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The Unmasking

Marcus Impudite

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Your character and his/her associates have just been fighting an armored villain who wears a full-coverage helmet that completely conceals his face. After several turns of brutal battle, you've finally managed put him down for the count. Naturally, someone in your party is curious to see just what it is he's hiding. With the villain sprawled unconscious at your feet, one of you approaches, kneels down, and carefully removes the helmet. There's a collective gasp as it's revealed that...


A) ...he's so bodaciously ugly just looking at his face makes your skin crawl and your gastrointestinal track want to kick into reverse gear.




B) ...he turns out to be someone you know! (or rather, someone you thought you knew)



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Re: The Unmasking


a. Without looking Scardey cat closes the helmet again, and babbles about curiosity killing the cat, what you expected your evil twin brother?


b. Depends on who if it was a real jerk he'd go with "Well that explains it."

If it was a friend he'd sit down and spend hours thinking over every second they spent together to see if he could see what he missed.

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Re: The Unmasking




A) Badger is fairly ugly is own self. It would take a lot to really hit him on that regard


B) Doubt it would matter really. Everyone he truly cares about are dead. Unless that is the case, just an oh well moment.



Frosty Bob:


A) Unless it is Cthulhu himself.....So?


B) "Well, and I thought that guy was nothing but a wimpy (edit)"

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Re: The Unmasking


Volt - a) Wonder if this caused his villian nature. Nevertheless, turn him in. And try to help with the disfigurement. B) Either go a) "figures" if he never liked him or B) "Whoa! I'd never guess." No matter what turn them in and expose them.


Olorin -a) He's seen worse. No biggie. B) He's a good judge of character, so it's unlikey he liked the guy. Or trusted him. In any case, he go "Ok. That's interesting." and turn them in exposing then.


Black Tiger - All cases. Shrug, turn them in and expose them. Scenario A may cause to wince a bit, but he's seen worse.


Leadman - A) Pause. Blink a bit and then turn them in. B) Ditto. Friends he would be shocked by - since he has few and knows them well. He has lots of people he knows though.


Futurian - a) "Whoa. Is he ug-lee! Even this time period has plastic surgery. Why didn't he use it?" B) "Oh wow. Frajic. (future slang for freaky/tragic)" Turn them in and promptly forget about it.

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