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One representative stood up, was given the floor, and went off on a long, rambling attack on Burag, saying repeatedly, "He can take his Warlord **** and stick it up his ***."  The gist of his comments was that the city in general and his district in particular didn't have to take orders from some fancy-talking hick with delusions of magic power, and that the city shouldn't spend a bent farthing on him and his stupid war.  This gist was repeated with a varying mix of vulgarities and insults, mixed with suggestions that Burag's body be dumped in the offal heap outside the slaughterhouse district well outside the city walls.


After a few minutes, Burag turned to Korfa sitting with him, an whispered, "Who is this?"


"He's Dalesh Gonix, elected out of a poor district not far from the fishing docks.  He's also a gang boss.  Most gang bosses get some front man to be the representative in their turf, someone who has some actual talent for speaking to groups and persuading them rather than intimidating them.  Gonix is stupid enough that he believes he can do that by himself, *and* run his gang competently at the same time.  He's got a bunch of siblings who are stupider than he is but think he's great, and are loyal enough they'll kill anyone Gonix says, which is how he keeps his gang in line.  The killings he's ordered include other representatives in the Fanangg, incidentally.  So the Fanangg lets him talk himself out, then someone moves for a written vote rather than voice vote so that you can't know who voted which way, and then they vote him down.  Based on what I've heard about him and his outbursts in the Fanangg, I think we have another half hour of this before he winds down."


Burag stood up, which was proper protocol for requesting time to respond or for clarification of comments.  The Delegate nodded to him, but Gonix talked on and on clearly ignoring Burag.


Then Gonix lifted slowly up in the air, up to about four feet off the floor.  He protested profanely and loudly, but then he started bending at the waist, interfering with his ability to vocalize.  After a few muffled exclamations of their own, the rest of the house continued their silence, now one of horrified fascination rather than prudent boredom.


The bending continued as Gonix fell almost silent -- nothing but hisses and labored gasps came from him now -- and then came a muffled crack and Gonix writhed, now bent nearly double.  More cracks came, and it became clear that those sudden cracks were the sound of bones snapping.  Gonix fell unconcious.


The bending continued, and suddenly his pants were ripped off him in a burst of shreds.  More bending and cracking ensued, and Gonix's exposed anus was opened, then stretched obscenely wider and wider.  More cracks, and Gonix's head was inserted fully into the distended orifice, and then the tissue released to sag back toward its normal shape, enclosing the head.


The tortured body hung in the air for some seconds, and then dropped to the floor.


"Master Delegate," Burag intoned into the appalled silence, "I took seriously the late representative's suggestion that I make a demonstration of magical ability for the benefit of this House, and interpreted his comments as suggesting the manner of the demonstration and volunteering to be its subject.  If I misinterpreted his meaning -- his dialect is unfamiliar to me -- I humbly apologize to the assembly."


Spoilered for gore pr0n.

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FR 1e box set -> 9.25 x 1.25 x 11.5

DL Citadel of Light -> 6.5 x 1.5 x 9.25




Dragonlance - Tales of the Lance -> [Dimensions] Item Width: 9.4 in. / Item Length: 11.8 in. or 9.25 x 2 x 11.75

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition) -> ‎ 9.25 x 2 x 12



Edited by Ragitsu
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Love is in the air. The love of who is the question. It is time for everyone to bow down to their new Queen in Red.


#Metahumans #Superheroes #ValentinesDay #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Adventure #Vampire  

Sorry for the delay on this weeks update. We are located in California, and our power was out from before 9 AM yesterday until later today. There are a lot of people who are going through a lot worse right now, so are are happy to be able to bring a new adventure to your table. 

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Another big bundle is out. $5.00 for 119 tabletop RPG games, adventures, and accessories, from almost 70 creators. Funds gathered for this bundle go to Emerge, a youth support group, part of Birmingham LGBT. 

As part of this bundle, we contributed two adventures:
Gene Jackers, a two layered tale of gang war and a techno-organic cult looking to hargest genetic material.

Changeling's Bargain sees the heroes investigate a company that claims they can "fix" Metahuman children.


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Altitus: Banyu Yue – More Than A Mechanic
This week we are exploring how Day Jobs and Martial Arts can be combined in Metahumans Rising to create interesting and unique characters. Meet Banyu Yue, mechanic by trade, underground fighter by necessity.
#Metahumans #Superheroes #ValentinesDay #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Altitus #Silat
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Lesser Loved Games
This eclectic bundle collects 35 games and adventures ranging from tales of derelict spaceships to food fights to introspective survival horror. You can even put on the spandex with Poisoned Apples I & II for Metahumans Rising and help root out corruption.
#TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #RPGBundle
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