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Empathic Character with no Damaging powers


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To respond to JmOz question (Riddle) about a certain character..



Queen of Heart



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift 75.8kg; 1 ½d6

18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

23 CON 13 14-

10 BODY 0

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

28 EGO 18 15- ECV: 8 - 8

13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 ½d6



6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)

6 ED 4 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

8 REC 4

60 END 8

40 STUN 10 Total Characteristic Cost: 156


Movement: Running: 12m/24m

Leaping: 4m/8m

Swimming: 4m/8m


Cost Powers END

6 Fearful Haste: +4 DCV (20 Active Points); Only Versus Designated Person's Attacks (-1), Costs Endurance (-½), Instant (-½), Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 2

26 You Won't Hit Me So Fiercely, Would You ?: (Total: 40 Active Cost, 26 Real Cost) Energy Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points); Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) (Real Cost: 13) plus Physical Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points); Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) (Real Cost: 13)

8 Calm Demeanor: Boost PRE 5d6 (30 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), Only To Resist Presence Attacks And Other Attacks Based On Fear (-1), Costs Endurance (to maintain; -½) 3

16 Active Social Chameleon: +6 Interaction Skills (24 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-½) 2

45 Emotions Manipulation : Multipower, 67-point reserve, (67 Active Points); all slots Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½)

4f 1) Trigger the EGO: Dispel Mental Powers 20d6 (60 Active Points); Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 6

2f 2) Alter/Inflict Emotions: Mind Control 12d6 (60 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict One Emotional State (-1), Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 6

3f 3) Crippling Depression: Entangle 3d6, 3 PD/3 ED, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+¼), Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks (+¾) (67 Active Points); Mental Defense Adds To EGO (-½), Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 7

2f 4) Emotion Sculpting: Major Transform 4d6 (alter, remove, or add Psychological Complications related to or reflecting emotional states, heals back normally [or through repeated applications of this power, character's choice at purchase]), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Mental Defense; +0), Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼), Works Against EGO, not BODY (+¼) (60 Active Points); Limited Target (; mental "objects" pertaining to emotions in the minds of sentient beings; -½), No Range (-½), Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 6

3f 5) Group Inspiration: Aid 3d6, Characteristics (any one emotion-related Characteristic at a time; +½), Ranged (+½), Area Of Effect (15m Radius; +¾), Selective (+¼) (54 Active Points); Only to Aid Others (-½), Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 5

4f 6) Instill Fear: Drain PRE 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (60 Active Points); Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 6

2f 7) Read Emotions: Telepathy 12d6 (60 Active Points); Empathy (One Single Emotion) (-1), Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions (-½) 6

11 Empathic Psychometry: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Mental Group) (40 Active Points); Emotions Only (-1), Retrocognition Only (-1), No Range (-½) 4

14 Detect Emotions: Detect Emotions 17- (Mental Group), Discriminatory

10 Mental Defense (10 points total)



8 City Police Department Chief: Contact (Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

5 Money: Well Off



12 +2 with all Mental Powers


3 Acting 12-

7 Analyze: Emotions 15-

3 Bribery 12-

3 Charm 12-

3 Conversation 12-

7 Criminology 15-

7 Deduction 15-

3 Interrogation 12-

2 KS: City Police Department 11-

2 KS: Criminal Minds 11-

2 KS: Super Criminals 11-

2 KS: The Superhuman World 11-

3 Oratory 12-

3 Persuasion 12-

3 PS: Profiler 13-

5 Science Skill: Psychology 15-

3 Trading 12-

2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 244

Total Cost: 400


400+ Disadvantages

20 Code vs Killing: (Common; Total)

15 Psychological Complication: Sensitive and Compassionate (Common; Strong)

15 Social Complication: Secret ID Infrequently, Severe

15 Dependent NPC: Boyfriend of the month, the ONE she thinks HE's the good one.. again Infrequently (Incompetent)

10 Enraged: When People feelings are hurt badly (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-

25 Susceptibility: When Entering a Place or touching an object full of bad powerful emotions 3d6 damage Instant (Very Common)


Total Disadvantage Points: 400

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Re: Empathic Character with no Damaging powers


Just my opinion, but -1/2 seems very generous for "Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions" in most of those examples. In the instances of Mental Powers such as Mind Control and Telepathy, I would not allow the Limitation at all since you have to select a Class of Minds thus requiring a "mind/emotion" by default. Nor would I allow it for the Mental Transform since you already took a Limitation for it working on the minds of sentient beings. You are sorta double dipping there. You've also described the Aid as working on "any one emotion-related Characteristic at a time," so why would the Limitation apply to that? That is like having an Aid that works on "any super power" and taking the Limitation "Only On People With Powers." Frankly, I think it is questionable for the ACV Entangle as well and I would probably lower it to -1/4 for the Dispel. I can see the Limitation for Fearful Haste and You Won't Hit Me So Fiercely since those affect a broad category of targets by default, even then I would probably go with only -1/4. Then again, I can be a bit stingy like that. :)

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Re: Empathic Character with no Damaging powers


Just my opinion' date=' but -1/2 seems very generous for "Only Versus Beings With Minds/Emotions" in most of those examples. In the instances of Mental Powers such as Mind Control and Telepathy, I would not allow the Limitation at all since you have to select a Class of Minds thus requiring a "mind/emotion" by default. Nor would I allow it for the Mental Transform since you already took a Limitation for it working on the minds of sentient beings. You are sorta double dipping there. You've also described the Aid as working on "any one emotion-related Characteristic at a time," so why would the Limitation apply to that? That is like having an Aid that works on "any super power" and taking the Limitation "Only On People With Powers." Frankly, I think it is questionable for the ACV Entangle as well and I would probably lower it to -1/4 for the Dispel. I can see the Limitation for [i']Fearful Haste [/i]and You Won't Hit Me So Fiercely since those affect a broad category of targets by default, even then I would probably go with only -1/4. Then again, I can be a bit stingy like that. :)


Well, in fact, all Limiters and Adders costs are taken from the Champions Power book. So yes it might be generous, but turn to Steve long for more explanation :P


I tend to think it's a bit too generous too, BUT, in the other hand the character has no way to hurt anyone directly, and won't probably do it, so it "balances" it abit.. imho


Generous Opale

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Re: Empathic Character with no Damaging powers


At first, I thought "Wow, that's a VERY revealing costume." Then I looked closer; it actually covers a lot more than it appears to, but there's this patch of fabric that's very cleverly tinted to be almost the exact same shade as her skin. Well, except for the suggestive little red decorations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Empathic Character with no Damaging powers


At first' date=' I thought "Wow, that's a VERY revealing costume." Then I looked closer; it actually covers a lot more than it appears to, but there's this patch of fabric that's very cleverly tinted to be almost the exact same shade as her skin. Well, except for the suggestive little red decorations.[/quote']

It is revealing. She doesn't have any coverage for her breasts :)

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Re: Empathic Character with no Damaging powers


Tsk tsk Christopher! Arms covers her nicely enough, and her costume is kinda more protective than you think. After all, I'm not sure someone could aim at her efficiently. *g*


Covering Opale

Unless she needs her hands for anything other than covering her chest up ;)


Edit: Actually, I think this costume it could even be a incentive to get her into a defensive position. If just to compliment her on the "view".

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