pretty cold. And I hear lately they made Mac Gargan (Scorpion) Venom now? Gah. Scorpion was cool, why ruin him? There's plenty of "almost like Spidey's powers" bad guys in the Spidey books (like Scorpion himself), why add another half-dozen with crazy teeth?


*Pretty much any "everything you thought you knew was a lie!" stories and everything that flows from them, especially where they mess with the origin story. Nope, Peter Parker couldn't just randomly get bitten by a radioactive spider, it's really some mystically-influenced hooplah! :thumbdown

could mcarthyism be the cause of the "1950's null zone" the MU's sen mcarthy could has accused supers of being comunists

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Re: new marvel time line


Regarding what I would like to see in a "New" Marvel timeline ...


Related to the whole Jean Grey thing (BTW, is SHE currently alive or dead? I opted out of the X-titles years ago and have lost track), basically stop torturing Scott 'Cyclops' Summers.


Honest to god, it's like he is the Marvel Universe's crash test dummy for personal relationships; with all the bizarre stuff that keeps happening to people he dates, or marries, or is simply related to. Plus all the retconning that keeps being done to his background / family history. Enough, already.

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Re: new marvel time line


Hey everyone

wow thanks for the great input

1st bunnen your game setting is great sounds like a blast to play

serpent; shield felt the first meta humans were to great a threat to be left unchecked the chose a heavy hand solution (most meta-humans are kinda unstable)


so do we all agree jean dies after phoenix saga?

Thanks for your help so far ill post my time line this weak to see what you all think

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Re: new marvel time line


Regarding what I would like to see in a "New" Marvel timeline ...


Related to the whole Jean Grey thing (BTW, is SHE currently alive or dead? I opted out of the X-titles years ago and have lost track), basically stop torturing Scott 'Cyclops' Summers.


Honest to god, it's like he is the Marvel Universe's crash test dummy for personal relationships; with all the bizarre stuff that keeps happening to people he dates, or marries, or is simply related to. Plus all the retconning that keeps being done to his background / family history. Enough, already.



That's because he's the personification of suck in the MU. But you're right, stop torturing him- he was killed during the Twelve storyline so just keep him dead and stop annoying everyone with his incessant `Woe is me`whining.

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Re: new marvel time line


this is just a ruff

1914/1918 ww1

1918: MI8 founded (us)

1923: interpol founded (international)

1928 shield founded (us)replaces MI8

1939/1945: ww2 ends

1940: shield sends an agent (Steve Rogers) on mission to assassinate Hitler this mission was a failure but the world gains first knowledge of captain America as his daring escape face covered by the American flag

1942: O.S.S founded (us) becomes C.I.A

1943: shield strike team code named liberty legion first mission

1950/1953 Korean war

1951 the howling commandos Sargent. Nick fury field commandeer

1946/1949 the British empire under the rule of a group known as the party

1950 capt. America (MIA)last mission investigate new criminal organization hydra

1946/1955 the purge: shield under the control of the party orders all known meta humans to be killed;

1952 the underground formed agent nick fury starts an underground movement to save all the meta humans he can team , Eric magnus, Charles Xavier, Johnathon Summers, James Logan

1953: mysterious group hydra comes to world stage (leader yellow claw) agent jimmy woo primary investigator

1954: the survivors of the purge form the brotherhood there plan was to learn about project midnight the result: Xavier crippled, body of Steve rogers recovered (coma), James Logan lost, Eric magnus goes rogue director of shield killed

1963: avengers, Xavier institute founded

1967: nick fury named new director of shield

1971: Illuminati formed

1972: X-Corps (x-men), shield becomes a global supported privet agency

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