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Fear Absorption Power


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Greetings !


I am blocking on something that seemed simple to imagine but not so much to create : how to create a Power Framework based on Fear/Anger Absorption ?


I thought first using the Absorption power but against what ? PRE Attacks ? Should I count Bodies for Intimidation PRE Attacks ? and so what ? It seems the solution to me, but I'm very unsure.


Thanks in advance


Opale, very fearfull of the response :)

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Re: Fear Absorption Power


Well I guess the question is how is this power working? Is it Absorbing the Presence Attack of the Fear/Anger, is it Guarding the target against it or is it Draining the effect from ever starting?


I would image that Absorption would target the PRE of the attack instead of the BODY (but Im not good with this power). If it is Guarding then buying PRE with a (-1) only works against Presence Attacks would work (I've seen templates with that power to show resistance training). Drain would probably just buy it as a Drain PRE with the limitation, only affects PRE for Presence Attacks. You may also want a transform in there only to act as am ultimate Fear/Anger cure, sort of a Psychic Surgey vs fear/anger.

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Re: Fear Absorption Power


Can you give us a setting neutral, rules definition of "Fear"?


Also, what fear is powering him?

Fear he feels himself?

Fear directed at him?

Fear of those near him?


How is he limited compard to a guy with the same framework, but without the "fear" limitation?

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Re: Fear Absorption Power


Fear/Anger of those near him. In Fact Fear/Anger generated by Presence Attacks or frightful effects, like emotion control powers.

Why do I link Fear to Anger ? Because when one is under Fear effect he either react to it by a seeking safety or fighting his Fear with Rage/anger.


And from my experience, most players argue they are not subjected to Fear because they become Frenetic or something like that.



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Re: Fear Absorption Power


I would say that's just a power limitation: only works when people in vicinity are scared/angry (-1/4 to -1) - it would be worth -1 if the character didn't cause fear all that well and only a -1/4 if he was scary.


It's really not an absorption power because it's not vs any effect that affects him directly.


So, a character that "feeds" on fear could have healing with the above limitation. It could work for any power that way.

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Re: Fear Absorption Power


Fear/Anger of those near him. In Fact Fear/Anger generated by Presence Attacks or frightful effects, like emotion control powers.

Why do I link Fear to Anger ? Because when one is under Fear effect he either react to it by a seeking safety or fighting his Fear with Rage/anger.

There is no rules definition of Fear (D&D has one). The same way there is no rules definiton for how Hulk get's angry.


You can give him rules construct for the lack of fear. Like Dependence (must strike true fear into people or weaken).


Dependign on how far his reach is, it might not even mater if HE strikes fear into anyone. There a 6 billion people on earth, at least some will feel fear everytime.


It sounds somewhat similar to a character I had, but never got to play: Violet Flower.

She is basically a "Violet Lantern/Star Saphires" Clone. She is powered by Love, but on a planetary scale. And she has a "storage" so she doesn't go down the second somebody displaces her.

Only prolonged lack of sentience around her - like a intersteallar voyage or prision - could totally drain her. It's nothing that maters on adventures.


I would say that's just a power limitation: only works when people in vicinity are scared/angry (-1/4 to -1) - it would be worth -1 if the character didn't cause fear all that well and only a -1/4 if he was scary.


It's really not an absorption power because it's not vs any effect that affects him directly.


So, a character that "feeds" on fear could have healing with the above limitation. It could work for any power that way.

That is where I would be tending as well.

It is just a power, with a little limitation. Or a small Complciation like Dependence.

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Re: Fear Absorption Power


The question you need to ask is what benefit is absorbing fear giving you.


The only example of gaining power from emotion I can remember is the entity from the Star Trek episode "Day of the Dove" and in that case, it strengthened its ability to manipulate its surroundings to generate more hatred.


Edit: Almost forgot "Wolf in the Fold"

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Re: Fear Absorption Power


Well I see several effects, and now more clearer :


- Absorption of Body effect of Presence Attacks based on Fear/Intimidation/Anger, that are turned into STUN or END

- Aid powers when Fear/Anger is nearby

- Drain powers when Fear/ Anger is around...


At least it permitted me to dissociate Fear SFX from the technics and conceptualize it better !

Thanks to all !


Not so scared Opale.

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Re: Fear Absorption Power


Could buy two END Reserves, one that has only END in it and the other with only REC but make the second one have a limitation that the REC only triggers when the levels of Fear and/or Rage are right. Then have all the powers use only the END Reserve. Of course this idea is less of the Drain/Absorb the fear and rage of attacks and more being around it long enough to use it as a power source.

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