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Re: Ifrit


Would having a the lower half of it body made out of swirling fire have any effect on the Ifrit? Where can I find the info on the Djinn and does it look anything like the ones in Champions Online? Does the Ifrit look anything like the Ifrit from Champions Online?

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Re: Ifrit


Would having a the lower half of it body made out of swirling fire have any effect on the Ifrit?
Well,you could sell back Running and replace it with Flight (I know Teleport is the main movement power, just talking about a few meters worth so you can hover). Also, this could count as a very obvious Distinctive Feature, and possible a small Physical Complication (can't operate vehicles, wear a spacesuit, etc).
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Re: Ifrit


Would having a the lower half of it body made out of swirling fire have any effect on the Ifrit? Where can I find the info on the Djinn and does it look anything like the ones in Champions Online? Does the Ifrit look anything like the Ifrit from Champions Online?


Lower half of the body being made of fire sounds like you'd be selling back the character's Running and Leaping and buying Flight.


Which Djinn?

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Re: Ifrit


As far as I can recall' date=' Djinn and Ifrit look like humans. You might want to look it up in wikipedia and see what sources they give and do a little research.[/quote']


I almost forgot, I do recall some Djinn have non-huamn attributes -- like cloven hoofed feet and the like.

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Re: Ifrit


What would I need to do to make this a good PC?


What help can you give me in figuring out what I should name this character? I would like the name to be Middle Eastern.


How would I got about figuring what my character's INT score would be if I was wanting the character to have certain I.Q.?


Should he have the Susceptibility: Submerged underwater 3d6 damage Instant (Common)?

What do you think of him having the follwing as a complication? He is forced to call anybody who can capture him, saves his life, or provides him with vital aid, his "master." The curse also binds him to grant their "master" three wishes as a reward for the mortal's help or in order to end his obligation and regain his their freedom . Until the three wishes are requested and granted, that he is bound to that plane of existence and to the person to whom he is obligated.


What should I look picture to help out in making my Ifrit originally but still having a basis in the mythology and legends of the Ifrit?


What kinds of skills would you see an Ifrit having? Right now he has the following skills.

10 CuK: Islamic Studies 19-

10 KS: Myths and Legends 19-

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Re: Ifrit


Have a good player for it.


Not sure about names.


INT isn't so much about IQ, but about how fast the character can think on its feet.


If that is what you want him to suffer, sure.


The ability to grant wishes can be a game breaker and is better for GM controlled NPCs. Djinn have a nasty tendency to alter wishes to the wisher's detriment.

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Re: Ifrit


I am going to play this character.


I thinking the following was how the three wishes worked. He cannot actually produce something out of thin air as most people believe . Rather, he uses his powers, cunning and evil ways to find and get what is requested of him.

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Re: Ifrit


What would I need to do to make this a good PC?


A strong sense of the campaign in which he will be played so you can design abilities that are in keeping with that campaign, and ensure he has a personality and motivations that are consistent with the tone of that campaign.


What help can you give me in figuring out what I should name this character? I would like the name to be Middle Eastern.


"Ifrit" sounds middle eastern, doesn't it?


How would I got about figuring what my character's INT score would be if I was wanting the character to have certain I.Q.?


You would first ask the GM if he has any guidelines linking INT to IQ. As Greywind notes, there is no direct link in the game. An 8 INT scientist could be a Nobel prize winner, but he has to work his way through the concepts - he doesn't quickly grasp them and tune them to his own research. Assuming the GM has such guidelines, you would set his INT to meet the IQ desired in that game. Assuming he does not, you would select an Intelligence as desired and write in the background "He has a XXX IQ". How and why he had someone test his IQ so he could know what it is could make for some interesting backstory.


Should he have the Susceptibility: Submerged underwater 3d6 damage Instant (Common)?


If you and the GM agree that being submerged will be a common event (the type that comes up almost every game), and you are comfortable with frequently losing 10 STUN (on average), sure. If not, perhaps you should consider a lower frequency and/or less damage.


What do you think of him having the follwing as a complication? He is forced to call anybody who can capture him' date=' saves his life, or provides him with vital aid, his "master." The curse also binds him to grant their "master" three wishes as a reward for the mortal's help or in order to end his obligation and regain his their freedom . Until the three wishes are requested and granted, that he is bound to that plane of existence and to the person to whom he is obligated.[/quote']


I think he will be obliged to provide such aid on a very frequent basis. I would expect, in a team-based game, that there will be numerous occasions where teammates will, if not save his life, at least provide vital aid. Being captured is part of the Supers genre. I also think the terms should be defined between your GM and yourself with greater precision (is an Entangle or Grab "captured"?; is helping him over some hurdle arising due to his lack of cultural knowledge "vital aid"?)


