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Pinning a Limb To The Wall


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With a bladed weapon.


This is what I developed. Comments? Suggestions?


Prison Of Steel: Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Backlash (see text*; +1/2), Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Set Effect (Limbs Only) (-1), Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), Susceptible (Entangle can be removed simply by pulling weapon out of character/wall; -1), OIF (edged weapon of opportunity; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Lockout (weapon used to "create" Entangle must remain with Entangled character; -1/2). Total cost: 14 points.


*Since you use an edged weapon, the Backlash is always an HKA. On the other hand, it's limited to only a few DCs.

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall


Pinning Limbs usually falls into one of 2 Categories:

1) The limb is pinned indirectly (via clothing or being 'surrounded' by the pinning weapon)

2) The limb is pinned directly (Knife through the palm, for example)


The Entangle seems to represent the pinning portion of #2 reasonably (if the Backlash is limited by the weapon's DC, plus possibly the Entangle character's STR), but is missing the Damage portion of ramming the weapon through the limb to begins with. It could be used this way as part of a Combined Attack with the weapon.

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall


I'm going for #2 (since that was the description in Feng Shui: Blood of the Valiant reads like). I'll mention needing to either Link this to a weapon or have the PC make a Multiple Power Attack when he uses it.

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall


I'd consider building it as limited grab attack; the attacker's STR roll would determine how well the victim is pinned, and double as a damage roll. This would also give the victim a target number for a STR roll to escape. This build could work with thrown bladed weapons as well. (spend a recoverable charge) For the damage caused by attempting to escape, add a triggered KA.



Don't look at me,

Xavier Onassiss

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall


With a bladed weapon.


This is what I developed. Comments? Suggestions?


Prison Of Steel: Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Backlash (see text*; +1/2), Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Set Effect (Limbs Only) (-1), Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), Susceptible (Entangle can be removed simply by pulling weapon out of character/wall; -1), OIF (edged weapon of opportunity; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Lockout (weapon used to "create" Entangle must remain with Entangled character; -1/2). Total cost: 14 points.


*Since you use an edged weapon, the Backlash is always an HKA. On the other hand, it's limited to only a few DCs.

This one

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall


Also, how about the limitation must have a solid wall (or something similar), I think its about (-1/4) on the entangle ? In other words, it limits where you can have the entangle. I believe its from the character Crossbow from Dark Champions 4th. I know he had an entangle based on pinning the target with his bolts. But I think the build is great.

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall




Effect: Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Backlash, Takes No Damage From Attacks

Target: One character

Duration: Instant

Range: Based On STR

END Cost: 8

Skill Roll Penalty: -8

Description: By hurling a knife, sword, or any other weapon with a fairly long blade, the character can pin a foe’s arm or leg to a nearby wall or other, similar, surface. Pinned characters can withdraw the blade by making a STR versus STR check (using the thrower’s STR). If they try to just pull their limb free, and fail, they’ll do their STR in Killing Damage to themselves. Lenient GMs can allow players to pin characters by throwing the blade their the target’s clothing (such as a shirt sleeve, cloak, or sash). Any weapon used to pin a character can’t be used again until the character is freed.

Game Masters may wish to Link this power to the thrown weapon’s RKA or state it to be a Multiple attack.

Game Information: Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED, Backlash (see text; +1/2), Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Set Effect (Limbs Only) (-1), Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), Susceptible (Entangle can be removed simply by pulling weapon out of character/wall [see text]; -1), OIF (edged weapon of opportunity; -1/2), Lockout (weapon used to "create" Entangle must remain with Entangled character; -1/2), Range Based On STR (-1/4), Must Have Suitable Surface To Pin Target Too (-1/4). Total cost: 14 points.


1) Stronger Prison: Increase to Entangle 5d6. 100 Active Points; total cost 18 points.

2) Weaker Prison: Decrease to Entangle 3d6. 60 Active Points; total cost 11 points.

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall


Here you go.


Crossbow bolt pinning trick. (Note that this is built into a multipower)


4D6 Entangle, Takes no Damage (+1/2), Backlash (+1/2), Note Backlash damage same as linked RKA., OAF crossbow (-1), Only works when target is near wall or other large sturdy object (-1/2), Victim may still use some accessable foci (-1/4), Cannot create "walls" (-1/4), plus 1d6+1 RKA crossbow (-1), linked (-1/2), no KB (-1/4)


Goodluck. :)

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Re: Pinning a Limb To The Wall


I beg to differ (don't beg, just differ.)


You're trying to emulate pinning someone through their flesh to a nearby surface. First you have to be able to impale the target, even if just through the forearm or hand (Just!) Then there has to be a nearby suitable surface, within KB/KD range I would say. Then whenever they try to move from that spot they cause more damage, and foreknowledge of that potential damage should encourage them to stay put.


Sounds like an attack that upon reaching impaling BODY worth of damage places a Triggered amount of damage that occurs if the target tries to move from that spot, probably some NND Does BODY damage since you are already past any rDEF that might be applicable. I would either force a EGO Roll to knowingly trip the Trigger or maybe a PER Attack insisting the target to stay put.


Pinning without impaling? Extra Limbs Physical Manifestation sufficiently Indirect, only able to be used with Grab/Martial Grab/Ranged Martial Grab. Both instances are obviously going to Lockout the weapon used for pinning, although I guess if it was a Brick Trick you could use debris and rebar and surrounding materials.


Just a thought.

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