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Calling All Action Figures!!


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You're Hero is Needed for an Important Mission, perhaps the most Important Mission in Their entire Career!


A Major Toy Company would like to create an Action Figure of You're Hero.  All proceeds will be donated to the Hero's Charity of Choice!


So what do you say Hero?

It's for a Good Cause!

Help to Feed the Children!

Help to Save the Animals!

Help Stop Global Change!

Find a Cure for AIDS!

Find a Cure for Cancer!

You're favorite Charity Awaits!


Will you Help those in need Hero?


Which Charity do You Choose Hero?



~ N

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Which major toy company

I usually do my own mods to 6" action figures

a big question is what would be the cost and do I keep the rights to  my character designs

A "Major" Company (Didn't want to be too specific...Was thinking a "Major" one in the "Campaign World" with a good reputation.  Similar to Hasbro or Disney, but with less "haters" -- didn't want to "turn-off" anybody here.).


It's still good that you do you're own action figures.


This is for Charity, and will remain for Charity.  The Hero's Likeness remains theirs, but the actual Figure is the "Major" Companies (only the figure, which they made - they will handle any copyright violations too), but all proceeds will go to Charity.  Costs are to be from the "Major" Company, but the Hero's assistance will be needed with some Minor advertisement (Short TV Spot, Pics for Magazine -- The Hero get's to see & approve them...) for their Charity.  It's all for Charity.



~ N

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Millennium already has an action figure.  As the living embodiment of the Hero With a Thousand Faces part of his raison d'etre is to inspire future heroes. 


All other characters would agree.

So, that would be a No?  Even for Charity? (Unless, of course, the proceeds he makes already go towards Charity...)



~ N

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You're Hero is Needed for an Important Mission, perhaps the most Important Mission in Their entire Career!


A Major Toy Company would like to create an Action Figure of You're Hero.  All proceeds will be donated to the Hero's Charity of Choice!


So what do you say Hero?

It's for a Good Cause!

Help to Feed the Children!

Help to Save the Animals!

Help Stop Global Change!

Find a Cure for AIDS!

Find a Cure for Cancer!

You're favorite Charity Awaits!


Will you Help those in need Hero?


Which Charity do You Choose Hero?



~ N


You have to be careful about these things.  One super team had a line of action figures made by Kosgrov Toys and they recycled Richard Dawson's head for one of it's members.  (Obscure Film Reference!)

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You have to be careful about these things.  One super team had a line of action figures made by Kosgrov Toys and they recycled Richard Dawson's head for one of it's members.  (Obscure Film Reference!)

That would be Special.



~ N

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From "Major Toy Company":


There has been some concern raised as to quality control standards and methods of "Major Toy Company."  We at "Major Toy Company" strive to use the best non-toxic materials possible so as to not harm the environment.  All employee's are highly trained, well paid and valued members of "Major Toy Company."  We do not use "underpaid" or "forced-labor" of any sort in the production of any of our Toy Lines. 


Before going to any final production, the representative Hero will have final say as to the authenticity of their particular Action Figure.  We at "Major Toy Company" strive to provide the best product possible to our customers.  As part of our Culture, we support charities throughout the world, and every year we produce a Toy Line wherein the entire proceeds are donated to Charity.  This year, we at "Major Toy Company" are asking the Heroes of the World to assist us in this endeavor.


Thank you!





~ N

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  • 2 weeks later...

If given the choice, Rebekah O'Conner, aka Mandate would probably allow them to make her action figure *IF* she was able to donate the proceeds to help clean up and rebuild her city after super villain attacks.



Besides, she'd figure that since her tiny toy company doesn't do action figures there isn't any danger of *Major Toy Company* stealing any of her customers.

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