What should I look picture to help out in making my Ifrit originally but still having a basis in the mythology and legends of the Ifrit?


Your personal creativity is the only thing that can make the character "original". Of course, this also depends largely on one's definition of "Original". A kindly, altruistic Ifrit, thinking always of others and never of his own selfish interests, would seem highly original, as it would fly in the face of the stereotype. A devout Catholic Ifrit, converted during his wanderings of the Earth would also seem highly original. Perhaps he wants to be a dentist!


What kinds of skills would you see an Ifrit having? Right now he has the following skills.

10 CuK: Islamic Studies 19-

10 KS: Myths and Legends 19-


It depends on the background of the Ifrit. Does it use fire magic? Then "KS: Fire Magic" seems appropriate. Does he have intuitive logic leaps (partially simulating that high IQ)? Sounds like Deduction. Perhaps a prior master forced him to serve as a chef, so he has PS: Chef. If he possesses a wide-reaching knowledge of the modern world, he might know many languages, cultures and areas. If not, he could have none. A knowledge of other planes where he spends his time might be reasonable.


KS: and/or PS: Dentistry, if he's always really wanted to be a dentist!


I am going to play this character.


I thinking the following was how the three wishes worked. He cannot actually produce something out of thin air as most people believe . Rather, he uses his powers, cunning and evil ways to find and get what is requested of him.


Emphasis added. "Evil ways" doesn't strike me as a great PC in many games, especially many Supers games. What motivates the Ifrit to be a four colour Superhero (assuming that is the game he is being played in - without knowing the parameters of the game you intend to play the character in, we can't make a lot of concrete suggestions)?

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Re: Ifrit


Ifrit is his his temporary name until I can find a good name for him. Is there good Genie or Arabic name generator out there?


I meant that he cannot actually granted wishes but has to use his power to go about granting wishes. Meaning that is a people wished for ten thousand dollar he would have to rob a bank to get them money. If that is too much then I will get rid of it.


I am setting this PC up so when a game comes along I can play him play right away him. If I could get away with it I would like him to be evil but not all out evil. In D&D terms he would Lawful Evil. If he has to be good I will make him that way. I see his alignment as being Chaotic Good if he was goo. What could be some reasons for a an ifrit to be a hero. I have worked out that Ifrit has the power Shape Shift which let assume a human form.

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Re: Ifrit


For names try googling common or top ten arabric names. I did that for Canadian surmanes for the Amazing Darkon.

As for skills, if he's been in a bottle for a long time, he may not have a bunch of skills at all. The psy lim seemed interesting and appropriate. As for evil ways, did you mean perhaps devious? Just because he is forced to do it, depending on who requests it, he might be very literal, or very figuritive. I.e. for friends, he would go by the spririt of the request and enemies, down to the letter.

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Re: Ifrit


Ifrit is his his temporary name until I can find a good name for him. Is there good Genie or Arabic name generator out there?





Try using Google to search for "Arabic Name Generator" and you'll find more.


I meant that he cannot actually granted wishes but has to use his power to go about granting wishes. Meaning that is a people wished for ten thousand dollar he would have to rob a bank to get them money. If that is too much then I will get rid of it.


I recommend getting rid of it.


I am setting this PC up so when a game comes along I can play him play right away him. If I could get away with it I would like him to be evil but not all out evil. In D&D terms he would Lawful Evil. If he has to be good I will make him that way. I see his alignment as being Chaotic Good if he was goo. What could be some reasons for a an ifrit to be a hero. I have worked out that Ifrit has the power Shape Shift which let assume a human form.


Well, I'd pretty much say no to such a character in my games. I prefer people play heroes -- troubled heroes to be sure -- but heroes. I'm not a big fan of "evil" PCs for the most part. Also, "What could be some reasons for a an ifrit to be a hero?" is a question you need to answer, not me. It's your PC. In addition, you'd best check with any GM before trying to bring your Ifirt into a game. It's possible he won't even fit into the game world. For example, you could get away with a true Ifirt in the Champions universe, but not in the world of Gestalt.

