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How would have to wear an external respirator effect characters in Star Wars and Star Heroes? Would there be any other effects on a character if it external respirator is built into a refrigation suit? Would the external respriator have any effect on character with force powers? Are there any aliens in Star Wars and Star Heroes that wear refrigation suits?


How much protection should Sith Armor have?

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How would have to wear an external respirator effect characters in Star Wars and Star Heroes?

Depends on the type of Respirator:

air-supplied respirator: Self Contained Breathing, OAF. Maybe Continous Fuel Charge to limit how long it can be used.

air-purifying respirator: depends on how the stuff it has to Filter is build. Could certainly be build as more limited Self Contained breathing (only protects against certain breathing poisions).


Would there be any other effects on a character if it external respirator is built into a refrigation suit? [...] Are there any aliens in Star Wars and Star Heroes that wear refrigation suits?

Why wear a refrigation suite?

You either need it, wich is build as Succeptibility or Dependence.

Or it is the most complicated way to Kill someone be freezing him to death, most likely build as a Change Environment (to lower Temperature level, 6E2 has the rules for this) or a Drain to Rec and End/Stun/Body.


Would the external respriator have any effect on character with force powers?

None that I can think of.


How much protection should Sith Armor have?

How are the weapons build? And against what weapons should it protect? Both questions depend on the campaign.

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The character who wears the refrigation suit is from an ice planet. The external respirator is the same as found on Darth Vader. Does the having to wear an external respirator effect his characteristics in any way?


The Sith armor should protect against most weapons including blasters.


Have anyone done the Sith Stalker Armor?

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How would go about making a character created by a Sith Lord to be an assassin through Sith Alchemy and possibly cybernetics/bionics?

Thats just a back story, you write it. there are no points involved.


I'm assuming you have the Hero/Champions rule book?

Here is the form I use to create a character. Try making as much of the character as possible. and we can sweat the small stuff later. Build the alien body and inherent alien powers first, Then pick the Force powers and skills you want.

Get what you want written down and it will be easier to help you.


Also understand there are no rules for Sith/Jedi in Star Hero. you will need to make them up as you go.



















Total Cost:




Total Cost:


Skills, Perks n’ Stuff:


Total Cost:


Total character cost:


Complications 75:













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How much protection should Sith Armor have?

The armor you are referring to is an invention of the upcoming Star Wars MMO.

In the movies Sith/Jedi did not wear armor. Why? Because the Light Saber cut thru anything.

Further the only blaster protection to be had was light saber deflection, or the force itself as demonstrated by Vader when Han Solo tried to shoot him. In the very last movie, Order 66 saw most of the Jedi cut down by mere blaster fire.


In the Star Hero rules I would say, 3 points of resistant defense, its just a starting respirator suit after all. With your toon being a 4 armed reptile I would say 2 points or resistant defense for natural scaly armor. 5 points, thats plenty to start with.

Besides, you will be given or build a laser sword on your own. all that deflection makes you even tougher.

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Thats just a back story' date=' [u']you write it.[/u] there are no points involved.


I'm assuming you have the Hero/Champions rule book?

Here is the form I use to create a character. Try making as much of the character as possible. and we can sweat the small stuff later. Build the alien body and inherent alien powers first, Then pick the Force powers and skills you want.

Get what you want written down and it will be easier to help you.


Also understand there are no rules for Sith/Jedi in Star Hero. you will need to make them up as you go.



















Total Cost:




Total Cost:



Skills, Perks n’ Stuff:


Total Cost:



Total character cost:



Complications 75:



















The character right now seems some what Darth Vader like in that he has to wear an external respirator and the fact that I keep thinking that the right side of his body down to his waist is replaced with cybernetics/bionics and the legs are cybernetic/bionic replacements. That means that his right eye, right arm, right hand and both legs are cybernetic/bionic replacements. The right side and possibly the left side of his body might suffer third degree burns.

Example of how he might like cybernetic/bionis (http://www.comicvine.com/tharok/29-5947/all-images/108-215400/26701-tharok/105-350289/)

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Print the character that you have. Lets see the stats.

Until I see what you already have on paper, I don't really care about your d@mn respirator.


The way you ignore all advice, and focus on ridiculous things...you're giving me the impression of a troll.


and answer this question: Do you even have the Hero system rulebook? Yes or No.

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I have the 6th edition books. The only stat I have done is STR which right now is 17

I need to figuring what the best way to make the characters stats convert to Heroes because I created him and his race using Heroes Unlimited.


What would should be max limit for characteristics for characters in Star Wars.


How am I ignoring all the advice, and focuing on ridiculous things?

