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Combat Record Sheet


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Back in the day... the 4th Edition IIRC, I bought a GM Screen that had a booklet of photocopyable templates of character sheets and, most importantly, the Combat Record Sheet. I used that thing all through the remainder of the 4th ed and even into 5th ed. Then, I had a kid, did some other stuff and... hey, look, someone's running 6th ed. Guess what? I have NO IDEA where my trusty old insert book went to. And no, I'm not terribly excited about trolling eBay.


My GM sucks at organization and can't keep the phases straight, and I thought the Combat Record Sheet was exactly what we need. Didn't see one in the new addition anywhere. Before I sit down and start trying to recreate the thing, is there a PDF of it, or the new one? Was I the only one that remembers and loved that tool?

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Re: Combat Record Sheet


What I do to keep track of phases is I have drawn out 12 boxes on a sheet of graph paper (6 boxes in two columns that take up the whole page) and labeled them 1 through 12. I write the Player characters into it automatically then insert it into a plastic sheet protector (you can get a pack of 25 of them for a few bucks at office max, staples or any office supply store) and use a wet erase marker to write in all the NPCs. I take notes on that sheet too as to when effects took place and will wear off. once they wear off I erase them with a damp paper towel. It works great and took me less than a minute to make.

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Re: Combat Record Sheet


lol. kk. It's not that he can't count to 12... he can't remember on what phases his villains and NPCs go on, and frequently forgets them. He won't do the prep work that I would (like making a sheet when I make the encounter), but I thought that *maybe* if we filled in a sheet with our characters and give it to him, he would get the clue and doodle a note or two and put an X in the circles and... remember what he was doing. When I GM, I have no problem; I do the prep. Prepping your GM is not always as easy; thus the "hey, there's a game aid for this... I happen to have it... do you want to use it?" approach.


I just wanted something that I could print out and send around the table to prompt a little less confusion.


Not that this would be a cure... "So, I guess he's going to shoot you." 30 seconds later someone asks, "Is combat starting then?" Followed by someone else waiting 20 seconds and, "We start in 12. Who goes first?" And the GM says, "I don't know, what, we use DEX in this game, right?" And another player says, "The ninja there goes in 30... Is the villain faster?" EVERY WEEK. Last week the GM remembered that I scratched out a Combat Record Sheet on notebook paper the 2nd week and pulled that out.... after we were in 8.... :nonp:


Sometimes it's hard not to take over someone else's game. And I really don't want to. The ideas are fine, but the combat is really an effort.


As far as the 12 sider... it's been used at the table all along. My hubby pulled it out with the hex battlemat... something the GM doesn't think we need but will grudgingly accept. He's pretty sure that the game can just be faked and that the distances don't really matter. LOS? Sure, it would be easier if the villains always had it on us. He ran GURPS like that for years... while some of us got out the big-boy game of Champions and really kicked butt. That we can roll 3d6 and tell him the DCV we hit, with the variations of size and distance is a wonder to him.


If we had a computer, I'd be more inclined to make a quick Excel sheet, but we're at the old game store and the computer is not really an option. It's pen & paper old skool for the win!

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Re: Combat Record Sheet


The easiest way to keep track of your phases: The trusty ol' D12. Start on 12 then as the phases progress' date=' simply turn it to the current phase to keep track. Easy peasy.[/quote']


That works, but it can be a pain to sit there and turn the die, looking for the right number. I usually have a little written table and simply lay a pencil down with the tip in position to show me the current place. If I have a laptop, I use a spreadsheet and cell selection in the same way.

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Re: Combat Record Sheet


Well, since there's no apparent update, I made a sheet. If you're game, give it a look over and feel free to make suggestions. If anyone has a Hero/Champions fansite and you'd like to host it, that would be great. The place it's at is very much temporary, and I don't plan on having a site. Thanks!



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Re: Combat Record Sheet


You can use the following link to make a quick chart and then print it out or print it to PDF. It is a really easy way quickly make your own custom speed chart. Not really a full combat record....




Fitz has a GM combat record sheet. See 'GM's Character Record Sheet'




Kestrel has a record sheet also.... See 'THE HIT LIST'



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Re: Combat Record Sheet


The suggestions above are great, but not quite what I was hoping for. The app rocked, and if we ever get a computer in the room, I'd definitely queue that up.


I broke down and made my own Combat Record Sheet, based on the 4th ed one that came with the GM screen. I loved that floppy 20 pages of EVERYTHING I needed to run the game. Ah, back in the days when the game was simple. Or maybe I just had more time to do the math. (I had about 50 custom villains back in the day.)



You can check it out here: http://kingstears.pbworks.com/f/COMBAT%20RECORD%20SHEET2.pdf

and here: http://kingstears.pbworks.com/f/COMBAT%20RECORD%20SHEET2.docx


If you have a Hero System/Champions fansite and would be willing to host it, that would be great. The place it's up at now is temporary.

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