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Need help with death throes


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Ok. So here's the deal. My friend is making a fantasy/superpower campaign and he said we could make anything we wanted. So I decided to make one of my favorites. I have everything ready except one thing. Her trump card. This trump card is similar to a death throe but it's not quite a death throe. It's actually an item. A pendant actually that basically stores a 3600 point Demon Prince. Not quite that powerful but crazy strong nonetheless. This Demon Prince can only manifest through the use of a specific phrase. The act of summoning him however, completely destroys the character. So my question is as follows. How do I make a limitation of "kills the character" and how much would that limitation be worth? And if you guys would help me out a bit more, I would like to know how you guys would make this pendant. You can of course just make up some random creature you would like to use as a guide.

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What's this abyssal abomination going to DO if it gets to manifest?


If a shaggy monstrous form suddenly looms over the shattered body covering it in inky shadow as all recoil from the sulfurous stench as it laughs "I'm free! After seven accursed centuries I am FREE!" and then says "I'm out of here guys, I got a lower plane to catch" and goes away, only pausing to snatch up the character's cadaver as a snack, perhaps it shouldn't cost anything.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says in that case, "I'm FREEE!" refers also to the cost (or lack of cost) in Character Points.

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Christopher raises a good point - is the character's death necessarily then PERMANENT?


The original poster didn't ask if it was a good idea (it's probably not) they asked for help with it. But without knowing such things as what this Hellish creature is supposed to DO, or whether the summoner's death is final, it's hard to know how to help.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary still likes the idea of an impressively monstrous being appearing, casually swallowing the corpse, then sauntering off through a momentarily existing extradimensional portal, never to be heard from again. Elegantly simple and costs no points.

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