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"That business deal isn’t looking quite so good anymore, is it? You want to make money? You don’t have to do it by crushing the other guy’s nuts. Instead, help him up. Help him out. Sometimes you’ll get taken, but “sometimes” is a small price to pay for keeping your grip on your humanity.


You think all those Wall Street douchebags sleep well at night? Well, sure they do. But they’re deluded, greedy psychopaths. But the smart ones are waiting for people to wise up and rise up. The smart douchebags look behind them when they’re on the street. They check the closet before they go to bed. They check for pipe bombs under their expensive cars. They know that some day people will wake up and  start looking for somebody to blame. And when they do, they’ll be carrying sticks with nails sticking out of the end.


History will repeat itself and, when that day comes, it won’t be a guy in an old Skinny Puppy t-shirt getting his ass beaten and his neck stretched. It will be a guy in a suit getting hung by his own fancy silk tie.


That’s what fancy silk ties are for."

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There have always been those whose genetic abnormalities proved more advantageous than others. Unique variations, people unlike any seen before, or in subsequent generations. During the first World War a biological weapon designed to turn the tide of war killed thousands, but in a select few activated a series of unknown genes.


The Strasbourg Event forever changed the course of the world. Most of those present died from the uncontrolled abnormalities, mutations they could not control. Those who lived, along with the occupational forces that arrived afterward passed on a genetic legacy to their descendants that would change their individual lives and gave rise to a new era.


The first real powered Supers, or Metahumans as they would later be known, became publicly known towards the end of  World War I when Marcus Henry, better known as American Steel faced off with Germany’s first super soldier. In the modern era the Atlas Group, a think tank devoted to Metahumans, estimates there are approximately seven hundred Class B and above Metahumans worldwide, these are people who demonstrate powers or abilities beyond the scope of unaltered human potential, along with multiple peak characteristics.

There are another fourteen hundred Class C and an untold number of undocumented Class D and lower Metahumans. This figure accounts for the Kiev Experiment of 1961, and the Barrister Outbreak in 1967. Some estimates place the total number of Metahumans worldwide in or around 150,000 or higher. Although, a significant portion of this number may not realize their altered nature.

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