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One shot convention adventure ideas


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We have some small local cons coming up and I thought I may try to run an Champions event. I'm thinking I'll have some noobs with no champions experience.


I've played several at Origins/Gen Con in the past. Usually played with premade characters and ususally just a combat adventure - which are usually fun.


Just looking for other ideas of what you've seen/done at a con?



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Re: One shot convention adventure ideas


Dave Mattingly has run some excellent combat-oriented convention games -- Champions BYOB (Bring Your Own Brick) and Monumental Battles are the two that spring easily to mind. Since you're talking more for newbies, BYOB would be out, but something along the line of Monumental Battles could probably work. (Caveat: although I've played in BYOB and seen Dave's writeups for the various Monuments battling, I've yet to play a game of MB.)


Last year at GenCon, Mike Surbrook ran an excellent Left 4 Dead Hero game. Not Champions, but it seemed to run fairly easily and was a lot of fun.


Lots of other fun one-shot games I've participated in, most with fairly complex plots that may or may not fit what you're looking for. Unfortunately, I've yet to get up the guts to actually run a convention game, so my advice here is fairly limited.

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