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Adventure Seed: Zeitgeist Screaming
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Aphrodite (intermediate god)

The beautiful Aphrodite was created from a mixture of sea foam and the blood of Uranus. She is the goddess of beauty and love. As befits the goddess her position, she was an enthusiastic companion of the male gods. She was also married to Hephaestus, but this did not stop her from consorting with Ares, Poseidon, Dionysus, and others. Aphrodite can charm any male, either god or mortal, and can generate any strong emotion (such as love, hate, anger, sorrow, etc.) in any intelligent being. Although she can assume any form (all of them beautiful), in her true form she is a woman of astonishing beauty.


Role-playing Notes:  Aphrodite is extremely vain. There is a 10% chance she will overhear any unfavorable comparison of her beauty. In such cases, she will avenge herself by making the transgressor fall in love with a statue, turning him into a shell, or having bees sting his eyes. Omens from Aphrodite are often associated with the sea.


Statistics:  AL cg; WAL any; AoC love, beauty; SY seashell.


Aphrodite’s Avatar (wizard 15, bard 10)
Aphrodite’s avatar is a scantily clad woman of incredible beauty. She can call upon the illusion and enchantment/charm schools for her magic.


Str 15    Dex 18    Con 18
Int 18    Wis 18    Cha 20
MV 15    SZ 5’    MR 30%
AC 0    HD 15    HP 120
#AT 1    THAC0 5    Dmg 1d4 + (dagger)

Special Att/Def:  Aphrodite’s avatar carries a dagger that causes anyone struck by it to save versus spells or be instantly charmed. In addition, upon first seeing the avatar, all men must save versus paralyzation or find themselves unable to attack her — ever. Finally, Aphrodite’s avatar can cause 1d10 points of damage (and a great deal of physical pain) to anybody trying to harm her simply by waving her hand.


Duties of the Priesthood:
Every ten days, her priests must release white doves, and every new moon they must throw objects of art and beautiful jewelry into the sea. They must also do what they can to aid anyone who is in trouble because of a forbidden love.
Requirements:  AB standard plus Charisma 16+; AL any non-evil; WP bow and arrow, net, staff; AR a; SP all, charm, creation, guardian, healing; PW 5) charm person (opposite sex only); 10) Charisma increases to 18; 15) arouse feelings of love (as the enamoring effects of a philter of love) in any intelligent being; TU nil.

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