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Re: Ifrit


I meant that he cannot actually granted wishes but has to use his power to go about granting wishes. Meaning that is a people wished for ten thousand dollar he would have to rob a bank to get them money. If that is too much then I will get rid of it.


So why does he have to rob a bank? There is no other way he could leverage his powers to earn money legitimately?


Given how common the result would be, I would suggest a much more restrictive definition, if this is maintained at all.


I am setting this PC up so when a game comes along I can play him play right away him. If I could get away with it I would like him to be evil but not all out evil. In D&D terms he would Lawful Evil.


The devil is LE. I would say the devil IS "all out evil". Alignment is not a concept in Hero - it is the character's personality, typically incorporating psychological and other complications, which would typically indicate "good" and "evil" of the character.


If he has to be good I will make him that way. I see his alignment as being Chaotic Good if he was goo. What could be some reasons for a an ifrit to be a hero. I have worked out that Ifrit has the power Shape Shift which let assume a human form.


Law implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include closed-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote lawfulness say that only lawful behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.


Chaos implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.


Someone who is neutral with respect to law and chaos has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to follow rules nor a compulsion to rebel. They are honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others if it suits him/her.


So he's honorable and obedient to authority if he's evil, but flexible, resentful to authority and irresponsible if he's good? It doesn't sound like you've figured out what makes this character tick. Not knowing the character's mindset and personality makes it very difficult to assess his reasons for being a hero. From what you've described, he doesn't sound much like a hero to me. As a GM, I would ask you what motivates your character to be a hero. He's YOUR character, so his motivations are YOUR responsibility.


Well' date=' I'd pretty much say no to such a character in my games. I prefer people play heroes -- troubled heroes to be sure -- but heroes. I'm not a big fan of "evil" PCs for the most part. Also, "What could be some reasons for a an ifrit to be a hero?" is a question you need to answer, not me. It's your PC. In addition, you'd best check with any GM before trying to bring your Ifirt into a game. It's possible he won't even fit into the game world. For example, you could get away with a true Ifirt in the Champions universe, but not in the world of Gestalt.[/quote']


I'd side with Susano on this. It's a pretty rare game where evil, villainous characters are a good fit. They are normally the adversaries, not the protagonists. Supers tend to be a more black & white genre than most, making this an even more significant issue. As a GM, especially dealing with a new player, the question "what makes your character a hero" is one I would expect you to have a solid handle on.


The other question you should be prepared to answer is what would motivate your character to work with the rest of the team, and what would cause the other PC's to want you as a teammate. If all you can offer is "he's powerful", well, there's lots of powerful potential teammates out there.

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Re: Ifrit


What would be some ways to flesh this character out?


What if he was a human transformed into an Ifrit?


Give him a personality, a history, a motivation for being a hero (if this is a supers game) and a reason for fighting crime, saving people, going on adventures, and the like. If he was a human, who was he before? What was he like? How did he get changed? What can he do to change back? Does he believe that with great power comes great responsibility?


Try filling out the standard description block used for all published characters:







Quote: “”






And see what that brings you.

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Re: Ifrit


What would be some ways to flesh this character out?


What if he was a human transformed into an Ifrit?


Perhaps he was cursed to be an Ifrit? He wanted to be the most powerful being in the universe? A.k.a Alladin. Maybe he was forced to be a Hero to lift the curse? He could start out as a jerk, but start to be truly a hero.

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Re: Ifrit


Perhaps he was cursed to be an Ifrit? He wanted to be the most powerful being in the universe? A.k.a Aladdin. Maybe he was forced to be a Hero to lift the curse? He could start out as a jerk' date=' but start to be truly a hero.[/quote']How can I improve on the following which just might be how the character became an Ifrit. in 1675 in Iran he made a wish for power and found himself turned in to an Ifrit.


I want him to slow discover all of all his power as an Ifrit. Should he have a sheath or mantle of flame covering his body in Ifrit? What powers besides fire- and smoke-based powers should he have? What could I look at online for help in make less fire- and smoke-based in his powers? He has only two power which are not related to fire and smoke or being his Ifrit body. Those power are as follows.


