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Re: Ctrl+V




Tate reached for the door and slammed it shut in the wrinkled face of the "beast" at the door. Hermione turned to him.


"Hey, that is rude," she said.


"Rudeness does not matter. Oda Mae is right. Henry Kane is not someone we want inside this house," said Tate.


"Who do you think you are?" Hermione said, the tone of her voice was like a knife into Tate's heart.


"Dear," said Oda Mae, placing her arm around the shoulders of the young witch, "this house is a special place."


"Yes, we know that," said Hermione. "In fact, that is one of the reasons we bought the place. There is a... magical energy here that attracted Ron and me to the building. What exactly are you referring?"


"Tate, I think you need to show her," Oda Mae said.


"Yes, you're right," he said, moving further into the house.


Oda Mae sat down on the couch. A woman in a maid outfit came into the room, feather duster in hand. Hermione looked at the maid, and saw an older woman, in her 50's, but when Ron looked at the same woman, he saw a sensual, red-headed beauty, with a short skirt and a voluptuous look on her face. She glanced over to Ron, smiling and biting her lip. Ron felt the uneasiness overtake him. Where we they?


"Who are you?" Hermione said, to the old woman.


"My name is Moira. I am the maid here. I have been for many years. I look forward to serving you, Madam," Moira said.


"I don't think we need a maid," Hermione said.


"I don't think you have much choice," said a man who walked into the room with his partner beside him. "You just can't get rid of the hag."


"Hag?" Ron said.


"Now, you are you?" Hermione said, becoming overwhelmed by the faces that continued to show up from nowhere.


"I am Chad and this is my better half, Patrick. This is our house. We put more into this house than any of the others, and we will not stand for some monster coming into the house."


"Wait a minute," said Ron, "the real estate agent talked about a gay couple... but she said..." Ron gulped deeply, "that it was a.... murder-suicide."


"There was no suicide. We were both murdered...by some freak in a rubber suit," said Chad.


"That would be Tate," said another man entering the room. "That little bastard is as much of a monster as anyone at the door." The new man looked at Hermione. "Hello, my name is Dr. Ben Harmon. My family lives here, but I am not letting either my wife, Vivien or my daughter Violet to come to this meeting. Not with Tate here."


"Now hold on a minute," said Hermione, "what is going on here?"


"Dear," said Oda Mae. "You obviously have some knowledge of the power at play here. This house has a reputation as a house where people die."


"Yes, we heard the rep," said Hermione.


"Well, when someone dies in this house," Oda Mae said, "they can never leave."




"Bloody 'ell," said Ron, looking at the continually increasing number of people. A crazy eyed woman entered next, and Ben immediately tensed up.


"And the man at the door," said Oda Mae, "is the beast. Literally. He consumes souls. Feeds off them. And there are any number of souls in this house. And Kane will not stop at those who are dead. His power would be exponentially increased if he could find his way into this house. I know this is not the way you wanted to spend the holidays in your new home, but that is what we are."


"We know that there are ...forces of evil out there," said Hermione.


"That's for sure," Ron said.


"And I was hoping we were past that here," Hermione said.


"I'm afraid that is just not the case, my dear," said Oda Mae.


Hermione and Ron embraced. They had just been through a terrible war... and they were afraid that another was on its way.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The sky was devoid of stars as a fine drizzle seeped from the clouds, soaking everyone and everything into a gloom that was pretty customary for a November night. Li pulled her coat tighter around her body as she trudged along the suspension bridge; the wind whipped around her face on the exposed walkway, and as her hair stuck to her cheeks in dark damp strands she cursed herself for being too lazy to have brought an umbrella. She was pretty certain that the rumble in the distance meant that a storm was on the way.



Rush hour was long past, and so the cars were moving relatively freely along the bridge beside her. Their white lights contrasted starkly with the streetlights above her, highlighting small glimpses of colour against the dingy yellow sodium gloom. The rumbling was getting louder, and Li looked up to try to see where the storm was headed. There were some blinking bright lights in the sky, heading in her direction. It looked almost like a helicopter, but it didn't seem to move in quite the same way.

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Re: Ctrl+V




Interesting side-question: You can also look at the Misfile universe as a girl-Ash, who's always been a girl, lives for 16 years, makes friends, reconnects with her mother, etc. Then one day goes to sleep and her mind is replaced by boy-Ash who has similar but not identical memories. What happens to her? If boy-Ash gets his wish and returned to maleness, always-girl Ash is dead as surely as boy-Ash would be dead if Ash's file ever got "corrected" to make him always have been feminine. does she get a vote in this?

She does not, for the simple reason that she never actually existed. She's a fiction remembered by other people, but she never drew a single breath. It would get more complicated if Ash's file was ever corrected by Rumisiel's pointy headed bosses so that she now remembered things the same way everyone else does, and would be as appalled by the idea of being turned into a boy as Ash is by what happened to him.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Out of the corner of her eye, Sophie sees a tall man dressed in black walk behind the group. He walks towards the bathrooms and disappears. The others take no notice of him. She then catches the bartender looking in the direction of the tall man as well.

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Re: Ctrl+V


It's been a long time since I've seen that episode, but I feel moved to respond anyway. Go figure!


In the beginning of the series, the argument was made that is was Earth's responsibility to support and defend those of our citizens that have been stolen and exploited by our enemies. That gives our teams the moral right to free slaves and take sides between the Goa'uld and the Jaffa.


Here, there is no enemy of Earth to oppose. Put aside our own feelings about the issue that split this community, and look at the bare facts.


Alar's side started the the war because they be hatin'. The people in the stasis pods, they be hatin', too. They have demonstrated they are not willing to live and let live with the "breeders" because the breeder's way of life is unacceptable to them. They will not cease the killing of their enemy even when their utter destruction is in sight. That is how they roll.


The gate is on Alar's side. If I am remembering correctly, There is no way to make contact with their enemy in good faith. There is no communication route through which they can broker peace. They burned that bridge long ago. Come hell or high water, one side or the other is gonna win!


You suggest that our government continue to invest time and money to save these people from their own just desserts. Do you really think they will stop the fighting at Earth's request? Or will they find sneaky reasons to justify continued attacks, which means we are not saving lives, but only tipping the balance so the deaths will be tallied on the other side? Will the enemy accept a cease fire, and give them the time to recuperate, to gain enough strength to start the fighting all over again? Or if they stop fighting, will the Breeders take their opportunity to decimate them once and for all?


Despite all the budget problems on the government's shoulders, lets say we are going to save Alar's people. We will move them to an unoccupied and unpoisoned planet. How are they going to feel when they realize that those whom they declared enemies long ago, and our people are virtually indistinguishable? That WE hold to tenets they find repugnant and unacceptable? And that any other people they deal with in the wide universe will be pretty much the very same way? Will they put up and shut up? Welcome the idea with open arms? At what point does propaganda become cultural identity? Stripped of their history, their ideology, forced to endure the indignity of being judged to be in the wrong by our values, and so be forced to compromise their core beliefs to receive our charity, what is it we will have fought so hard to "save?"


And by the way, after all that, our government is on the hook to save the other side, too!



I guess what we are left with is this: They know they are at an end. With or without us, it's time to either surrender or die.


We do not have the right to come in and dictate our morality to these people. We do not have the right to support one side of the fight and not the other, just because that's the side we can see. It's not fair.


It's their lives on the line, it's their choice to make. And I think they have already made their choice.

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