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Flame manipulation?


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I'm sure someone's already asked this, but...


How do I make a power that lets my hero move and manipulate fires? Like for example to pull a tongue of flame from a nearby bonfire close to him so he can illuminate a dark area, or to push the flames of a burning orphanage away from the children?


I was thinking TK, but flames have no weight... So I haven't figured it out yet. Basically pyrokenesis.

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Re: Flame manipulation?


What edition?


In general, write down the effects the character can produce.


Illuminating a dark area is Images.

Pushing flames can be Telekinesis.


There is a discussion of Telekinesis moving energy in USPD. I presume it would also be in the 6e equivalent, if it's out yet.


Basically, it's TK Only Works On Fire (-1). The "weight" equivalent is based on the damage class of the flames.

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Re: Flame manipulation?


There is a discussion of Telekinesis moving energy in USPD. I presume it would also be in the 6e equivalent, if it's out yet.


Basically, it's TK Only Works On Fire (-1). The "weight" equivalent is based on the damage class of the flames.


Champions Powers is the 6e version. The 6e rules for using Telekinesis on energy first appeared in the Advance Players Guide.

Only Affects Fire is a -1 Limitation. Telekinesis can move 1 Damage Class of fire per 5 STR.

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Re: Flame manipulation?


What edition?


In general, write down the effects the character can produce.


Illuminating a dark area is Images.

Pushing flames can be Telekinesis.


There is a discussion of Telekinesis moving energy in USPD. I presume it would also be in the 6e equivalent, if it's out yet.


Basically, it's TK Only Works On Fire (-1). The "weight" equivalent is based on the damage class of the flames.


So... what happens when you separate the fire from the fuel?


Yay! discussing physics in games!

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Re: Flame manipulation?


Based on Fires, FRED P 444

"Move" Fire; Suppress [Fire] 8d6 , Area Effect 6 hexes (+3/4) PLUS Energy Blast [Fire] 6d6 { based on Suppress, cannot use more dice then suppressed roll, must have fire source }


Special effect: Fire is stopped in one area and sent to another area.:smoke:

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Flame manipulation?


I think I just asume you want to make the fire-manipulator from the 2. X-Men Movie:



Simple Blast, must have fire source; using a lighter is similar to an IAF (you may not notice the lighter with the fireball flying toward you).


Block Fire:

Barrier that only works on Fire

Drain/Dispel Fire AOE


Extinguish fire:

Dispel (as Fire it is Persistant)

Perhaps the GM can give Fire a Stun/Body count, so that a special "Anti-Fire Blast" works; a "Knocked Out" Flame can always re-ignite (but may produce no damage); "Body" damage vs. Flame means getting the Burning thing under it's Ignition temperature

Change Environment may work on a lot of small Fires (again damaging the flame)


Here Some ides on how to make a Fire a tangible rule concept:

Heal's Body while Burning (not Knocked out; Regeneration/Turn)

Losses Body when not Burning (Knocked out)

Body determines Recovey of Stun

Not lost STUN is used to determine if other flames are "spawned" (perhaps damage to nearby neraby items, see next piont)

Not lost STUN is used to determine damage

ED of items determine how "inflamable" item are.


Reality facts:

95% that die in Fires don't do so because of flames, but because of smoke/toxic gasses (that is why you should always have Fire Detectors). Unprotected human has about 2-3 Breaths before passing out.

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