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This is what I have so far



STR 20

DEX 15

CON 16

INT 17

EGO 15

PRE 18






PD 2

ED 2


END 24



Total Cost: 93



Tracking 18-

Combat Piloting 17-

WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons

TF: Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft, Military Spacecraft, Personal Use Spacecraft

Total Skill Points: 33



Refrigeration Suit: Resistant Protection (5 PD/6 ED)

Cybernetic Arm: +10 STR (10 Active Points); Only When Using The Right Arm (-1/4), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4)

Refrigeration Suit: Life Support (Safe in Intense Heat)

Total Power Points: 27



Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Heat (Common)

Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Heat (Common)

Susceptibility: Temperatures Above 32 Degrees Farenheit 2d6 damage Instant (Common)

Total Complication Points: 65


Appearance: He is a massive reptilian humanoid that stand fifteen feet tall. His scaly skin is green in color. The back corners of his skull has an enormous pair of massive, backward-pointing spikes, six inches long; these are surrounded by two or three smaller spikes. The head is large and rests on a thick neck. The eyes are red in color. Around both eyes is a ring of bone. The long crocodilian jaws are lined with ninety-six teeth designed for tearing and crushing. Sixty-four teeth line their lower jaws and thirty-two teeth line their upper jaws. A small crest runs down the center of his jaws. His arms and legs are massive and thickly muscled. A hook-like claw comes out of each of his hand’s three fingers and thumb. His powerful tapering tail measures ten feet in length. The feet have three toes that end in sharp claws.

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Been outa town. Sorry.

Well that a lot better than just a 17 STR. Thank you for writing it out.

You are doing fine. All you need to do is pick your starting force powers and you are done. Full critique for you at that time.


If you want a starting character, the max is 175 points. If you just want a detailed picture, then don't worry about points.

--You will not need to pay points for your light saber. Its already detailed in the equipment guide. You will build/scavenge/or buy it with cash. No character points needed.


The only critique I would have is the size. 15 feet tall? He will very uncomfortable in most human spaceships and buildings. And his movement will be hindered.

But its your character. Make him your way.

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He is to be a player character. What about being eight feet tall? Would it better to have turn to the dark side then starting out as a dark sider? where can i find a complete list of all the force powers and what each force power does? Also is should his Str be high then 17 if he is massive?

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Turning to the dark side (sooner or later) is entirely up to you, It's an origin story: WRITE IT.

No one can give you advice on such questions. Write it out yourself.


and there is NO list of force powers. Zip. Nada. None.

Read the book, write up the starting powers yourself. Please note, my character only had TWO starting powers.



Now, I'm not answering anymore questions until you write your character. After that critiques will come, not before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Questions


This is the info on him except for his history. I want him to be a pilot. Do I need to describe his helmet which is in the link? Also what changes do I need to make to the character?





STR 20

DEX 15

CON 16

INT 17

EGO 15

PRE 18






PD 2

ED 2


END 24



Total Cost: 93



17 Mechanics 19-

17 Electronics 19-

17 Navigation (Hyperspace, Space) 19-

17 Systems Operation (Communications Systems, Environmental Systems, Ftl Sensors, Sensor Jamming Equipment) 19-

15 Tracking 18-

13 Combat Piloting 17-

5 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Vehicle Weapons

5 Language: Basic (idiomatic; literate)

1 TF: Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft, Military Spacecraft, Personal Use Spacecraft

Total Skill Points: 107



15 Refrigeration Suit: Resistant Protection (5 PD/5 ED)

7 Cybernetic Arm: +10 STR (10 Active Points); Only When Using The Right Arm (-1/4), Restrainable

(Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4)

2 Refrigeration Suit: Life Support (Safe in Intense Heat)

51 Force Sensitive: Detect Force Activity: Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Increased

Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic: +7

9 Force Sensitive: Mental Awareness, +4 to PER Roll

7 Force Leap: Leaping +4m (8m forward, 4m upward) (x4 Noncombat)

30 Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (3d6+1 / 4d6 w/STR)

30 Bite: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (3d6+1 / 4d6 w/STR)


Hlemet/External Respirator Powers:

30 Helmet Armor: Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED)

15 Helmet Radio Systems: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Discriminatory

10 Hardened Systems Built into Helmet: Power Defense (10 points), Conditional Power Electro-

Magnetic Attacks Only (-0)

10 Breathing System: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing)

10 Air Filters Built into Helmet: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: All

terrestrial diseases)

8 Image Enhancement Built into Helmet: Nightvision, Telescopic: +6

8 Flash Protection Built into Helmet: Sight Group Flash Defense (8 points)


Total Power Points: 241



40 Dependence: helmet/internal life support mechanisms Takes 2d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain; 1 Segment)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Heat (Common)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Heat (Common)

