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Fantasy Hero with 6E


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Howdy all. Just starting with HERO for the first time (longtime gamer though) and I'm about halfway through my first read of 6E1. I'm loving the customization options for characters.


I'm planning to run a 6E fantasy game and I'm wondering if the existing Fantasy Hero stuff (the Grimoire an Monsters books especially) are easily used with 6E or if they are going to be re-released eventually at new editions.


All advice welcome!


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Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E


I'm planning to run a 6E fantasy game and I'm wondering if the existing Fantasy Hero stuff (the Grimoire an Monsters books especially) are easily used with 6E or if they are going to be re-released eventually at new editions.


Welcome aboard! Most of the 5e books should still be usable. The point values will be off, but converting shouldn't be too hard. Fantasy Hero for 6e is supposed to be the big GenCon release for 2010.

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Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E


A typical 6th Edition Fantasy character will be built with 175 points instead of the 150 points that was normal in earlier editions. This is largely to compensate for the change in characteristic costs. That said, if you give an extra 25 points to a published character from fifth edition and with that try to convert them into the identical character in sixth edition, you will find that you still come up short. This will especially be true for any character that had a high dex in fifth edition. The easiest way to handle the transition, instead of having to recalculate all the points for the sake of balance is to use the fifth edition characters 'as they are', except you drop their OCV/DCV combat values each one or two points. Characters that had a lot of other characteristics that were bought up, drop their OCV/DCV by one. If the character was 'mostly' dex, drop their combat value by two, as they likely wouldn't have the points to get their combat values up to more than that.


If the character is really important in your game, you might redo the character in it's entirety, as in some instances you will want to deliberately buy down their dex now in order to shave points. It costs 20 points still for a dex of 20 and all that gets a character is initiative and nice stealth rolls. While in fifth edition is was quite normal to encounter high dex characters because they 'needed' the high dex for OCV/DCV, in sixth I have virtually never built a character with more than a 13 dex. For initiative I might buy a few levels of Lightning Reflexes.

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Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E


I'm planning to run a 6E fantasy game and I'm wondering if the existing Fantasy Hero stuff (the Grimoire an Monsters books especially) are easily used with 6E or if they are going to be re-released eventually at new editions.


Hi John! Welcome to Hero. :hex:


Our current plans for the Fantasy Hero line are as follows: we'll be releasing a new, 6E-compatible, edition of Fantasy Hero this August, at GenCon, and follow it a little later in the year with a new and comprehensive edition of The Fantasy Hero Grimoire. Earlier in the year, probably April-ish, we'll release a new, 6E version of The HERO System Bestiary, which of course contains all the classic Fantasy monsters and is very useful in FH games.


By and large all existing 5E FH supplements, especially settings, are easy to use with 6E. A few costs may have changed, but overall the rules are the same and converting things over is pretty easy if you feel that's necessary. Some characters and spells come out a little more expensive, some come out a little cheaper, but overall it works out pretty well. ;)

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Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E


At this point that seems unlikely. Our Fantasy Hero settings have done OK, but not really well enough that we're eager to keep doing more things in that vein while we have better projects in the works. But perhaps some day the hankering to write up Aarn will take hold of me strongly enough for me to work on such a book in my spare time. After all, like most Fantasy connoisseurs I've often wanted to take my own crack at Lankhmar. ;)

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Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E


I'd love to see Long's Lankhmar with all 7 eyes!


Grashnak, 6E isn't so different from 5E (or 4E for that matter), the character generation points are slightly different but in actual play you can pretty much just use the Characters/Monsters/Items/Spells etc. as is and it'll work out fine -- e.g., if a spell is a Forcewall it'll work fine as is or you can take the time to convert it to a Barrier.


I'd say build the player characters with 6e and as the GM save time and just use whatever you need from 5e as is unless you have the time to convert it to 6e and even then maybe only bother for ongoing characters and effects, for one off monsters/npcs etc. the players won't notice the difference.

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Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E


At this point that seems unlikely. Our Fantasy Hero settings have done OK' date=' but not really well enough that we're eager to keep doing more things in that vein while we have better projects in the works. But perhaps some day the hankering to write up Aarn will take hold of me strongly enough for me to work on such a book in my spare time. After all, like most Fantasy connoisseurs I've often wanted to take my own crack at Lankhmar. ;)[/quote']

I don't generally buy settings, but I would make an exception for that.

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Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E


Conversions from 5e to 6e are fairly straightforward. I have seen price differentials come into play with combat values due to the decoupling of DEX and CVs. The result is that I've taken the opportunity to lower my fantast genre CVs across the board, bringing them more into line with the baseline examples in pulp hero.

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