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New player, need help with a unique? power


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Hi guys, thanks for looking. 


Hero concept:

Future espionage agent, cybernetic and genetically enhanced.



The main power I need help with is my defense: a displacer field generator

It absorbs or negates damage, and uses the energy to teleport me out of harms way. 


I want it to have roll to activate, and it works better against stronger attacks. (e.g. a normal bullet may do full damage almost all the time, where a tank shell will do no damage most of the time. The teleportation sends me in a random direction, a distance that goes up with the strength of attack.

Always on, and is powered/located in a cybernetic computer implant in forearm. OIF?


Thanks in advance


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Increased DCV. If it is enough to make the attack miss, you teleported out of the path of the attack without moving from your general location.

More then one of my Concepts includes DCV with the special effect of "Dodging with microport" (not even extra DCV, but base DCV/Dex based DCV). It's enough to work like conventional dodging, but not enough to get out of the 2m hex you occupy for combat resolution concerns.


If this is about auto-doging Area of Effect (AoE) Attacks: That is not really supported in the rules. The only active* defense against AoE is Dive for Cover. Some advanced martial defense maneuvers (found in HSMA) involve also movement, but I am not certain if they can be used for Dive For Cover.

Even if you put Trigger on a movement power(wich could allow you to move as Action that takes no time), you still have to abort or win the Dex contest with the attacker to use it in time.


*The drawback of AoE is that it has less damage per AP then a conventional attack, so it will be most usefull against "high DCV, low Defense" targets like Speedsters and marial artists.

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A Compound Defensive Power (Armor, Forcefeild, Resistant Defense, etc, depending on which edition you're using) with multiple levels that activate based on how big the incoming attack is For example


4 PD resistance Defense (base power)


+4 PD Resistant Defense *Only vs Attack of 30 Active or Greater


+8 PD Resistant Defense *Only vs Attacks of 50 AP or greater.


And so on.


I can't give you exact numbers as I don't know what you're campaign guidelines are


The Teleport aspect would be Triggered by an attack of sufficient size and perhaps Linked to the Level of Defense it would trigger. If he can't control where he goes that would be worth a Limitation. It might have Safe Blind Teleport if he's not at risk of being teleported into solid objects. Though being sent straight up might be a problem.

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Displacer Field Generator: (Total: 125 Active Cost, 43 Real Cost)

Desolidification , Costs Endurance Only To Activate (+1/4) (50 Active Points); Only To Protect Against [Limited Type Of Attack] (Knockback; -1), Restrainable (-1/2), Unified Power (-1/4), Side Effects (Doubles damage for purposes of, and randomizes the direction of, Knockback; -1/4) (Real Cost: 17)


Aid Knockback Movement 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Constant (+1/2), Can Apply (Remove) Adders (+1) (33 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), One Use At A Time (-1), Limited Power Only to add the "Position Shift" Adder (-1), Side Effects (Doubles damage for purposes of, and randomizes the direction of, Knockback; -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 7)


Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED) (Protect Carried Items) (40 Active Points); Limited Power Only vs Attacks that do Knockback (-1), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 18)


Flight 1m, Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (2 Active Points); Limited Power Only for purpose of calculating Knockback (-1), Unified Power (-1/4) (Real Cost: 1)


This automatically links the distance teleported to the magnitude of the attack, as it basically converts the "Knockback" distance into the teleportation. The Desolidification prevents damage from the Knockback, and permits teleportation through solid objects. The rules don't support Naked Adders so I used Aid to put the Position Shift Adder onto the Knockback, so that the character is still upright after teleporting. The Resistant Protection probably needs to be tweaked, maybe made proportional to the teleport distance. Flight is there just to get the -1d6 roll against Knockback. If I'm not mistaken, this will still result in an attack doing Knockback costing the character at least a half-phase to "re-orient"; that's my intention, as if you have just been randomly teleported it should take a moment to figure out where you landed.


The Desolidification could possibly be tweaked to, say, cover some damage from the attacks as well in addition to that from knockback, by reducing that Limitation. But this is getting close to the point the Game Operations Director might rule that all other Powers will now need an expensive Advantage to work while the Desolid is in effect.


Lucius Alexander


Annoying palindromedary tagline

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First, I don't buy that a cybernetic implant should really be OIF. I think it should at most be -1/4 restrainable, or possibly -0. YGMMV.


Activation Roll is how you make it roll to activate.


The negating attacks part - my suggestion would be to build it as:


75% Damage Reduction, Physical and Energy, Only Applies 5% Reduction Per Damage Class of Incoming Attack (I do strongly suggest linking it to DCs, not AP. DCs are generally a much better measure of how "strong" an attack is). 


This does assume you can do math in your head relatively well or don't mind using a calculator. You may want to go with something a little simpler otherwise, if you think you will have trouble taking off 35% of an attack's damage or such.


Where this gets set would depend on your campaign. In a typical campaign where an on-par adversary would have 12 DC attacks, I would call it -1/2. The reason I suggest this setup is that DR naturally scales with the power of the incoming attack, since it is proportionate reduction. If you build it as scaling static defenses, there will be an odd curve where attacks get less effective as they get stronger until there's a sudden cliff where it stops scaling. The way I built it, it still blocks "most" of the damage from very powerful attacks. It's also expensive but this sounds like it is meant to be a very strong primary defense.


The teleporting when hit I think is best done as Knockback Resistance (possibly linked to the same Activation Roll as the defense), plus Teleportation XXm, Trigger with Trigger Automatically Resets Character Does Not Control Activation of Personal Trigger (whenever hit), Activation Roll, Teleports Xm per Y DC of attack (can be whatever), NCC (no control over direction; -1). Possibly it should get Safe Blind Teleport depending on the answer to Lucius's question.


Also, the whole thing may need a limitation that it won't reduce the damage of AE's that would hit at both the character's original location and the location they teleport to. I'd probably call that -1/4. 

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