15 Susceptibility: Temperatures Above 32 Degrees Farenheit 2d6 damage Instant (Common)

10 Distinctive Features: Force Signature (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By

Uncommonly-Used Senses)

Total Complication Points: 65


Appearance: He is a massive reptilian humanoid that stand eight feet tall. His scaly skin is green in color. The back corners of his skull has an enormous pair of massive, backward-pointing spikes, six inches long; these are surrounded by two or three smaller spikes. The head is large and rests on a thick neck. The eyes are red in color. Around both eyes is a ring of bone. The long crocodilian jaws are lined with ninety-six teeth designed for tearing and crushing. Sixty-four teeth line their lower jaws and thirty-two teeth line their upper jaws. A small crest runs down the center of his jaws. His arms and legs are massive and thickly muscled. A hook-like claw comes out of each of his hand’s three fingers and thumb. His powerful tapering tail measures sixn feet in length. The feet have three toes that end in sharp claws.

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Don't know how many points you have to play with; but, I think the END and STUN are a bit low compared to the BODY. Just a thought.


And a lot of the powers you have seem to actually be equipment; might want to work with your GM on either adding the appropriate limitations (focus, "real armor" or "real weapon", etc.) or moving them to the Equipment section where such things are assumed.


Might be able to combine the claws / bite into one power "Claws and Teeth" since they have the same dice of damage and such. Save you some points (if points matter.)


Any Jedi worth his sabre should have acrobatics and breakfall as skills. You might also save some points by lowering each of those 17- or 19- skills and buying "+X with (related group of skills)" as a Skill Level. Skill levels are almost always 'cheaper' than adding to skills directly, unless it is a skill level with only a single skill (which is functionally identical to adding +1 to the skill.) I would also recommend fleshing out skills a bit (any social skills at all? KS: The Force? AK: Outer Rim? AK: Home Planet? Martial Maneuvers? Skill Levels related to having the multiple limbs? Did you opt not to have multiple limbs or just omit the Multiple Limbs Power?)


Most campaigns assume that you have your native language and "common" as free languages; so that might be listed as an "everyman skill" or as a 0-cost "custom skill."


It is a great start; just trying to help :P

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Also, the Detect Force probably should not be discriminatory for a younger jedi - even Yoda and Obi Wan never seemed to have the ability to ascertain everything about a force user or force power in use - just "a disturbance in the force."


And last but not least, no character is complete (In my not-so-humble opinion) without at least half of their complications coming from Psychological Complications. Your GM may differ on that opinion. Psych Complications are great food for thought on the role-play aspect of your character; his drives and goals and faults and foibles as a person. But again, that is opinion; take it how you will.

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What other skills do I need to get since he is a pilot who can also repair the vehicles he flies? He also can build space vehicles if he wanted to. What if he also could be build weapons besides a lightsaber? What else could I have besides a pilot so he has some more skills and more well rounded


The helmet houses his external respirator. Would he need a suit like Darth Vader? Do you think I should wait into after I am in the game for some time to get the helmet with the external respirator? Should be from from an ice planet if he is reptilian?


I forget to add that each features found in the helmet has the foci helmet. Also would a jedi have all the features list in in my character helmet powers is he was forced to wear it for the rest of his live?


Should he have acrobatics and breakfall as skills if he is massive? What would strating level for his skills?


Is there any wrong with his description? I left out the fact he has four arms.


Also how do I keep him for being a Darth Vader clone/ripoff?

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I am think about changing either his description to that of the following character describe below or change the description to be more originally? The description right now reminds me of a race of aliens from Rifts known as the Bruutasaur (the link has a picture of the Bruutasaur Bruutasaur).


What would be the max amount of flight for the follwing character to have if he iis in Star Wars?


He is a humanoid that stand seven feet tall. He is muscular, sleek muscles rippling under his scaly crimson red skin that is extremely dry and abrasive to the touch. The back of his head has twelve tendrils that each measure two inches in length. The ears do not form a closed ring, but the edges are separated from each other at the base of the ear. His face is broad and flat. He has five eyes that are luminous, sulfuric yellow orbs. Two eyes are set on short flexible eyestalks. The two eyestalks can bend to look up, down and backwards without moving his head. Three eyes are found in the center of his forehead His jaws are lined three sharp, jagged teeth. His chin is long and bony. The hands have two long bony fingers in a "V" shape and a small bony thumb on each side of the fingers. A sharp claw comes out each hand’s fingers and thumbs. Both feet have two forward facing toes and one backward facing toe. Spatula tipped setae are found on his footpads. His blood is metallic blue in color, similar to quicksilver.

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Personally, I am not sure about a reptilian race from an ice planet, given reptiles are cold-blooded. (of course, they might could be a special kind of reptilian through some wierd necessity of evolution/mutation of some such on the planet).


