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Mass Effect Shields?


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Hey guys! I'm a HS newb looking for some input in the first game I'm GMing for my friends and myself that's set in the Mass Effect universe. I've got a couple questions that I'll probably post over time (I was making a huge thread for everything, but the forum/my connection ate it. --; ) but for now one of the things that's giving me the most trouble in how to make them are shields.


Brief shields for though who don't know (Probably none of you): Immaterial barrier around body that stops high-velocity things (ie, bullets) but not low velocity things (ie, grenades, punches, low velocity projectiles). Has a set amount of damage it can take, but taking cover and not being hit for a few seconds allows the barrier to recharge to full capacity.


I've tried to puzzle out how to work this, and the nearest I can come up with is some kind of PD, resistant, only against ranged, requires END, END reserve, OAF. Then the end reserve simulates capacity, the REC of the reserve indicates recharge rate (Though it would be constant, not dependent upon if the player's recently taken fire), and resistant/only against ranged means it's essentially only for RKA, which is almost certainly only going to be taken up by guns.


... All that said, that feels clunky to me, and I kinda get the impression I'm missing an obvious, simpler way to do it.


Also, if anyone's look for a little extra element to add, the shield mechanic, whatever it winds up being, will probably be pretty similar to the barrier mechanic (Barriers, for those not ME-fluent, are essentially shields but based in biotic power, which gives them some funky properties--exploding when a certain biotic attack is used on them, among others), and while I could copy it wholesale, it'd be interesting if there was some way to recognize it as a skill instead of an object. Maybe loose OAF, make it based on player's End, so it becomes a skill, and instead of buying shields, they would buy barrier amps that would give some kind of END reserve only for that skill? That sounds slightly more like how I understand barrier to work, but I'm still interested in what others make of this.


... Eesh that wound up longer than I thought. Anyone will to give some pointers?



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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


How about using the Barrier power on 6E1 p.169? If you englobe yourself, you get a shield that takes all damage that would otherwise be done to you until it breaks. You could limit it so that it will only block things moving at a certain velocity. In order to move while using it, you need Mobile(+1/4), and to shoot through it, you need One-way Transparent(probably at the +1 level). To make it recover, you could either turn it on and off when you go behind cover, or buy Regeneration, Applies to Barrier BODY, not character body(probably -0).

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Thought about it myself. This is the best mimiking I could come up with:

Take a defense power (PD or Energy Damage Negation), apply the "damage-based Endurance cost" Limitation from APG 62 and let it feed from a Endurance Reserve that only recharges when not hit for one phase (not draining any power from Damage). But that would also require a houseruling for how Endurance Reserves Regenerate.

Here is my idea on the Regenration:

I asume the normal Recovery (3 for 2 points cost), is priced for two phases (the staring speed and minimum speed you can drop to) of "REC, does not recovers STUN (-1/2)".


Another idea that may require less house ruling:


My final Idea was more or less to take (multiple layers) of ablative ED with some cost to maintain and a higher cost to activate. That way you have to "replace" layers as the recieve damage, wich draisn more energy from the power source. The higher the number of layers, the easier it goes down from damage (as each layer is more likely to let body "through").


Third idea:

Forget how the game does it. I usually consider most computer game mechanics rather limited when compared to a true P&P RPG. Just build them as normal shields in Hero: Damage Negation or Resistant Protection, Costs Endurance.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


I like Gent's idea on whole. But in place of Regen, you could build in a constant Aid (only to restore to original value) to the Barrier that has the limitation of "doesn't work if barrier is being damaged". This should generally keep the barrier up and running. The problem with this kind of thing is, though, for it to be strong enough to be of value (stop more than just a couple shots), it can easily become too valuable in that it almost never breaks and prevents characters from being damaged by anything with actual range - thus, as long as they, the PCs, maintain High Velocity ranged weapons, they maintain a very large tactical advantage.


La Rose

--- Note to self, use this on next character... ^^

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


I just remembered something: You don't need aid, you can heal Endurance of a Endurance reserve (or the body of a barrier). But you might want to put trigger on it (so it activates to heal the damage after one phase of inactivity).


A idea for the exact point:

The entire "take cover, wait and be not hot" thing reminds me extremely of "Taking a recovery" from Hero. You drop to half DCV and Targeted shot penalties, take a entire phase (until the end of the segment) and recieve one point of damage and the recovery is canceled.


Another idea (in combination with the above):

Using the rules for Computers or Powers with their own Speed (somehwere in the APG II), you could make a power that can take recoveries (and does so every one of his phases, but is often stopped because of a hit/end loss). That way a simple "Damage based End cost" could do the trick.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


The method that I suggested was itself based off of a video-game mechanic; in its case, the starship shields in Star Trek Online. As the shields are described as "regenerating", I thought to use regeneration. The Healing-based way above would work better.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


It isn't perfect, but it is simple. Make a barrier as described by Gent and give it the Extra Time limitation (one turn should do). This way when it goes down you are forced to live without the barrier for a while. This will make characters want to hide behind cover like they do in Mass Effect so as not to wind up dead.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


I knew I was making it more complicated than it needed to be! Thanks Gent, and everyone else who gave tips, it's much appreciated. The adders and whatnot don't make it quite exactly like a ME shield, but I think definitely get close enough I don't feel bad using it in the same way.


