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12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster

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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


lets see

The hero was in a clinical trial for a new treatment for his/her Narcolepsy. The treatment worked to well in the case of the hero. The rest of the subjects have 'ended' the trial. The hero still has Narcolepsy if his/her stops the treatment.


Who ran the test? What is it going to cost to keep getting the treatment? What do they mean by 'ended' the trial? Who where the other test subjects? What happened to them?


SFX? spinning and super speed moving/running (any thing 360 is spin around)

hyper bio?


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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


Complications I was thinking of where

Dependence, the Uncommon 'stuff' every 6 hour or the GM can make your live interesting. (points?)

Heavy Sleeper (points?)

Physical or Psychological Hyperactive and/or Speedster Impatience (points?)

how common and how great is still up in the air.


The great super speedster lines up for a move though and falls asleep, did the hero reminder the stuff? :D


not sure what the treatment is, could be some immobile gear or drug

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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


How's this?: His (her?) narcolepsy is actually a side effect of his hyperspeed powers. His hyper-metabolism is actually unstable and is prone to sudden bursts of uncontrolled acceleration which burns out an excessive amount of energy reserves and forces a sleep state to recover even in the worst of moments.


An Accidental Change disad could be apropos.

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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


With speedster reflexes, I'll think about




Defense maneuver

Skill levels with movement mode

power tricks (speedster)

CuK (campaign city)

AK (Region)

KS : other speedster (for rivalry)

KS: Physics (for more scientific approach and ideas about speed powers)

weaponsmith (for disabling agents weapons at superspeed)


Speeded Opale


Of these the skill levels are a definite based on other speedsters.

The City Knowledge and Area Knowledge are dependent on origin. If the speedster stays in one area, they are a definite but constant travelling would make them hard to justify.

The KS for Physics again will depend on origin write up.

While Acrobatics and Breakfall are possibles the current suggestion of Narcolepsy means I would be against them/

Sleight of Hand and Stealth though are possibly better replacements.

Power tricks I would dispense with as this benefits the more advanced players.

The Knowledge skill for other speedsters again is origin dependent.

I like the KS: shortcuts but it depends on the City Knowledge and Area Knowledge skills mentioned above. Also the origin.

As for the talents Lightning Calculater, Lightning Reflexes and Speed Reading these will depend on origin. Better intelligence and Dexterity would justify them.


On the power side I am against a killing attack.

Movement power should be 30" plus without resorting to megascale.

Either an EB linked to speed for a primary attack or added to HtH damage. In the latter case STR is going to be 20 or 25 so adding 10d6 to this is excessive. 12d6 in the former case would be about right.

If we add autofire as an option 8 or 9d6 would be about right.

If we do not have added PD or ED through the power like a force field then I would suggest a bit of armour. Resistant PD and ED to get rid of the grenades and other area effect attacks which will inevitably attack the speedster.

An END reserve will depend on how much other powers cost.

SPD is minimum 6 and DEX is minimum 27 as then Speedster must exceed the campaign minimums of 23 DEX and 5 Speed.

I maybe repeating myself here but to get an idea of where we are in the last few days would help.


For the Artwork I will put in a vote for male.

Combat Luck I would be tempted by.

Possibly also a limited amount of Danger Sense no higher than 13 or less but around 11 or less.

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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


FYI' date=' I fixed the broken link in my 6e version of Flash from [u']post #4[/u] of this thread.


Positives - it addresses almost all the minimums stated so far.

Negatives - it uses a VPP.


Thanks that looks good. Obviously we can't get a picture of the Flash for the art but I like what you did with powers and skills.

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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


Well based on the little bit I saw on the magic user thread, it looks like that one will probably be female, so lets go with male for the speedster. Plus my two favorite speedsters are guys.. Flash and Quicksilver.


For powers, why don't we go a little bit away from the "norm." How about he gathers up kinetic energy while he's moving at supersonic speeds and is able to project it as a blast. A speedster that utilizes the strafe maneuver could be a lot of fun.

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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


... For powers' date=' why don't we go a little bit away from the "norm." How about he gathers up kinetic energy while he's moving at supersonic speeds and is able to project it as a blast. A speedster that utilizes the strafe maneuver could be a lot of fun.[/quote']


So something like and END reserve that only recharges when running... :think: I like that idea.

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Re: 12 months, 12 characters. January. The Speedster


Based on earlier posts a whirling dervish or spinning motion seems to be what our speedster does. So maybe something like Marvel's Texas Tornado (rather than the wrestler of the same name).

So for the art is that what we want to see and what sort of colour scheme do we want ?

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