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Idea to art from Storn Year 10.

death tribble

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Welcome to the tenth year that I have done this.

If you come up with an idea that I like and that Storn likes I pay for it and Storn does it.

Simple no ?

well there are rules as long time posters will be aware of.

I was a tad disappointed by the few ideas we had last year and so with an extended period to cover ideas and it being the tenth year we may have a greater quantity of ideas. Quality has never been a problem.


Also even if the idea does not win, someone else may commission it as has happened before or Storn and I may decide to do another one from the thread which lead to Haven Walkur's Saggitarius and Bob Greenwade's Speedbump being done. Or someone else commissioning it from Storn as has happened previously.


I will commission a new piece of art from Storn for probably end May and we have until then to come up with ideas for him to do. I have revised the rules from the past nine years. Some are the same but they are worth repeating.


First off people are allowed to contribute ideas BUT there is a snag.

As I am the one paying for it, I have to approve it. And Storn has to be willing to draw it. Part of the idea is to challenge the artist with something he hasn't done before or not done in a while.


So some ground restrictions and rules.


(1) The picture has to be for Champions. It is what I play and it is in this forum that the thread is posted.


(2) Non American and non British patriots are welcome. But note, the 2008 and 2010 winners were patriots (Africa and South America). So it will be harder to convince me of a patriot as I have just had a British Bulldog done. I also have over 50 American patriotic or quasi patriotic heroes from pics or that Etherio put up previously. And try naming them. Sheesh !

If you have a good idea for a non-British or non-American patriot, please post the idea.

It has proven to be easier to get a non-US patriot done as this has a great deal of novelty value for not just Storn and I but everyone else as well.


(3) Storn does not like portraying standard gun users. If the idea sound convincing I may go for it but bear in mind Storn might not be convinced that he should do it.


(4) Beast motifs. Probably not. I had the Lioness pic done four years ago. And have an awful load of these already. Also had a Tiger Man done by another artist and this is due to be posted.


(5) No blatent Cheesecake. And anyone asking what this is risks a violent tribillating. This is a family forum area. Women ideas are fine. Villainous women in bikinis are not. And no hero fights crime in a bikini.


(6) No kid heroes/villains. I like the over 18 crowd and proper heroes such as Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman etc. Anyone even suggesting something akin to the Power R*****S will be summarily subjected to a dousing with crude oil. And this year again we set you alight as well. And then dance around you invoking Mightybec.


(7) It must be something that I would want to use and something that would interest me. If not then no go ahead.


(8) Storn has certain restrictions of his own both because he will be putting the final product on his web site and has his own likes and dislikes. With this we will heed the former and indulge the latter. No Intellectual Property for example so no pics of Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Captain America.


(9) Idea can be of an agent, a normal superhero/villain or a boss/mastermind. Note in recent history Storn did the criminal Mastermind Dr Dark for me; an Agent type with a jetpack and the board selected Beautiful Female Martial Artist all for me.


(10) If you want Superman, Batman or Green Lantern analogues there has to be some thing about them visually to make Storn and I want to portray it and pay for it. Remember if you don't post an idea, then it can't get done.


(11) Anyone who has had their idea done previously can apply again. There is no prejudice or bias either for or against you.


(12) Wierd ideas. I have commissioned a trenchcoat wearing Purple Worm, Dr Snail who has a metal shell with a howitzer on the top, the gangster Pterra Don (part Dinosaur part gangster) and Bulette Train (part Japanese Bullet train and part Bulette). Try and outwierd me. I dare you.


I'll post my own ideas as well plus ones from previous years that I am still willing to consider and may yet independently commission. So post your idea, if I like it then we'll proceed.

You may just have a name and we can bash ideas around about it until we get a full picture.


Of course if you don't like this approach you could always ask Storn yourself.


If you posted ideas in the Create a Hero/Villain thread, try putting that in here as well.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


I am inspired by the martial arts costumes of Streetfighter, Dead or Alive, Tekken and Soulcalibur so a different take on a martial artist could catch my attention.


Also looking up Speedsters for another thread, I realised that the Crowns of Krim do not have a speedster. So a demonic speedster is an idea. I'll expand these ideas later.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


Tadaaa !


Odd I missed this post for the last four years.

Anyway I got several ideas that I more or so developped in my CoX gameplay sessions, but never thought it could be maybe drawn by the talented Storn. So, who never tries, never wins !


First of all, and curiously, my first thought was for my French Patriot Superhero, that I was never glad with about look.


Three color themed hunk guy, in spandex, but without stars, or totemic eagle. France flag is just Blue, White, Red. So should be the costume of a Superheroic Patriot for my beloved country.

