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How many "Powers" can one have active at one time?


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I know that this question may sound silly but it just occured to me after months of going over and over the system.

I always figured that if a character had flight (a constant power) and blast (an instant power) that one could fly and blast things.


Then I get to the discussion of Variable Slots in a Multipower and in the example on page 404 it states that a character with a 60-pt reserve and 12v Flight and 12v Blast could assign 30pts to flight and 30pts to blast and thus be able to fly and blast...


What am I not understanding here? Its probably something silly and stupid I am missing so be kind :eek:




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Re: How many "Powers" can one have active at one time?


There is no limit on the number of powers a character can have active, unless the GM sets one. Which might be the case for a fantasy or psionics game (probably INT/5 for wizards, probably EGO/5 for mentalists).


Edit to add: relevant material is at the top of 6E1 p. 131.


Edit II, the sequel: 6E1 p. 131 is a good page in general discussing actions and activating powers.

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Re: How many "Powers" can one have active at one time?


I know that this question may sound silly but it just occured to me after months of going over and over the system.

I always figured that if a character had flight (a constant power) and blast (an instant power) that one could fly and blast things.


Then I get to the discussion of Variable Slots in a Multipower and in the example on page 404 it states that a character with a 60-pt reserve and 12v Flight and 12v Blast could assign 30pts to flight and 30pts to blast and thus be able to fly and blast...


What am I not understanding here? Its probably something silly and stupid I am missing so be kind :eek:





By the book, there are 'functional limits' like "however many powers you can afford the END for" or "how ever many powers you can activate / use in a phase" which can include things like using Multiple Power Attacks or the like. There are limits in Multipowers - how many active points can be active in the MP at once, and on VPP's - how many total real points can be allotted in the pool. This is why I almost always prefer a VPP to a Multipower, so one isn't having to turn off one's rocket boots to make a full power blast with the arm cannon :)


And then there are "reasonable limits" set by the GM - be it optional rules like INT/5 or just GM fiat (our least favorite kind of limit I am sure.)

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Re: How many "Powers" can one have active at one time?


The number of powers that can be active at one time for powers within a Framework (Multipower or Variable Power Pool) is just a function of how the the Framework is constructed.


Powers built outside of a framework are only limited by END, obvious conflicts* or any additional Limitations added during construction (ex: Charges).

*(Darkness and Flash aren't going to play well together; Flight and Running aren't really usable simultaneously either, etc...)

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Re: How many "Powers" can one have active at one time?


If it helps: A Multipower is basically a single power, that a character can channel for different effects. So I'm ROCKET MAN!!! (yes the exclamation marks are part of the name). I have the power to project ROCKET FLAMES!!! from my hands, I have developed a number of uses for my ROCKET FLAMES!!! over the years, by putting my hands pointed in the opposite direction I create thrust giving me ROCKET FLIGHT!!!, or I aim my hands at a villain and create ROCKET BLASTS!!!. I can also put my hands together and create ROCKET BURST!!! However, I cannot do all at the same time because it is one power


45 ROCKET FLAMES!!! Multipower 45 points

4u ROCKET FLIGHT!!! Flight 45m

4u ROCKET BLAST!!! 9d6 Blast

3u ROCKET BURST!!! 6d6 AE:Raidus 8m, No Range


56 Points


However Inertia Man is so much more powerful as he can do Inertia versions of all my powers simultaneous


45 INERTIA FLIGHT: Flight 45m

45 INERTIA BLAST: 9d6 Blast

30 INERTIA BURST: 6d6 Blast, AE: Radius 8m, No Range


120 points



ROCKET MANN!!! is saving 64 points, but is limited to one power at a time. Now assuming that Rocket man wanted to he could use variable slots in his MP instead, this would allow him to channel his powers in multiple ways, but the points used could not exceed his pool cost. This costs slightly more (It would add 13 points to the total above, or 69 total) He would then be able to have say 5m of flight and 8d6 Blast going simultaneous, or 15m and 6d6 blast, or what ever he needed as long as the Active points added to no more than 45

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