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Tornado Summoning


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I have a character who can summon storms and the like, I'm trying to figure out how to build a tornado conjuring power. I'm sure it will be a summon but I'm not sure how to go about it.


I know what I want it to do.


It can lift debris and cars, so some type TK in a AOE of about 20 feet.

I want it to shoot random pieces of rubble in random directions.

and I want to be able to set it and forget it, so I guess it will be independent.

And probably some Desod so that it will be immune to physical stuff like a tunnel of wind should be. And anything else anyone comes up with would be appreciated.


anyone know where to start?

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Re: Tornado Summoning


Before commenting on the various ways to do this I have to ask, why are you "sure it will be a summon"? Is it supposed to be an elemental wind spirit or a sentient tornado or something?

Also I don't think Independent is what you mean since that is a Limitation. Perhaps Continuous is what you're looking for?

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Re: Tornado Summoning


mostly i was sure it would be a summon because that seemed like the easiest way to make a giant uncontrolled effect that had multiple abilities. the character is an elemental and the tornado is alive or anything he just causes that weather to happen. if you guys think there is a better way than a summon thats great, thats why i brought it here.

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Re: Tornado Summoning


Actually I quite like the Summon idea. A big, desol critter with wind powers. Maybe it's an automata. If it is uncontrolled then talk it out with the GM to decide what sort of things your Wind Elemental is likely to do when summoned. It's one of those best to be on the same page things.


Truth be told it's probably cheaper and easier to go with the AoE TK that's been mentioned. But I do like the Elemental idea... might just have to borrow that.

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