40 Assume Human Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Touch and Smell/Taste Groups, limited group of shapes), Imitation, Makeover

15 Flight 12m, No Turn Mode (+1/4) (15 Active Points)


He has the following do to the fact he has no legs

-12 Only Flies: Running -6" (-12 Active Points)

-2 Only Flies: Swimming -6" (-2 Active Points)

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Re: Ifrit


How can I improve on the following which just might be how the character became an Ifrit. in 1675 in Iran he made a wish for power and found himself turned in to an Ifrit.


Based on the Arabian Nights I've read, this doesn't work. A wish for power would make him a king, and humans don't become Ifrit. In a comic universe, it could be more complex. Also, this makes the PC over 400 years old. Long enough to have amassed a lot of Skills, Perks, Powers, and what not. A more comic origin might have him become an Ifirt last week due to... a curse, a mis-worded wish, an spell from an evil magician, or something like that.


I want him to slow discover all of all his power as an Ifrit. Should he have a sheath or mantle of flame covering his body in Ifrit? What powers besides fire- and smoke-based powers should he have? What could I look at online for help in make less fire- and smoke-based in his powers? He has only two power which are not related to fire and smoke or being his Ifrit body.


Your questions in order of being asked:


1) Do you want him to have a body covered in flames? These are questions you need to ask yourself based on your concept of the character. If you want a mythological Ifirt, I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. But he might be able to turn it off and on.


2) What powers do you want him to have? Once again, this is where you need to think about the character and decide what he is besides "he's an Ifirt."


3) Online? I think you're going to need to invest in Champions Powers to get what you're looking for. There aren't a lot of powers listed online that I know of.


Those power are as follows.


40 Assume Human Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Touch and Smell/Taste Groups, limited group of shapes), Imitation, Makeover

15 Flight 12m, No Turn Mode (+1/4) (15 Active Points)


He has the following do to the fact he has no legs

-12 Only Flies: Running -6" (-12 Active Points)

-2 Only Flies: Swimming -6" (-2 Active Points)


These powers are fine, but realize that the Assume Human From lets him look like just about anyone he wants. He can be just about anybody, which is—one again—a power you need decide fits your concept of the character.

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Re: Ifrit


Based on the Arabian Nights I've read' date=' this doesn't work. A wish for power would make him a king, and humans don't become Ifrit. In a comic universe, it could be more complex. Also, this makes the PC over 400 years old. Long enough to have amassed a lot of Skills, Perks, Powers, and what not. A more comic origin might have him become an Ifirt last week due to... a curse, a mis-worded wish, an spell from an evil magician, or something like that.[/quote']


Maybe turned into an Ifrit in the 1600's, shortly thereafter enslaved/trapped in a lamp/what have you so he's barely done anything of his own accord as an Ifrit. Now rescued by the PC's (or an NPC Superteam), he must find his place in this strange modern world.

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Re: Ifrit


Maybe turned into an Ifrit in the 1600's' date=' shortly thereafter enslaved/trapped in a lamp/what have you so he's barely done anything of his own accord as an Ifrit. Now rescued by the PC's (or an NPC Superteam), he must find his place in this strange modern world.[/quote']


Yeah I agree too. If he can do anything magical, why would he learn a skill? (I wouldn't ;)). And maybe why he 'evil', because of time and culture difference. What was acceptable in his day and age is not here now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Ifrit


I need some help in figuring out what skill he had before he became an Ifrit. I also need fix up his sheet from what I have so far so he can be a playable character. I was think the character was an archeologist (Middle East). He dug up a lamp while in Iran.



Physical Description: A large humanoid creature walks in. He stands at sixteen feet tall. He has a powerful muscular build with a barrel-shaped chest. Running throughout his fiery red skin are what appears to be veins of molten lava. Smoke rises in curls from the skin. His head which low slung between its shoulders is aflame, though the fire does not burn him, and the fire cascades over a bulge in the back of his skull and down his back down to his elbows. His visage is fearsome to behold. Above his eyes from which white-hot fire blazes intensely are thick-ridged brows. Beneath his eyes, his face juts forward, making his cheekbones angle to the sides. Intense fire blazes forth from the jaws which are line with sharp hooked teeth. In both long pointed ears he wears a silver earring. His hands are wide and monstrous looking, each of his fingers ending in a massive, sharp, iron-grey claw. From the waist down, he looks very much like a large twisting cone of fire. In both hands he wields a scimitar, their blades dark as night and giving off waves of heat, as if they were an extension of himself.

