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The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


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Player Nonpareil


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [2]
13	DEX	6	12-
12	CON	2	11-
15	INT	5	12-	PER Roll 12-/14-
13	EGO	3	12-
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3 ½d6

4	OCV	5
4	DCV	5
3	OMCV	0
5	DMCV	6
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12

3	PD	1		Total:  3 PD (0 rPD)
3	ED	1		Total:  3 ED (0 rED)
4	REC	0
24	END	1
8	BODY	-2
19	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  51

Movement:[/b]	Running:	12m/24m 
	Leaping:	4m/8m
	Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
2	[b]Sharp Ears:[/b]  +2 PER with Normal Hearing

[b]Martial Arts:[/b]  Stage Combat
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes[/b]
3	Cut		+2	+1	Weapon, Weapon  Strike
3	Ceduto		+0	+0	 25 STR  to escape Bind
5	Lunge		+1	-2	Weapon +4 DC Strike
4	Parry		+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Riposte		+2	+2	Weapon +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block
5	Takeaway	+0	+0	Grab Weapon, 20 STR to take weapon away
5	Thrust		+1	+3	Weapon  Strike
4	Void		--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

25	[b]Dirorah and Lepolo:[/b]  Followers (2 x 100 point base)

2	Off-Hand Defense
6	+2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

6	[b]Trained Fencer:[/b]  +2 with Swords
4	[b]Player Nonpareil:[/b]  +1 with all Interaction Skills

3	Acting 13-
1	Animal Handler (Equines) 8-
3	Charm 13-
3	Conversation 13-
4	Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games) 12-
3	High Society 13-
1	Literacy 
2	Mimicry 10-
3	Oratory 13-
3	Persuasion 13-
5	Sleight Of Hand 13-
3	Streetwise 13-
2	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 12-
2	TF:  Carts & Carriages, Equines
3	Trading 13-
5	Two-Weapon Fighting; HTH Weapons Only (-1)
1	WF:  Blades
3	Jack of All Trades
2	1)  PS: Acting 13-
3	2)  PS: Dancing 13-
2	3)  PS: Singing 13-
3	Scholar
2	1)  KS: Dance 12-
2	2)  KS: Legends And Lore 12-25
2	3)  KS: Poetry 12-
2	4)  KS: Selected Scenes From Classic Plays 12-
1	5)  KS: Stage Combat 11-
2	6)  KS: Tales And Stories 12-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  150
Total Cost:  200

175+	Matching Complications[/b]
5	Distinctive Features:  Sometimes Refers To Herself In The Third Person 
(Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By 
Commonly-Used Senses)
10	Distinctive Features:  Style (Not Concealable; Noticed and 
Recognizable; Detectable By A Large Group)
10	Hunted:  the city/town/village guard/watch (acting troupes are not to 
be trusted) Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Limited Geographical Area; 
15	Psychological Complication:  Likes Being The Center Of Attention 
(Common; Strong)
10	Psychological Complication:  Heart Of Gold (for her Followers) 
(Common; Moderate)
5	Rivalry:  Professional, with other players

[b]Total Complications Points:  55
Experience Points:  25

Cost	Option[/b]
40	[b]The Great And Powerful Lady Teodora:[/b]  Add 40 points’ worth of 
magical powers, spells, and Skills.

Weapon		OCV	Damage	STUN	STR Min	Notes[/b]
Rapier		+1	1d6	+0	10	M
Main-Gauche	+0	1d6-1	+0	7	S, +2 OCV with Block/



Buff Coat (3 PD/3 ED, Hit Locations 7-14)

Gear: Large wagon/stage, props, musical instruments, scripts, books

Clothing: Everyday clothes, fine clothes, assorted costumes


Background/History: To hear her tell it, the origins of “The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil” are as grandiose as her name. Depending on who’s asking (and what she things she can get away with), Teodora has claimed to be everything from a high-born noble-lady on the run from a vindictive husband, to a crown princess, forced to flee her homeland due to the actions of a cruel stepmother/wicked advisor/military coup. In truth, she’s exactly what she advertises—an actress, born into a family of players who has now struck out on her own. However, the Lady Teodora isn’t one to let facts get in the way of a good story. She knows people tend to hear (or see) only what they want and will often fill in any carefully placed blanks with information of their own creation, allowing her to be more than a mere “actress,” but a “Player Nonpareil!”


Personality/Motivation: To most everyone she meets, the Lady Teodora is (by degrees) arrogant, condescending, imperious, and vain. But, as with most things related to a player of her caliber, this too is an act. Since she advertises herself as “the wondrous” she knows people expect her (for the most part) to act to the part, and the Lady Teodora isn’t one to disappoint her audience. On the other hand, to the other two members of her troupe, she’s caring, helpful, an attentive teacher, and a demanding director of stage shows. As with many in the traveling show business, Lady Teodora views her companions as family, while most anyone else is a “rube” to be exploited. Of course, for an acting troupe, said exploitation doesn’t mean cheating the audience, but instead it often boils down to performing “low-brow” entertainment (ribald and vulgar humor, lewd dances, and violent bouts of stage combat) in order to appeal to the viewer’s baser desires.


Quote: “Ladies and gentlemen! Prepare to be awed and amazed by the matchless thespian talents of The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil!”


