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Fixed my posting goof, another character for review


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Val Char Cost
35 STR 25
26 DEX 48
25 CON 30
13 BODY 6
13 INT 3
11 EGO 2
15 PRE 5
10 COM 0
15 PD 8
15 ED 10
6 SPD 24
12 REC 0
50 END 0
44 STUN 0
21" RUN02" SWIM07" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 161


Cost Power END
19 Damage Resistance (15 PD / 15 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points)
12 Shifting Body: Elemental Control, 24-point Powers
42 1) Stretching 13" (65 Active Points); No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4) 6
14 2) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 3
14 3) Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 3
30 Shifting Abilities: Multipower, 30-point reserve
3u 1) Shifting Body: Shapeshift (Sight Group; Imitation, Variety of Shapes: Limited Group of Shapes) (30 Active Points) 3
2u 2) Big Fist: Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6 (30 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 3
3u 3) Blade Hand: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. ED) (30 Active Points) 3
3u 4) Long Legs: Running +15" (30 Active Points) (added to Primary Value) 3
5 Life Support (Expanded Breathing)
Powers Cost: 147



Cost Skill
15 +3 with HTH Combat
3 Bugging 12-
3 Climbing 14-
3 Computer Programming 12-
3 Concealment 12-
3 Contortionist 14-
3 KS - Physics (INT-based) 12-
3 Electronics 12-
3 Disguise 12-
3 Mechanics 12-
Skills Cost: 42
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Well, mechanically, the Damage Reduction slots in the EC are technically illegal.


Otherwise: What's the guy's SFX? Is he just a bendy toy? (In which case the HKA is vs. PD and the program defaulted to ED for that?) He looks like a decent bendy toy. I'd say not to hit anything resembling a normal with that HKA that you don't want dead, though. =)

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The character looks pretty good to me. About the only thing I might think about adding would be some DCV Levels (with Cost END) in the Elemental Control to simulate the character's ability to bend his body away from attacks. Other than that it looks like a really good "stretchy" character, and one that I would not mind playing at all. Good job!


Oops! Forget to add that I would probably have to look very carefully at a character who does 17d6 damage to make sure it was not unbalancing to the rest of the game. But that is easily fixed by giving the Stretching the No Velocity Limitation as well.


Oops, #2! By my calculation the character is using up to some 12 END per Phase (3 STR, 6 Stretching, 3 Big Fist). With a 6 SPD and 50 END he will run out of END very quickly in a fight.

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Originally posted by Simon

The Damage Reduction is legal in the EC. It's a Standard/Defense Power and has been purchased with Costs END. That fulfills the requirements for placement in an EC....unless there's something I'm missing....


The FAQ states that costs end only to activate is a GM permission only power if placed in a EC.


As for the character, I'd watch out for End costs. Between stretching, main attack, and running, he could be paying up to 16 end per phase.


Also, you need to harden the base PD and ED as well as the damage resistance. That costs you 7 more points.

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Originally posted by Stone

So would you drop the speed down to 5 and use the 10 pts for extra end of increased def? And I just noticed a mistake I made. The HKA is supposed to be vs PD not ED.

I would buy the SPD to 5, reduce the Stretching to 12" and then purchase the Costs END Only To Activate Advantage for the Stretching. That should bring you pretty close to even and then would only require the 6 END output when the power is turned on, same as the Damage Reduction.

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