Wouldnt worry too much about "well-rounded". But, that might be because I dont like playing characters who are good at everything.

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How would his sense of touch be effected by having a cybernetic arm in Star Wars?

Depends on the type of arm:

EP 1-3 obvious arm: See 6E2 9, Touch Sense group, 5th paragraph. The effect would only be for "attacks with that arm".

Lucky Skywalkers EP 5 model: Afaik works like a perfectly normal hand.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Questions


I left out his attack with his claws. He will not have a bite attack since his head is always in the helmet


Updated Character Sheet



STR 20

DEX 15

CON 16

INT 17

EGO 15

PRE 18






PD 2

ED 2


END 24



Total Cost: 99



9 Tracking 15-

9 Combat Piloting 15-

9 Streetwise 16-

9 Mechanics 15-

9 Electronics 15-

9 Navigation (Other Hyperspace, Space) 15-

9 Systems Operation 15-

9 Trading 16-

6 KS: The Force 15-

6 AK: Outer Rim 15-

5 Language: Basic (idiomatic; literate)

5 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Weapons, Vehicle Weapons

5 PS: Space pilot 14-

4 CuK: Spacer Culture 13-

1 TF: Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft, Military Spacecraft, Personal Use Spacecraft

Total: 104



16 Universal Translator Chip: Universal Translator 12- (20 Active Points); IIF (-1/4)

2 Calculator Chip: Lightning Calculator (3 Active Points); IIF (-1/4)

Total: 18


Helmet/External Respirator Powers:

10 1) Helmet Radio Systems: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Discriminatory (15 Active Points); OIF Durable (Helmet; -1/2)

10 2) Breathing System: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing)

7 3) Hardened Systems Built into Helmet: Power Defense (10 points), Conditional Power Electro-Magnetic Attacks Only (-0) (10 Active Points); OIF (Helmet; -1/2)

7 4) Air Filters Built into Helmet: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases) (10 Active Points); OIF Durable (Helmet; -1/2)

5 5) Image Enhancement Built into Helmet: Nightvision, Telescopic: +6 (8 Active Points); OIF Durable (Helmet; -1/2)

5 6) Flash Protection Built into Helmet: Sight Group Flash Defense (8 points) (8 Active Points); OIF Durable (Helmet; -1/2)


Force Powers & Abilities:

44 1) Force Sensitive: Detect Force Activity: Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Telescopic: +3

7 2)Force Sensitive: Mental Awareness, +2 to PER Roll

2 3) Force Leap: Leaping +3m (7m forward, 3 1/2m upward)



7 1) Cybernetic Arm: +10 STR (10 Active Points); Only When Using The Right Arm (-1/4), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; -1/4)


Total: 103



40 Dependence: helmet/internal life support mechanisms Takes 2d6 Damage (Easy To Obtain; 1 Segment)

15 Psychological Complication: Overconfidence (Very Common; Moderate)

15 Distinctive Features: Massive Reptilian Alien (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

10 Distinctive Features: Force Signature (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)

Total: 80

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The biggest problem is choose which description will the description of him I have descriptions that could be a description of him


1) He is a human that stand seven feet tall. He is muscular, sleek muscles rippling under his scaly crimson red skin that is extremely dry and abrasive to the touch. The back of his head has twelve tendrils that each measure two inches in length. The ears are large and fan-shaped, with sharp spikes connected by membranous skin. His face is broad and flat. He has five eyes that are luminous, sulfuric yellow orbs. Two eyes are set on short flexible eyestalks. The two eyestalks can bend to look up, down and backwards without moving his head. Three eyes are found in the center of his forehead Above his jaws which are lined with sharp, jagged teeth is a long snout. His chin is long and bony. The hands have two long bony fingers in a "V" shape and a small bony thumb on each side of the fingers. A sharp claw comes out each hand’s fingers and thumbs. Both feet have two forward facing toes and one backward facing toe. Spatula tipped setae are found on his footpads. His blood is metallic blue in color, similar to quicksilver.


2) He is a massive reptilian humanoid with four arms that stand eight feet tall. His scaly skin is green in color. The back corners of his skull has an enormous pair of massive, backward-pointing spikes, six inches long; these are surrounded by two or three smaller spikes. The head is large and rests on a thick neck. The eyes are red in color. Around both eyes is a ring of bone. The long crocodilian jaws are lined with ninety-six teeth designed for tearing and crushing. Sixty-four teeth line their lower jaws and thirty-two teeth line their upper jaws. A small crest runs down the center of his jaws. His arms and legs are massive and thickly muscled. His upper right arm is an obvious cybernetic replacement. A hook-like claw comes out of each of his hand’s three fingers and thumb. His powerful tapering tail measures eight feet in length. The feet have three toes that end in sharp claws.

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