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Deferred adjudication is a form of plea deal available in various jurisdictions, where a defendant pleads "guilty" or "No Contest" to criminal charges in exchange for meeting certain requirements laid out by the court within an allotted period of time also ordered by the court. Upon completion of the requirements, which may include probation, treatment, community service, some form of community supervision, or some otherdiversion program, the defendant may avoid a formal conviction on their record or have their case dismissed

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First, determine difficulty of the climb, which will determine your Basic Climb Move.

Automatic: Skill +10. Move x0.5. A grip-rope up a steep but foot-worthy slope, or steps steep enough and high enough to require hands.
Trivial: Skill +8. Move x0.4. A steep but foot-worthy slope, or a sloped tree with plenty of branches to grab.
Very Easy: Skill +6. Move x0.3. A beginner's boulder, any moderately challenging slope that requires beginners to pay attention, moving along a horizontal rope.
Easy: Skill +4. Move x0.25. A vertical ladder, a "difficult" rock slope that includes some minor challenges, or a very steep and grassy hill.
Favorable: Skill +2. Move x0.2. A steep (but not vertical) sheer rock face, a vertical tree, a vertical face with plentiful and easy handholds and ledges, or moving upward along a non-vertical rope.
Average: Skill +0. Move x0.15. A non-vertical slope made of glass, a knotted rope or pole (a shinny), a "beginner" vertical rock climb, or climbing along the underside of a tilted ladder.
Unfavorable: Skill -2. Move x0.1. A non-knotted rope, an intermediate rock climb, or climbing the underside of an overhang with plentiful and easy handholds.
Hard: Skill -4. Move x0.05. A smooth wooden pole, a sheer rock face, or an overhang with some handholds.
Very Hard: Skill -6. Move x0.025. A slender glass pole, a relatively smooth stone facade, or an overhang with few and difficult handholds.
Dangerous: Skill -8. Move x0.01. A vertical pane of glass, or an overhang that is actually just a sheer rock face.
Impossible: Skill -10. Move x0.005. An overhang of smooth stone.

Icy or wet conditions increase the difficulty two steps. A "chimney" (two walls opposite one another that you can reach) reduces the difficulty by one or two steps (depending on how close and comfortable the walls are).

Other Modifiers
You can climb with only one hand at a further -5 to skill. Three or more hands gives a +1 bonus.

Encumbrance gives a penalty equal to its level, or twice its level on an overhang.

Flexibility and Double-Jointed give a +1/+2 modifier. Double-Jointed also allows you to climb down faster. Perfect Balance also gives a +1.


Next, choose a movement rate (slow, paced, rushed, sprint). The movement rate modifies how fast you climb, and how often you must make both Climbing and HT rolls.

Stopped: Skill +4. No Move - you are just hanging. Roll Climbing and HT every 10 minutes.
Slow: Move x0.3. Roll Climbing and HT every 5 minutes. Note that most climbers take it slow, and that this is the basic definition of safe and sane. Ha! Wimps!
Paced: Skill -2. Move x0.6. Roll Climbing and HT every 30 seconds. This is about as fast as it is safe to go, in most conditions, and corresponds to the "combat" column on p. B349.
Rushed: Skill -4. Move x1.0. Roll Climbing and HT every 10 seconds.
Sprint: Skill -6. Move x1.2. Roll Climbing and HT every 5 seconds. I've seen folks do this. It still doesn't look possible, but there you go.

Climbing Down

Climbing down modifies your move further:

Most climbs: x0.6. Double-Jointed changes this to x1, you inhuman freak.
Scrambles and overhangs: x1. (A scramble is a steep, non-vertical slope that requires the use of the hands.)
Ropes and poles: x2.

Most of the problem with climbing down is due to knee arrangement and vision (your head is on the wrong side of your body for the direction you are going). In theory, you could climb upside down, but that puts all the weight on your arms and prevents your legs from helping!


With nothing but rope and leather gloves, it is possible to rappel. This takes about 10 seconds to set up the loose knot-work and get arranged, and allows easy descent of about 2 yards per second with a Climbing-1 roll every second. Setting up the knot-work does not require a roll, but does require at least a point in Climbing skill.

You can increase the speed to whatever you are comfortable with (but not faster than falling speed - see p. B430). Each 5 yards per second gives a -2 penalty to skill. Roll once per second. On a failure, you fall for one second: you travel 5 yards further than you would have, and are traveling 10 yards/second faster than the previous turn. This can continue until you succeed - on a success, you slow down by the same amount and take 1 point of burning damage to your hands and to the section of rope you passed over. Multiple turns of falling require multiple turns of slowing down.

You can slow down faster, but this deals additional damage. For each 10 yards/second you decelerate in a single turn: +1 burning damage, and take falling damage for 1/4 the deceleration. For example, if you try to decelerate by 50 yards/second in a single round (after five turns of falling), you would take 5 burning damage to the hands, and an additional (HP x 12)/100 dice of falling damage (roughly 1d+1). Leather gloves reduce the damage to your hands to a mere 3 burn, of course, but 5 burn is enough to cut through most ropes!

Metal equipment (typically one or more rings, and something to clamp down on the rope) provides a +4 to skill rolls to slow down or stop, and takes burning damage for you, although it doesn't protect the rope.

When you land at the bottom, you can make one last Climbing roll to reduce your speed before hitting. Otherwise, you hit at the speed you were travelling down.


Assisting Others

A more skilled climber can help less skilled climbers. The skilled climber uses his own skill at -1 per person he is assisting, and climbs at the rate of the slowest person he is helping.

The less skilled climbers use the average of their own skill and the more skilled climber's skill (after modifiers).

Combat While Climbing

Multiply Basic Speed by the Move modifier for climbing, to determine your base Dodge score. Dodging while climbing is very difficult, but possible.

You can climb one-handed (at the usual -5 to Climbing skill) in order to attack or Parry with a hand. You can also stop climbing and just hang (at the usual +4 to Climbing skill), to make this easier.

Any time you are struck, you must make a Climbing roll (with your current modifiers, plus the shock penalty for being struck) or fall. This is in addition to any HT rolls for knockdown and stun - fighting while climbing is dangerous.


Climbing Picks

A climbing pick (sw+0 imp) has a toothed edge and fine point, a grip on the head, and usually a secondary spike at the base of the shaft (th+1 imp). It is primarily useful for climbing smooth icewalls, but it can also be used to improve the quality of handholds on a rock face. They are used in pairs.

On any climbing surface that the pick can get a grip on (either by penetrating into the surface, or by being pushed into cracks), treat the surface as having "plentiful and easy handholds." However, the climber must pause for two seconds every half body-length he climbs, to pull out and re-plant the lower of the two picks.

Boot Spikes

Designed to bite into wooden or ice walls. Gives a +2 to Climbing skill on wood or ice.

Chalk and Good Climbing Shoes

Provide better gripping, and the shoes protect the feet against unseen, sharp points. Together, give a +1 bonus for good-quality equipment.

Rope and Pitons

Pitons come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but are basically designed to wedge into cracks and hold fast when jerked on. The rope runs through the pitons, and catches the climber if he falls. Each piton and rope section takes 3 seconds to install (place piton, hammer, hook rope through) - the climber can choose how often he wishes to install them.


For the body. Combined with rope, allows a Stopped movement rate with no further Climbing skill rolls (and both hands free for fighting!), and similar stunts. __________________

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