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Casts No Shadow


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How would you define an ability where something casts no shadow?


I'm thinking it would be some sort of Physical Complication (for an undead thing perhaps), but I could also see how it could be a benefit when hiding.


How would you write up an ability of casting no shadow?

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I agree, Distinctive Feature, fantasy-wise I've seen that complication in other genres where the player has no soul or has had it taken from him for some reason. Or quite possibly if you do want a power based on it the Change Environment with a few tweaks would work I think.

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I think it would primarily be a Distinctive Feature.  If there is a positive ability related to it I guess you'd just have to write it up how you see it working.  Maybe a small bonus to Stealth with a "Only when having a shadow would be hindering" Limitation?  



In most cases it is something that would stand out. Only under very extreme circsmtances (like standing in front of a lamp) would casting no shadow help. You usually hide in dark/bad lit places. Not in front of a Strong lightsource.

But on the other hand that means it might allow hiding in places where you cannot normally hide (because your shadow would give you away).

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It sounds like its a mix of good and bad, but is the benefit enough to warrant a power of some kind? I'm agreeing with others that it might be a small Stealth bonus under limited circumstances or maybe a type of Change Environment (a penalty to PER because of lack of shadow).

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Depends on how you want to run the campaign, is it something extremely unique (Stolen Soul/Harrowed) or something that is rare or uncommon (Vampire/Undead). Hmmm, Casts No Reflection would fall under this too, wouldn't it?

Change Environment with a PER modifier, self only, no range, constant, reduced end, probably a few more limitations to add to it as well. I'd have to pour over the limitations list to see what works well. As a power it would need to be resistant to nullification effects of those sorts which would lend itself to Distinctive Features but it all depends on what is prevalent in your milieu.

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Also what is the general reaction of the populace to this effect? If its treated as a curiosity then I would say Distinctive Feature but if it's feared/reviled then I'd go with the Change Enviro. First thing I'd do is go for my gun if I'm sittin' at a café on a sunny day and you appear tableside not casting a shadow? Start phase count... :shock:  :winkgrin:

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If you want to build the effects, go with limited invisibility.  Invisibility to sight, only to remove shadow, and affect machines and mirrors would give you a limitation of -1, I reckon.  In addition you take the Distinctive Features complication, if you build it as 'always on'.


I can see lots of ways it would be useful and lots of ways it would be an issue.


Weird: Invisibility to Sight Group , Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (35 Active Points); Only to affect your shadow and reflection and machines (-1), Always On (-1/2) 35 active points, 14 real


Plus Distinctive Features:  No shadow or image in glass (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 points as a complication


So that means it is slightly more useful than it is a complication.  Most of the time it is not helpful - people can not see your shadow, but they can see you - it might give you an advantage in some situations.  The distinctive features is separate to the 'always on'.  Distinctive features means people might treat you strangely and remember you.  Always on means you can not wave to your buddies through a video monitor or activate light sensors on automatic doors.

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It actually sounds like it could be a type of very limited Invisibility write-up. If it also eliminated reflections in mirrors, that would be another limited situation.

There more you add, the mor it goes taht direction.


If you want to build the effects, go with limited invisibility.  Invisibility to sight, only to remove shadow, and affect machines and mirrors would give you a limitation of -1, I reckon.  In addition you take the Distinctive Features complication, if you build it as 'always on'.

Oh right. In some modern interpreataions Vampires are also immune to video surveilance, and cannot be photographed (not sure if this also covers audio surveilance and how it is about atlernative spectrum vision).


So that means it is slightly more useful than it is a complication.  Most of the time it is not helpful - people can not see your shadow, but they can see you - it might give you an advantage in some situations.  The distinctive features is separate to the 'always on'.  Distinctive features means people might treat you strangely and remember you.  Always on means you can not wave to your buddies through a video monitor or activate light sensors on automatic doors.

Intertigns thoughts on how this could be a downside.
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