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Re: Ctrl+V


The latter scenes of sadistic, torture and dismemberment revenge that seemingly-demure and dutifully-humble 21 year-old 'auditioned' bride-to-be Asami Yamazaki (Eihi Shiina) exacted on middle-aged widower Aoyama (Ryo Ishibashi) with syringes, acupuncture needles (stuck into his eyelid), and piano wire (used to wire-saw off or amputate a foot), accompanied by the sound of a Japanese bird: "Kiri-kiri-kiri-kiri-kiri"; also the scene of a suddenly-lurching big burlap sack in the center of her living room (with a dismembered body in it)

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Re: Ctrl+V


Parapsychology isn't something you master in. There are no certificates of graduation. No licenses to practice. I am a professional psychologist who spent most of my time engaged in this ghostly hobby, which makes me I suppose the most irresponsible woman of my age that I know...I'm absolutely terrified. It's all the things that we don't understand. I feel like the proto-human coming out of the forest primeval and seeing the moon for the first time and throwing rocks at it.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Okay were to start. Let's begin with you're assertion that the US is a Christian nation. That statement is completely false and I for one resent your attempt to rewrite history. First off, the US Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. Nowhere in the Constitution are the words God, Christianity, Jesus, or any supreme being mentioned. Of our founding fathers, most of them were not Christian (a majority were either Freemasons or believed in the tennents of Deistic Philosophy) and although some did hold Christian ideals, they were in no way advocating a theocracy in any way, shape, or form. If you take into account the religious beliefs of our first 4 Presidents who had the largest hand in framing our nation you'll find that none of them were Christian. George Washington was a Mason, John Adams was Unitarian, and Thomas Jefferson and James Madison believed in Deistic Philosophy. The omission of God / Christianity in the Constitution did not come out of forgetfulness, but rather out of the Founding Fathers purposeful intentions to keep government separate from religion.


The part of the 1st ammendment that you refered to states: "Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" while you are correct in your statement that it does not restrict it from being pracitced you are also incorrect in your presumption that it is in any way a barometer of our Nation being founded on Christian ideals.


Thomas Jefferson made an interpretation of the 1st Amendment to his January 1st, 1802 letter to the Committee of the Danbury Baptist Association calling it a "wall of separation between church and State." Madison had also written that "Strongly guarded...is the separation between religion and government in the Constitution of the United States." There existed little controversy about this interpretation from our Founding Fathers or its jurisprudence.


American Founding Fathers set up a government divorced from any religion. The secular nature of the U.S. goverenment was explicitly revealed to a foreign nation in the Treaty of Tripoli by stating in article 11 of it that:


"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."


The preliminary treaty began with a signing on November 4, 1796 (during the end of George Washington's last term as president.) Joel Barlow, the American diplomat who served as counsel to Algiers and held responsibility for the treaty negotiations also served under Washington as a chaplain in the revolutionary army and was the priliminary author of the Treaty of Tripoli. Barlow forwarded the treaty to U.S. legislators for approval in 1797 and Timothy Pickering, the secretary of state, endorsed it. John Adams (now during his presidency), concurred with Pickering and it was sent to the Senate. The Senate approved the treaty on June 7, 1797, and officially ratified it. Then on June 10, 1797 John Adams signed it into law. All during this multi-review process of going through the checks and balances system and being subject to the rule of law, the wording of Article 11 never raised the slightest concern. The treaty even became public through its publication in The Philadelphia Gazette on 17 June 1797.


So here we have a clear admission by the United States in 1797 that our government did not found itself upon Christianity. This treaty represented U.S. law as all U.S. Treaties do as outlined by Article VI, Section 2 of the US Constitution by stating:


"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."


I'm not trying to start an arguement with you, but you are so incorrect on our laws and the actual jurisprudence with respect to their implementation that it warranted correction.

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Re: Ctrl+V


She hadn’t been in Finland before, but she had a sinking feeling when these Hellgates had popped up that it wouldn’t be long before she was here. Yet she was surprised how this came about. As the attractive blonde stood looking at the door behind which was the location where she was told to go, she thought back two days ago to when she met him.


Buffy Summers was used to fighting monsters. She had been doing so since she was in her teens. Demons, vampires, werewolves… all the creatures of the night were opposed by her. That’s what you get when you are the Slayer.


But since these Hellgates had opened, she was even busier than normal because these creatures and the vampires had formed an alliance. Buffy had been fighting, non-stop, since. She had already dusted two vampires and had staked two of the monsters. But the two remaining vampires had gotten the upper hand. Even the vaunted Slayer constitution and strength had its limits and Buffy was rapidly reaching hers.

Flipped into the wall of the alley, Buffy slouched to the ground. This is where it ends… she thought, a peaceful feeling washing over her.


The shining shield was a blur through the air, instantly decapitating the vampire nearest to her. As his body changed to dust that scattered in the breeze, Buffy reacted with instinct more than thought, driving Mister Pointy into the last vampire’s heart. As the last bit of dust fell to the earth, the Slayer breathed deeply. The Chosen One would live to fight another day. Yippee, she thought.


“Well done, Miss,” a voice said, full of command and presence. The Slayer opened her eyes spotting the figure in the alleyway. “Are you alright?”


“Captain America?” Buffy asked. She had seen the shield, but she was sure that she was hallucinating. She still was not sure that she wasn’t.


“Yes, it is me. May I help you up?” he said, extending his gloved hand.


Buffy blinked several times, but the American icon remained in front of her. Could this be real? She wondered, reaching to take his offered hand. She felt the powerful grip around her wrist. Maybe this was real. Cap helped her to her feet.


“I’ve come to ask for your help, Buffy Summers,” Captain America said.


As Buffy stood before the door reviewing that moment in her head, it felt as surreal now as it had then. Captain America had asked for her help. He had actually asked her to join him… to be his second-in-command. Cap was looking for someone who had experience dealing with portals between dimensions and who better than Buffy? She had been dealing with “Hellmouths” for as long as she could remember. Not the same, but the same idea.


Buffy had spent the day with the Scooby Gang. They understood what she was doing. They had faced countless apocalypses over the years. This was just the next one. It was hard for them to stay behind. They had always faced these threats together. Not this time, Buffy had said. Her tone told them that she meant it. She was the Slayer and could be a tad overbearing at times.


Buffy opened the door and walked in. Captain America was there alone.


“Hey Cap,” she said.

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