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Questions about vigilantes


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So I've decided that my campaign should be during the Iron or Rust Age and my players will be vigilante super heroes.


1. So general question for any system (it is 5th Champions though) since the players aren't sponsored by any groups, what is the range amount of starting money that's enough for each of the struggling super heroes to start with so they can equipped themselves, invest in a vehicle, etc.


2. As far as superpowers and vigilantes in the Heroes/Champion universe which powers would you allow and which would you restrict?

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Re: Questions about vigilantes


1.a: How much money? Personally, I would say it depends entirely on their background, Skills, Complications, and "common and dramatic sense." For example, if the character has a Hunted: creditors, that character is probably broke and in debt. If a character has High Society and Reputation: Philanthropist, they probably inherited a fortune. However, if you really, really want some kind of "black letter rule" look at the Money Perk and its' corresponding Complication.


1.b: Equipment and vehicles? Well, you did say "super heroes" so I'll refer you to the basic rules for superheroic campaigns, which specifiy that equipment used for crimefighting or adventuring should be bought with character points - not money. There are other ways of addressing the issue which I or someone else would probably be glad to go into if you want to ask.


2. I'll admit to now knowing much about the Champions Universe. I'm also not sure how you're defining "vigilante." Do you mean characters who are not aliens or mutants, whose extraordinary abilities derive largely from talent, training and equipment?


Lucius Alexander


House of the Palindromedary

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Re: Questions about vigilantes


Regarding your second question, I would say that vigilante status doesn't necessarily confer any restrictions on power selection, if the classification is purely social in nature, and not a classification based on powers. Iron Age characters, however, tend to have powers that effect them adversely in some way.

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Re: Questions about vigilantes


So I've decided that my campaign should be during the Iron or Rust Age and my players will be vigilante super heroes.

I agree on the "supers buy equipment with points, not money".


Regardign the Iron Age/Dark Champions and Powers:

Champions 6E has some basic ideas regarding this, but the better soucre would definetely "Dark Champions". Generally they tend more to the mundane.

More personality flaws, then power limits as complciations. Skills and Mundane Weapons are more relevant. Defenses are lower. Higher tendency to realistic physic/consequences, rather than comicbook physics/consequences. Higher rate of killing attacks than in 4 color.

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Re: Questions about vigilantes


A little bit of "middle ground" between "Pay with Character Points" and "Buys it with Money" are the Resource pool Rules on APG I 191.

On the one Side they still get their stuff from stores/scavange during adventuring, on the other they can't carry all of it at once at might not be able to get to their stored stuff.

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Re: Questions about vigilantes


To really answer we'd need more information. What type of Vigilantes are we talking about? Are we looking at a couple of Army buddies getting together breaking out the shotguns and taking on gang bangers, or is it more the Punisher taking on King Pin? You need to decide how gritty you want things.

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