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Avian Aliens


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I would like to make the following an avaian race as a template where I can apply the stuff in the template on to character I want to make. I would like the to be original looking as well. I went with what was realistic when it can to how big they should and still be able to fly if they really existed.


Below are the abilities I want this race to have. I know that they are aglie and good flyers.


Nightvision, +5 to PER Roll

Hawk-like Vision: +6 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group

+6 DEX, Inherent (+1/4) (15 Active Points); Always On (-1/2)

+5 INT, Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points); Always On (-1/2)

+2 SPD, Inherent (+1/4) (25 Active Points); Always On (-1/2)

Life Support (Longevity: 800 Years)

Leathery Wings: Flight 4m, x4 Noncombat (9 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)


Description: They are a diminutive race of avian aliens who stand three to three feet, six inches tall. Their muscular body is covered in scaly skin that is light to medium grey in color. Their skeletal structure is made up of hollow bones with internal struts for support. Two leathery wings that are grey in color protrude from their back. The joints of the wings are laced with razorlike claws. The wings measure ten feet, six inches from wingtip to wingtip. Their face is broad and flat. Their raggedly pointed ears that rise above their head curve backwards. The round eyes are bright yellow in color with vertical pupils. Instead of a normal nose they have two slits. The teeth of a carnivore line their jaws. Long talons of bone cap both of their hand’s two fingers and thumb. The breastbone has a keel which serves as an attachment site for the muscles used for flight. The leg end in large splayed feet with three clawed toes.

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Re: Avian Aliens


Reduced BODY is what I was going to say, as well. Those bones are geared to minimum weight, rather than highest strength. Probably reduce ground movement, since their feet are more likely to be adapted to perches on rocks or branches rather than walking, as well as for catching prey. Possibly add something to simulate the ability to glide, as well as fly (I don't know if 6e carried Gliding forward), as most raptors spend more time hovering and circling rather than in wing-flapping flight. You might want to build a Diving Attack Martial Maneuver for them, since it is somewhat different than a Move-by or Move-through (sort of a Grab-by with a big change in direction).

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Re: Avian Aliens


I personally would question the natural lifespan given that it is my understanding that birds tend to have fairly active metabolisms.


Of course, if there is a campaign reason for the long lived critters there isn't really anything to prevent them from having invented some fountain of youth drug, and I suspect bio-corps throughout known space would be trying to adapt the research to other species. Adventure Seeds abound...

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Re: Avian Aliens


Main thing for a flyer is to keep the weight down (or more accurately, the weight to wing area ratio).


Hollow bones, like birds, may well mean lower BODY. Large breastbones are also a must: those wing muscles need an anchor. Also for weight reasons, they're likely to lay eggs or grubs rather than have a mammalian-style pregnancy.


There was a meme in 60s/70s SF that flyers are unlikely to be intelligent; the brain mass is too much. I don't know if more modern research agrees with this or not, but Poul Anderson came up with a supercharger system, a series of wing-powered breathing slits which provided extra energy when flying, to allow for flying the extra brain mass. Can't remember the name of the species, but they're in the Earthbook of Stormgate collections in his Polysotechnic League stories.


A species from a world with a denser atmosphere but standard gravity will have an easier time of it (maybe the world has no moon, so hasn't been subjected to atmospere stripping). But the race may not be able to fly in standard grav/standard atmosphere worlds (though they may still be able to glide). A higher oxygen mix may also help provide energy while flying.

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Re: Avian Aliens


Main thing for a flyer is to keep the weight down (or more accurately, the weight to wing area ratio).


Hollow bones, like birds, may well mean lower BODY. Large breastbones are also a must: those wing muscles need an anchor. Also for weight reasons, they're likely to lay eggs or grubs rather than have a mammalian-style pregnancy.


There was a meme in 60s/70s SF that flyers are unlikely to be intelligent; the brain mass is too much. I don't know if more modern research agrees with this or not, but Poul Anderson came up with a supercharger system, a series of wing-powered breathing slits which provided extra energy when flying, to allow for flying the extra brain mass. Can't remember the name of the species, but they're in the Earthbook of Stormgate collections in his Polysotechnic League stories.


A species from a world with a denser atmosphere but standard gravity will have an easier time of it (maybe the world has no moon, so hasn't been subjected to atmospere stripping). But the race may not be able to fly in standard grav/standard atmosphere worlds (though they may still be able to glide). A higher oxygen mix may also help provide energy while flying.


That trope is also based on the unproven assumption that intelligence requires high brain mass. The actual human part of the brain is relatively small. Most of the volume is taken up by the 'monkey' and 'lizard' brains. Numerous science-fiction explanations could be reasonably made that reduces the mass requirement for intelligence. One might be a 'dry' neuron, which is able to operate without all of the surrounding insulating tissue (jelly, fat and the like), and is therefore able to reduce the overall brain weight without sacrificing function. Could even introduce some interesting Complications for the race. (note: I am not proposing that there is any current scientific evidence that this is even vaguely possible, merely proposing an explanation for why brain mass is not a factor for these aliens)

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