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Hoax Regarding Terrorist Activity

Hoax — terrorist activity
  • 83.231 (1) Every one commits an offence who, without lawful excuse and with intent to cause any person to fear death, bodily harm, substantial damage to property or serious interference with the lawful use or operation of property,

    • (a) conveys or causes or procures to be conveyed information that, in all the circumstances, is likely to cause a reasonable apprehension that terrorist activity is occurring or will occur, without believing the information to be true; or

    • (b) commits an act that, in all the circumstances, is likely to cause a reasonable apprehension that terrorist activity is occurring or will occur, without believing that such activity is occurring or will occur.

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Iron Man blew up all his work and quit being Iron Man just to show Pepper she meant more. Now, show me one film where the lead was a strong female and she gave up what she does best and destroyed her life's work, just to impress her man.

Let's look at Locke. Now, reverse the genders, see how that works. Or reverse the genders of Crazy, Stupid Love. Husband cheats, gets the house and kids, and the wife goes on a life lesson to improve herself because it was her fault for getting boring.

How about Imitation Game? Make a historical female genius look like she's incapable of understanding interactions with human, and the man being fully empathetic and encouraging despite her being so?

Let's even look at the macho film Furious 7, where one macho man said to another, "All that you have done, is nothing. The bravest thing to do is take care of Mia." Now, find me a film where tow lead female protagonists went through impossible tasks, and one female reminds another, that the bravest thing she can do, is take care of her man.

How about a male version of Twilight? Where a guy keeps switching between two lovers and can't decide, and the two women just wait for their entire lives for him to pick?

Or, find me a movie where we have a strong female protagonist who, after the death of her parents transformed herself, but upon the death of her ex-boyfriend, she lost all motivation to live, to do what she did best? And it wasn't until another strange man who showed up, that she came alive? Like, you know, The Dark Knight Rises.

I can go on forever. How do you think feminists would label these films when gender was reversed? All these "sexists in film" are just people drinking Kool-Aid, jumping on a bandwagon because that's what everyone else is repeating over and over.

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