Powers/Tactics: Having literally been on stage since before she could walk, the Lady Teodora is quite skilled at the acting arts. She is a skilled singer, a dexterous dancer, and an excellent actress. She’s capable of reciting epic poems, telling stories of all sorts, performing simple “magic” (i.e. Sleight of Hand) tricks, and knows by heart select scenes from the classics (and is quite adept at one-woman reenactments of said scenes). In addition, she’s also rather skilled with rapier and can put on a show of fencing with the best of them. And although most of her sword-work is showy and flashy (as stage fighting should be) she can handle herself in an actually fight as well, as several bandits have discovered—much to their regret.


Campaign Use: Despite her imperious manners (and tendency to speak in the third person), the Lady Teodora can be an excellent source of information and advice for a party of PCs. Of course, they’ll need to get past her public persona first, but any well-equipped part of adventurers willalmost certainly not qualify as a rube in Teodora’s eyes. In fact, she might try and use them as guards or escorts for her traveling show—at least until she reaches the next town. In addition, since she knows a wide variety of legends and stories, she might be able to offer advice or fill in the details on any fragments of information the PCs have.

To make the Lady Teodora more powerful, simply add in The Great And Powerful Option. To make her less powerful, remove her Stage Combat Fencing Package.

The Wondrous Lady Teodora is a character from the author’s Well of the Worlds campaign setting. In settlings that lack fox-tailed (and eared) people, you might want to make her something equally exotic—an elf for example.


Appearance: The Wondrous Lady Teodora stands nearly six feet in height, with a well-proportioned albeit athletic physique. She has a naturally coppery/sun-bronzed complexion, which is in stark contrast to her long ice blue (run through with streaks of white) hair. As she is of the Fox People, she has a matching large bushy tail and tall tapering ears atop her head. Her typical mode of dress is a linen shirt, set with extensive ruffles at the cuff and neck, a form-fitting knee-length cotehardie open at the neck (in order to show off all those ruffles), close-fitting woolen hose, and thigh-high leather boots. Over this she wears a leather belt, heavily decorated with metal studs, a large belt purse, and attachments for hanging a sword and dagger.

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


I'll try and have something in a few days.


BTW -- I debated stating that the Lady Teodora tends to wear a broad-brimmed high-peaked hat and matching high-collared cloak, but decided that'd make the homage too obvious.

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


So she is the Dog in a doublet


She looks more like this:




Just lengthen the coat's sleeves and make it more form-fitting, and make the boots come up to the upper thigh and you're good.

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


when you discribed her as an anamorphic fox and actress

it reminded me of a acting and singing troop that I have friends in ,from ren faire


Dogs in doublets is a term for actors from that period

not a nice one, but they have used it as a badge of honor





She looks more like this:




Just lengthen the coat's sleeves and make it more form-fitting, and make the boots come up to the upper thigh and you're good.

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


when you discribed her as an anamorphic fox and actress

it reminded me of a acting and singing troop that I have friends in ,from ren faire


Ah, I see. Well, she's more anime cat-girl (except with fox ears and tail) than Disney anthropomorphic fox.

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


Overall a great character, but I am curious about her Distinctive Features. She gets points for referring to herself in the 3rd person AND points for her "style"; isn't referring to herself in 3rd person part of her style? Also, why doesn't she get anything for being a statuesque anthropomorphic fox?

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


Overall a great character' date=' but I am curious about her Distinctive Features. She gets points for referring to herself in the 3rd person AND points for her "style"; isn't referring to herself in 3rd person part of her style? Also, why doesn't she get anything for being a statuesque anthropomorphic fox?[/quote']


Obviously because there's nothing unusual about being an anthropomorphic fox. It's like trying to get points for peculiar physical appearance in Star Wars.

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


Overall a great character' date=' but I am curious about her Distinctive Features. She gets points for referring to herself in the 3rd person AND points for her "style"; isn't referring to herself in 3rd person part of her style? Also, why doesn't she get anything for being a statuesque anthropomorphic fox?[/quote']


Style refers to Martial Arts Style. Hero System Martial Arts goes into detail on what this means. It can also be dropped if you don't want to use it. In addition, she doesn't gets a DF for being from the Fox People for the same reason Halfreda and Tarina (from Drudaryon's Legion in FH 6E) don't get DFs for being a dwarf and elf; the Well of the Worlds is so racially mixed (with Fox, Hunting, Leaping, Farming, Mining, Night, Boat, Water, Beast, Furred People, and so on) it's not worth it. However, if she appears in a world where foxgirls are rare, then, yes, give her the DF, since she's be pretty much one of a kind.

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


I remain in favor of this character. And I would very much like to see her minions -- and any adversaries she might have.


Well, there was the idea I had of a scholarly wizard who lived in a tree.... :)

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Re: The Wondrous Lady Teodora, Player Nonpareil


Style refers to Martial Arts Style. Hero System Martial Arts goes into detail on what this means. It can also be dropped if you don't want to use it. In addition' date=' she doesn't gets a DF for being from the Fox People for the same reason Halfreda and Tarina (from Drudaryon's Legion in FH 6E) don't get DFs for being a dwarf and elf; the Well of the Worlds is so racially mixed (with Fox, Hunting, Leaping, Farming, Mining, Night, Boat, Water, Beast, Furred People, and so on) it's not worth it. However, if she appears in a world where foxgirls are rare, then, yes, give her the DF, since she's be pretty much one of a kind.[/quote']


Ah, context is so important. Thanks for clarifying. As many characters as I have with Martial Arts you would think I would have realized what you meant by Style, doh! (although in fairness I have never actually used that Complication myself, so thanks for bearing with me).

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