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This is a Very Serious Question - Seriously :)


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Long story short, an element of the plot in a 5th Edition Game required the following Question ...


"So, who actually posed for UN-CAPED; seriously, I know some heroes and villains have been in their, but who in the Hero-verse actually did this?"


so -- yah, this actually was kind of important - and it was decided that I would answer it next game - there are A LOT of heroes and villains in both the the 5th and 6th ed Heroes & Villains books out there, and I have NO idea who would be willing to be in this mag.


SO - I am asking all you other Hero Fans (Steve, I am looking at you - btw, it's the fellow with the Blue Cane you met at Jen's Fantasy Hero Game; HI!); who on earth posed for Un-Caped?


Your Thoughts?

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One question first... What is UN-caped? I'm guessing its an adult magazine specializing in superhumans?
I remember a discussion back about Superhero Adult magazines, and I think that was one name that was thrown around. So let's just asume: Adult magazine specialising in Supers.


The big thing of course is the Secret Identity. Even if you can "leave the mask on", there might still be tell-tale signs of identfication.


Just from the Characters from Champions 6E:

Defender: Seems unlikely

Witchcraft: Too shy.

Ironclad: From a pure artistic standpoint, I could picture him in the poses of Statues. Something like the thinker




There are only limited male Statue/Picture poses to go around, but how about stuff like Greek or Roman Statues? Maybe something resembling his past as a Gladiator? Or how he pictured himself in his homes military, before he got stuck being the Space Janitor.

Sapphire: Who says she wasn't already in such a magazine before aquiring her powers? Getting a request for playboy can be almost seen as a sort of benchmark for success.

Kinetic: If it pays good, he has to support a family. A Multiple appereance Panorama shoot would work well for Speedster





Armadillo: Seems unlikely, but not impossible

Green Dragon: Would never "debase" himself to something like this

Ogre: Could have difficulties understanding it. And you'd have to hope he does not feels "bullied" later, or he might destroy your compounds.

Pulsar: One hailmark character trait is his overwhelming sense of Confidence, though he propably expects to land the Model of the Year title.

Tachyon: Kinda think of him like a Fratboy with Superpowers. If Thunderbolt appeared (and had any success), he would propably "forced" to try to up him because of the Rivalry and his goal to be the best. Don't know how to get Thunderbolt into it, but maybe a lost bet?

Talisman: Possible, as part of a sheme: Could be just to annoy Witchcraft (Twins = same body). Could also be she had a spell on herself that let's any print of the pcitures work like a mind control spell, but that sheme propably got twarted.


Any Duplicator: Could fill multiple months. 12 Duplicates could even fill the whole year. I could think of ways to even picture even invisible characters.

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I would expect any super-women posing in this magazine to have either a Public ID, or the means to easily conceal their Secret ID; to be fairly well-known to the public, preferably without a really bad reputation; to be secure in themselves, or else easily persuaded or craving attention; and probably wanting the money.


Of established CU superheroes, Sapphire seems like the likeliest one to have gone for this, being in the entertainment industry. I can't think of another hero offhand, but maybe a bit of research would reveal (ahem) a likely candidate.


Of the official villains, looking in Champions Villains Vol.2 (I don't think any of the female master villains would stoop to this), Lynx of the Brain Trust was such a fan of "furry" subculture that she asked the Overbrain to make her a catgirl, and she attends conventions pretending to be in costume. I think she'd enjoy displaying her new looks. Diamond of GRAB has the impressive physique of a body-builder and is money-motivated.


From CV Vol.3, I suggest Lady Blue (famous and well-liked for a villain); Mirage (she might feel competitive with superhumans in this arena as much as in others); Riptide (could have been talked into it when she was newly superhuman and still naive); Shrinker (very well-known as an ex-hero, and cultivates a fun-loving image); and Talisman (obviously enjoys "sinful" activities, and I think she'd like embarrassing her sister Witchcraft in this way, they being twins).

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Like others, I think Sapphire might go for one, but I doubt she's reveal all so much as have discrete placement that some might call down right tasteful. It would allow her to balance her public relations needs. I can also see her donating said proceeds to a charity "Funds for the Fallen" to help say families who had lost a father or mother who had been a superhero, frex.


If Teen Dream is still around, and now of age, assuming her secret isn't exposed, she's a likely candidate.


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Like others, I think Sapphire might go for one, but I doubt she's reveal all so much as have discrete placement that some might call down right tasteful. It would allow her to balance her public relations needs. I can also see her donating said proceeds to a charity "Funds for the Fallen" to help say families who had lost a father or mother who had been a superhero, frex.


If Teen Dream is still around, and now of age, assuming her secret isn't exposed, she's a likely candidate.

I forgot about Teen Dream. She essentially was the super-powered Britney Spears back in the day, so I could see her following that career choice too.
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