Again, thanks all!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Barrier 10 PD/10 ED, 5 BODY (up to 6m long, 1m tall, and 1/2m thick), Dismissable, Mobile (+1/4), One-Way Transparent (all attacks; +1) (108 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Only Works Against Common attack (Ranged Killing Attacks; -1/2), Perceivable (-1/2), Ablative BODY Only (-1/2), Extra Time (Extra Segment, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1/2), Restricted Shape (Always englobes; -1/4)


That's my quick take on this, sort of a skeletal writeup.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


In order to create a Personal Shield from a barrier, take a look at the Mobile Advantage (6E1 173): "At the GM’s option, if a Barrier has Non-Anchored and Mobile, if formed around the character creating it, it moves with him as he moves."

So the +10 Non Anchored Adder and +1/4 Mobile Advantage are what you are looking for.


About the size:

normal humans (and anythign human sized) is per rules definition 2 meters high, 0.5 meters wide, 0.5 meters thick.



What is the reason for using Ablative on a barrier? You could have just taken rPD/rED with protects Carried Items and Ablative and soem other Limitations in the first place, or not?

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Barrier covers an area. rPD/rED covers only one person. In Mass Effect we've seen Barrier being expanded to fill a larger area than just the person it's protecting. Much easier to simulate this by putting points into the area of effect. Ablative is there because the Barrier does go down if hit often enough.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Barrier covers an area. rPD/rED covers only one person. In Mass Effect we've seen Barrier being expanded to fill a larger area than just the person it's protecting. Much easier to simulate this by putting points into the area of effect. Ablative is there because the Barrier does go down if hit often enough.

Barrier is the rules-construct used for Forcefield affecting an Area.

Resistant Protection is the rules construct used for Forcefield affecting a Person.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


I'm a little late to the party and the article is written for 5th Edition (which is what I play and know) but you might want to take a gander at the Digital Hero article "Force Fields Enhanced" in Issue #10. Lots of tweaks for Force Field and Force Wall.....As I recall (don't have my PDF of the issue at hand) there is a modifier called "Regenerating Shields" that might fit the bill (after adapting to 6th...IF that is the rules set you are using).



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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Is AVLD (Attack vs Limited Defense) still viable in 6th edition.


You could make the Limited Defense "High Velocity Projectiles" Maybe it also deflects energy/beam weapons? I haven't played Mass Effect so I'm exactly sure how they work.


I also use DCV bonuses to represent velocity shields based on an activation roll. If the sheild activates and the DCV bonus deflects the attack, the DCV bonus drops by 1. They regenerate at a rate of +1 per hour. (Typical Velocity Shield in my Space Opera campaign run between +3 and +5 DCV)

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Is AVLD (Attack vs Limited Defense) still viable in 6th edition.

No, but you can Limit a Defense to only works agaisnt certain SFX/Attacks. How common it is defines the the Limitation, and Mass Driver are very common in Mass Effect. While thsi could be a -0 Limitation, the might allow higher limits than for the Unlimited PD (for example 10 rPD, plus 10 rPD only was projectiles gives you 20 vs. Projectiles and 10 vs. anything else).

There is also AVAD (Attack vs Alternate Defense), but I doubt that helps us much here...


I also use DCV bonuses to represent velocity shields based on an activation roll. If the sheild activates and the DCV bonus deflects the attack' date=' the DCV bonus drops by 1. They regenerate at a rate of +1 per hour. (Typical Velocity Shield in my Space Opera campaign run between +3 and +5 DCV)[/quote']

Not a good idea, sicne the DCV bonus depends on your abiltiy to react, would be halved by certain maneuvers and has no effect vs. most Area of Effet Attacks. Mass Effect Shields are usually Armor/Body-Fitting personal shields.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Barrier is the rules-construct used for Forcefield affecting an Area.

Resistant Protection is the rules construct used for Forcefield affecting a Person.


Barrier is A rules-construct for Forcefield affecting an Area.

Resistant Protection is A rules construct used for Forcefield affecting a person.


Neither of them are the only way to approach the design effect.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


Barrier is A rules-construct for Forcefield affecting an Area.

Resistant Protection is A rules construct used for Forcefield affecting a person.


Neither of them are the only way to approach the design effect.

Replace A with "Main", "the Main" or simply "the".


Considering that Area Affecting ED/PD is explicitly GM-approval. And in neither chase is it an argument that Personal Shields must be build with barrier/force wall because there are Area affecting shields out there (somewhere). That half way transparent, mobile, non anchored barrier uses 108 AP and most of just to behave like Resistant PD/Physical Damage Negation defined as Force Field, with Ablative Limitation.

When you need that amount of Adders and Power Modifiers, you are most likely using the wrong consturct for something very simple.

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Re: Mass Effect Shields?


I think I've discovered one source of confusion: You're describing Mass Effect Shields, which explicitly cover one person and carried objects or one ship or one vehicle, and I'm describing Mass Effect Biotic Barriers, which can expand (as demonstrated in cutscenes and in gameplay, in Hero terms, by being Pushed) to cover an area and everything within it.

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