Height: 16 feet tall



55 STR

20 DEX

25 CON

22 INT

17 EGO

20 PRE







2 PD

2 ED


30 END



12 Running

4 Swimming



10 CuK: Islamic Studies 19-

10 KS: Myths and Legends 19-



27Speak Any Language:Universal Translator 20-

3 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)

2 Lava: Environmental Movement (no penalties on)



30 Greater Strength: +30 STR

10 Greater Toughness: +10 CON

10 More Impressive: +10 PRE

6 Tougher: +6 PD

6 Tougher: +6 ED

6 Greater Mass: +6 BODY

6 Greater Toughness: +12 STUN

3 Reach: Stretching 3m

12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12m

36 Immunity To Harm: Resistant Protection (14 PD/10 ED)

20 Immunity To Fire: Desolidification (40 Active Points); Only To Protect Against [Limited Type Of Attack] (Fire; -1)

45 Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6 (8 1/2d6 / 9d6+1 w/STR)

17 High Temperature Body: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Area Of Effect (1m Surface; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (26 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)


Fire- and Smoke-Based Powers

20 Breathe Fire: Blast 5d6 (25 Active Points); Limited Range (-1/4)

40 Body Of Smoke: Desolidification (affected by affected by lightning and wind), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2)

15 Kindle: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Sticky (only affects flammables; +1/4), Constant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use, path can change with every use; +1) (19 Active Points); Limited Range (-1/4)

30 Flaming: Teleportation 12m, MegaScale (1m = 100 km; +1 1/2) (30 Active Points)


40 Assume Human Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Touch and Smell/Taste Groups, limited group of shapes), Imitation, Makeover

21 Regeneration (2 BODY per Hour), Can Heal Limbs

22 Body of an Ifrit: Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing)

12 Flight 10m, No Turn Mode (+1/4) (12 Active Points)

19 Eyes Of Fire: Infrared Perception (Sight Group), Telescopic: +10, Tracking, Inherent (+1/4) (19 Active Points)

8 Density Increase (400 kg mass, +10 STR, +2 PD/ED, -4m KB)

-12 Only Flies: Running -6" (-12 Active Points)

-2 Only Flies: Swimming -6" (-2 Active Points)



15 Physical Complication: Enormous (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Cold (Common)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Cold (Common)

15 Physical Complication: Confined By The Seal Of Solomon (Infrequently; Fully Impairing)

15 Distinctive Features: Ifrit (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)


Total Points Spents: 650

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Re: Ifrit


I need some help in figuring out what skill he had before he became an Ifrit. I also need fix up his sheet from what I have so far so he can be a playable character. I was think the character was an archeologist (Middle East). He dug up a lamp while in Iran.



Physical Description: A large humanoid creature walks in. He stands at sixteen feet tall. He has a powerful muscular build with a barrel-shaped chest. Running throughout his fiery red skin are what appears to be veins of molten lava. Smoke rises in curls from the skin. His head which low slung between its shoulders is aflame, though the fire does not burn him, and the fire cascades over a bulge in the back of his skull and down his back down to his elbows. His visage is fearsome to behold. Above his eyes from which white-hot fire blazes intensely are thick-ridged brows. Beneath his eyes, his face juts forward, making his cheekbones angle to the sides. Intense fire blazes forth from the jaws which are line with sharp hooked teeth. In both long pointed ears he wears a silver earring. His hands are wide and monstrous looking, each of his fingers ending in a massive, sharp, iron-grey claw. From the waist down, he looks very much like a large twisting cone of fire. In both hands he wields a scimitar, their blades dark as night and giving off waves of heat, as if they were an extension of himself.

Height: 16 feet tall



55 STR

20 DEX

25 CON

22 INT


Right now you have a typical Champions "brick." However, if you want to go for extreme strength and damage sponge powers, I'd recommend a higher CON (like 20-33). If not, drop the STR down to 45-50, so you can spend those points elsewhere.


Also, the 22 INT doesn't help you at all. Either for to 23 or down to 20.


17 EGO

20 PRE


If he's 16' tall, I'd argue for a 25-30 PRE.









In order, I'd recommend values of 7, 7, 3, and 6. Also, a 4 SPD is fine, but you might want to bump up to a 5 SPD.


2 PD

2 ED


30 END




PD and ED needs to be around 15-25 depending on how much of a damage sponge you want him to be. His REC should be 12-20, his END 50-60, his BODY could be dropped down to 20-23, and his STUN should be around 50-60.


