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The Purple Gang, as Promised


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Good character concept, Arrow. He might be a little old for the field team of the Purple Gang, since right now they're all teens / young adults.


Of course, not everyone has to use these guys as opponents in a "Teen Champions" game. They're a highly skilled, highly trained, and highly coordinated team. Imagine a bunch of adult, established heroes getting their butts handed to them by a bunch of "kids" in black and purple getups!


If you run the kind of setting with heavy press coverage of superhumans, imagine what the headlines and magazine covers would look like. They heroes would be the laughingstock of alt.supers.gossip!


Anyway, Purple Heart is a good idea. You've been reading this thread, you've got a good handle on this thing, why not write him up yourself?


EDIT: Not sure why I typed "Treb" when I was replying to Crimson Arrow. My brain replaces nouns sometimes...


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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by Kristopher

So, Crimson, is it Monday yet?




Good job I never said which Monday. It's funny because I thought about this thread only a couple of days ago.


I've actually done precious little RPG stuff over the last few months. I'd hoped to do Purple Heart, Red Elk and the other two Furies over Christmas.


Except I didn't. :(


I will eventually. Just don't hold your breath.

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Yes I think deep purple would work as a blueprint for Takeshi Kovacs only really needs intuitional danger sense something like universal translator but for local culture, and someway of handling the deductive boost of the envoy intuition.


His eidetic memory talent should be built with discriminatory and analyze.


Some heightened tolerance for pain and a small multi-power pool to represent envoy tricks

With his skills I'd drop the sciences add a skill boost too social skills and auto fire and two weapon fighting skills.


I'd notch up the ego slightly and add a bit more mental defense and then drop his intelligence to 18-20 (he's smart but not that smart)


Then you just need to find a way to do the re-sleeving process, which I guess would be duplication based.


Then you just need to change the Disadvantages to reflect the pathology and reputation of envoys.

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Originally posted by Kristopher

Anyway, while I'm back on the subject, I was thinking of something a couple of days ago. I have two questions about these guys:


A) Which "Age" do they belong to?


B) Which genre conventions, if any, do they violate?


It amazes me, sometimes, the questions that end up ignored, while the same questions about the same thing end up answered over and over again with each new thread.

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