And to be honest, the CU french super defined are a bit... ridiculous in my own point of view. Hoping noone will be offended !


in my imagination, this hero was the typical handsome brown bearded large shoulders man. With blue piercing eyes, i.e LASER blue piercing eyes :P


His not too short and well trimmed hair would be free while his face would be half covered forefront and eyes down to nose and then chin, but letting the mouth free. A batman mask so to speak.

He would be levitating in a pose with both arms crossed over his powerful chest.

The upper part of his costume would be a nice spandex blue, degrading to white then on the lower part to red. From chest to legs so. Same for his arms.

he would be surrounded with a light chromatic force field near his body builded frame.

Something like a dignified, serious air on his face while his laser blue vision is burning something. Like a flying god so to speak.

Maybe his shoulders and upper chest (not abdomen), would be covered with a silverish armor, and his face half covered with an hoplite mask of the same silverish blue to add to the impressiveness... But I'm not sure of the effect, only the artist could be inspired by it or not.


Finally and of course, a white floating cape to add.

As for the name, well if I have to define it, it would be just Héraut which is prounounced like Héros in french, aka Hero for the shakespear language users.


Cheers !


Patriot Opale.


Edit : err .. have I detailed the idea too much ? not sure about what level of detail is wished/unwished

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


So if you're looking for speedster suggestions, I toss in a few of mine....



Rollergirl is a metahuman who can skate superhumanly fast, even up the side of skyscrappers. She's very much a punk rocker type girl, with studs in her nose, tattooes.


Chihuahua, he may be short but can Chihuahua run. Chihuahua is a Mexician speedster with attitude. I kind of based this character on Tito from the Disney movie Oliver and Company.


Zebra is a Massai henchman of the Witch Doctor (an image actually done by Storn), who can transform himself into a semi-anthromorphic zebra humanoid who can run extremely fast. Naturally Zebra is covered in black and white strips. His head become somewhat horselike, he grows a mane and tail, and his legs transform into a zebra's legs complete with hooves. His only clothing is a loinclothe.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


You always bring this out when I'm thinking about Champions...not sure why.


My latest flight of fancy is a Themed Hero team called the Pride. Everyone has a cat theme ish


So far the Pride has:


Maltese (female) - a blue/silver/black furred version akin to marvel's Tigra - wears a bikini and is a relatively blatant ripoff so no go there.

Sea-Lion (Male) - The team's brick; one part aqua-man one part wolverine. Tall and has a slightly thicker swimmer's build (broad shoulders, narrow waist, big thighs and arms) wears a black bodysuit with golden metallic scale designs for flair. He wears a lion themed mask/helmet...I envision it looking somewhat lifelike.

Flying Tiger (Male) - A powered armor hero who's armor has a distinct jet plane theme - not anthropomorphised cat (as Marvel has a Flying Tiger that looks like that.) Took his name from the volunteer fighters in WWII. Armor is white with blue wings on the back the wings have turbines on them. Sleek armor with perhaps a feline nod on the helmet.

Clouded Leopard (Female) - a Malaysian martial artist/Detective - a rather subtle sense of humor, she has a very distinctive set of themed gadgets and plays it up like an only slightly more aware Adam West Batman. Utility belt, cape, grayish costume with black spots.

King Cheetah (Male) Speedster with impressive technology to back him up; gold costume with spots and distinctive stripes on his back - his costume should have a utility belt, artificial claws on the gloves, a tech visor, glossy look to the costume.

Black Cat (Female) - a (human) mystic with a silvery-white cat familiar. She has black hair, blue eyes, wears a domino mask and a black dress with gold mystical sigils on the hem and bodice. A blue and silver corset, silvery slippers (enchanted) a short cloak and she has a black staff with cat themed ends (a paw on the bottom and a head on the top)

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


Two words:






In the words of the bard Kelis, I hate you so much right now.


I guess The Arc will have to start over from scratch.


The first thing about the Arc's artwork is you don't criticise the Arc's artwork.