12 Running

4 Swimming


As he's 16' tall, his Running should go up. Maybe double what's here. His Swimming, OTOH, could be sold off. He's a creature of fire.



10 CuK: Islamic Studies 19-

10 KS: Myths and Legends 19-


IMO, 19- is too high for a starting character. I'd argue for 14-. Also, he's missing a vast number of Skills I'd argue an archeologist would have. Area Knowledges, Knowledge Skills, Science Skills, and so on. In addition, 'Islamic Studies' is more of a KS, than a Cultural Knowledge. I'd recommend changing it to something akin to 'CuK: Cultures And Customs Of Central Asia' (or the region of you choice.)



27Speak Any Language:Universal Translator 20-

3 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)

2 Lava: Environmental Movement (no penalties on)


As a GM'd Id have you dial back his UT Talent to his INT Roll (which is around 13-.) Also, I'm not sure no penalties in lava is only 2 points.



30 Greater Strength: +30 STR

10 Greater Toughness: +10 CON

10 More Impressive: +10 PRE

6 Tougher: +6 PD

6 Tougher: +6 ED

6 Greater Mass: +6 BODY

6 Greater Toughness: +12 STUN

3 Reach: Stretching 3m

12 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -12m

36 Immunity To Harm: Resistant Protection (14 PD/10 ED)

20 Immunity To Fire: Desolidification (40 Active Points); Only To Protect Against [Limited Type Of Attack] (Fire; -1)

45 Claws: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 3d6 (8 1/2d6 / 9d6+1 w/STR)

17 High Temperature Body: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Area Of Effect (1m Surface; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (26 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)


Okay, now I'm, confused. Are these Characteristic values included in what's listed up top? If not, this guy is going far beyond the limits of most starting supers games (which give one only 400 points to work with.) I'd also tone down the Claws, as 8-9d6 HKAs will kill most anyone you encounter quickly, and most supers game tend to not have high body counts. Also, based on the damage for the HKA, you powers here are not part of the Characteristics you listed, which mean most of them push your character from starting super into night world-beater class.


Fire- and Smoke-Based Powers

20 Breathe Fire: Blast 5d6 (25 Active Points); Limited Range (-1/4)

40 Body Of Smoke: Desolidification (affected by affected by lightning and wind), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2)

15 Kindle: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Sticky (only affects flammables; +1/4), Constant (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use, path can change with every use; +1) (19 Active Points); Limited Range (-1/4)

30 Flaming: Teleportation 12m, MegaScale (1m = 100 km; +1 1/2) (30 Active Points)


As a GM I'd recommend putting this into a Unified Power structure. Also, his Breathe Fire only does 5d6. He should be doing 10-14d6 if you wants to affect another super. I also would recommend you dump the Desolid that lets him be immune to fire, as having a PC with multiple Desolidification might be a sticking point with some GMs. In addition, his Kindle could be No Range (he touches stuff to set it on fire) if you want to save a few points.


40 Assume Human Form: Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, Touch and Smell/Taste Groups, limited group of shapes), Imitation, Makeover

21 Regeneration (2 BODY per Hour), Can Heal Limbs

22 Body of an Ifrit: Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing)


Unless he can assume any human form, I'd make the Shape Shift into a Multiform. Or, make it so the character is "Only in Alternate ID".


12 Flight 10m, No Turn Mode (+1/4) (12 Active Points)

19 Eyes Of Fire: Infrared Perception (Sight Group), Telescopic: +10, Tracking, Inherent (+1/4) (19 Active Points)

8 Density Increase (400 kg mass, +10 STR, +2 PD/ED, -4m KB)

-12 Only Flies: Running -6" (-12 Active Points)

-2 Only Flies: Swimming -6" (-2 Active Points)


I don't see a need to have Inherent on his Eyes of Fire. Also, is the Density Increase something he can turn off and on? If not, then drop it, the other powers he has simulate his increased mass.



15 Physical Complication: Enormous (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Cold (Common)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Cold (Common)

15 Physical Complication: Confined By The Seal Of Solomon (Infrequently; Fully Impairing)

15 Distinctive Features: Ifrit (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)


Total Points Spents: 650



Technically, Champions characters don't get DF. Also, I don't see anything Psychological -- what makes him tick? Why is he a hero? Finally, he's 650 points. This is 250-300 more than most starting supers games. I think you need to really reduce some of this powers and think more of the person who gained this power, than what powers he has now.

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