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How would you build this complication?


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How would you build a complication that works like this?


An aura on the character causes technology to be unreliable when he uses it. The more more advanced the technology the greater chance it will fail. For instance a revolver is a very basic machine, and will almost always work for the character, in contrast a Laptop computer will almost always malfunction for the character.


Thanks again.



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This isn't a rules question so much as it is a Discussion topic, so I've moved it over there, to allow others to respond. ;)


My answer: Physical Complication is what I'd use. However, due to the potential usefulness of this ability, I would be more inclined to make the character buy it as a power.


In The Ultimate Mentalist, pages 84 and 158, you can find "The Pauli Effect," which is essentially what you're looking for, written up as both a power and a Physical Complication.

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The problem is that this is a complication that might work as a power.


If "technolgoy destroyer guy" Touchejs Tony Starks Ironman Armor, is it negatively affected?

What if he enters a grapple or is held by him?

What if he touches a electronic lock long enough?

If it's a Complication, it's not gonna affect Iron Man AT ALL. The character's aura only affects technological items that he tries to use, so unless he tries to use the armor, his aura won't come into play. And Heaven help him if he tries to put it on...


And touching an electronic lock won't make it shut down and open the door for him. It would be more likely that the interface would explode and the door stays locked.

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