The second thing about the Arc's artwork is that you don't tell the Arc to start from scratch. Particularly with designs with claws.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


A few more:



  • Alchemecha - Technomagic Powered Armor worn by a reincarnated dwarven princess.(Human but on the stocky side) - Armor looks rather archaic with modern flourishes. Weilds a big tech hammer.
  • Archivist: think doc savage with a neatly trimmed beard, dark hair, utility belt or harness, pulpish superhero
  • Saga - a supermage with a patriotic bent, I know no flag suits but I'm keeping him there for sake of my sorting mechanisms. More rough around the edges than Doc Strange. Brown hair, blue eyes, may or may not have walking stick.
  • Celestia - silver and purple themed cosmic battle angel - Sif from the Thor Comics comes to mind. She has metallic armor (Brestplate, gauntlets, armband shoulders, thigh guards, boots etc., winged helm, the works. Auburn hair and violet eyes. Tall and powerful. Cloak optional
  • Scion is a flying brick with a cape :) dark hair clean shaven, sturdy build (more Captain America than Hulk) White bodysuit with blue boots, gloves, domino mask, and cape. Wears a metallic gold belt, gold armbands, clasps for the cape. (kind of falls into the Superman role so also negated :))
  • Silver Lion is a brick/Anthropomorphic lion with silvery white skin, wears a blue body suit with bare arms, legs, blue boots, blue gloves no fingers blue eyes. Bulkier build like a defensive lineman.
  • Skylark - flying speedster, female, blonde hair, flight goggles, modernized version of a pulp style flight uniform (brown jacket, beige pants w/red stripe, black boots, short gloves, hair in a pony tail. Golden bird symbol on her jacket. If open she wears a white shirt underneath.
  • Crucible - fire elemental in the shape of a man, wears a black costume with bare midriff, arms, legs, exposed flesh is on fire. White nimbus of flame for hair.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


In the words of the bard Kelis, I hate you so much right now.




The first thing about the Arc's artwork is you don't criticise the Arc's artwork.


The second thing about the Arc's artwork is that you don't tell the Arc to start from scratch. Particularly with designs with claws.


:sigh: I thought puns were appreciated around here.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


Rhinosaur: A supervillain who is half rhinoceros and half apatosaurus. Originally a janitor at a natural history museum, he was mutated one night when part of an apatosaurus sculpture collapsed on him. What nobody knew about the sculpture is that the company that donated it to the museum had stuffed it with barrels of toxic waste in order to get rid of them without the risk of being caught dumping them illegally. His legs pinned under a large chunk of plaster and his body covered in toxic waste, the janitor managed to drag himself all the way to a model rhinoceros in the modern mammals display. Knowing that he couldn't make it much farther, the janitor tried pulling himself to his feet by using the rhinoceros for leverage but he was too weak and soon succumbed to shock. His mutated body was discovered the next morning by the museum's curator.


Standing about twenty feet tall, Rhinosaur has the head of a rhinocerous with the arms and torso of a man (think Rocksteady from the TMNT cartoon) atop the hind legs and tail of an apatosaurus. The hips, though, are human in form rather than saurian to allow for an upright stance and his skin has the gray color and texture of a rhinocerous.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


Jack Fortune: Wily Gambler/Conman always impeccably dressed. Perhaps a white suit with a splash of color (ascot, handkerchief) His Luck based powers get him out of trouble, but he constantly tests them with wilder more convoluted schemes. Doesn't want to hurt anyone to badly, just fleece the foolish, corrupt, ignoble souls that deserve it. And maybe steal some hearts along the way. Views life as a giant game, and he's stacked the deck.

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Re: Idea to art from Storn Year 10.


I did Pterra Don with Storn previously. A winged dinosaur in gangster clothes with a pistol and a cigarette in a cigarette holder


Argh! Forgot about that one. And here I thought I was being original. Actually, I was being original when I came up with the character concept since I didn't know about Pterra Don at the time. But Pterra Don is listed as one of the examples in the weird category section of the rules so I should have known better than to post The Loch Ness Mobster as an entrant in the contest. On the bright side, both tkdguy and Old Man repped me for the idea. I thought it was very magnanimous of Old Man since I was the one who shot his eye out. :thumbup:


I really should write down and post the background story of The Loch Ness Mobster (a.k.a. Eliot Nessie). I might even add Pterra Don into it, if that's okay with you. I can easily see them being rival mob bosses. :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

1. PRIMUS Silver Avenger - Uniform Reimagined with Super Bike

2. Star*Marshal (Deputies of the Star*Guard) - Uniform Reimagined with Star Fighter

3. UNTIL Defender Agent - Uniform Reimagined with Grav Sled

4. Mentalist without PSI or M symbol or plain cloths. Part Agent and Part Superhero

5. Mystic without Classic Elements yet Mystic Items with a modern look. (Homage to Tony Star Sorcerer Supreme, but let Power Armor)

6. Demon Speedster - Flying like Bat out of Hell (Storn does some good movement, but not many flyers.)

7. Double D (Sister of Mini D, clone of Doctor Destroyer?)


That's all for now.




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