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Converting a Setting: Godsend Agenda


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I think Bubba was wondering what Godsend Agenda is, not SA.


From what I've read, In Godsend Agenda, the gods have descended to Earth and, for the most part, have integrated into society acting as Superheroes & Supervillians.


A PDF of the 1st Edition is selling ar RPG.net for under 6 bucks. Might be worth checking out.

I was .thanks

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not everybody knows what you mean could you be more specific ?

"I will briefly give you a run down on the game. Around 4000 BC three types of aliens crashed on earth, the Elohim, the Angelos, and the Chimera. The aliens withe there super powers and high technology placed themselves as gods among the primitive humans. Some did this for benevolent purposes, others for reasons less benign. on earth at that time were also super powered humans, they were Atlanteans. anyway lots of stuff goes down throughout the ages( the game dedicates almost a hundred pages to explaining it all.). skip to modern day, super humans have been popping up more and more frequently in the last century. so we have this world with a huge secret history, and all kinds of colorful NPCs. "



It is an interesting setting I have the original non-d6 version. I think I picked up another edition but may have lost it.

It would make a great Hero System Setting.



Game Geeks Classics #22 Godsend Agenda Khepera Publishing


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thank you

I really didn't tell that much.


The Elohim are a humanoid race thare able to manipulate an unknown cosmic power they call Ka. Stars generate this energy.

They are  feudal but technological space faring race with El being their leader. 


They are fighting a war with another cthonic Ka using race, the Chimera.  There is popular general named Attis among elohim who is almost as good at using Ka as El and El feels threatened by both his popularity and ability.  


So after the war is won El creates a group servants whose Ka ability is stunted that bleeds it off in a  nimbus or aura. A halo if you will.

They are Angelos and have access to high tech as well. El has the Angelos arrest Attis and followers and put them on a prison transport with chimera prisoners to send to Sheol which is between the arms of the galaxy(Ka poor Region).



Something happens on the way. And the star drive is engaged but malfunctions and a hole in spacetime is formed in which the ship is lost. Part of it crashes on Earth  Five or six thousand years ago. Both the Chimera prisoners and Elohim escape while the Angelos try to fix the ship.


The Elohim decide to use the Godsend agenda, something they used in their dealing with primitive planets while serving in El's army where they pretend to be Gods. Not difficult if you can manipulate Ka, Attis want to do this to build up and guide Humanity. A dissenting faction led by Typhon secretly just want to rule.


They encounter an elder race humans who have some skill in the use of Ka themselves, the Atlanteans. Who can see through the disguises of the Elohim. At first the Atlanteans thought the Elohim were an alien horde invasion their prophets had seen in a vision.

They realized they were wrong and it is a future chimera invasion and made peace with Attis. Unfortunately Typhon's forces disliked the uppity humans and attacked. Destroying the civilization.


Survivors scattered and take roles similar what is in the Donovan song while breeding their own group humans with Ka' potential that will activate when they sense Chimerans and they have weakness that they tend to burn out explosively.


Meanwhile the Chimerans become monsters of legend.

At some point Attis realizes that for humanity to move forward, The "Gods" must be reigned in. So using tech they salvaged from the wreck Attis and his faction build shields to limit Ka exposure on Earth. Some elohim get trapped in their roles and don't remember who they but the power levels are greatly reduced.


Oh and Agelos engineer monotheism to hurt the influence of the Elohim which they are trying to capture.

Fast forward to modern times. Ka levels are rising again Supers are appearing. The Atlantean breed mutants mass activate in what covered up as the Spanish influenza outbreak. Governments start to investigate. But don't know what is going but more than public. Angelos are pulling strings Atlanteans have their conspiracies and The Elohim begin fighting amongst themselves again.


Oh did I mention all factions can sometimes breed with baseline humans? Yes even the Chimerans!

Oh that Alien horde is still on track to hit Earth. Some think it is coming in 2012

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More on Godsend.

In that world Peter Parker(who is not in the cannon) wouldn't get powers from a radioactive spider. That is just silly!


No the spider Accident triggers something in his subconscious that lets him access his latent and rudimentary Ka abilities.

In this case his subconsciousness shapes them into "spider" powers. He could do so much more he just doesn't know it.

The really powerful users can sense Ka and mold it. Think low powered silver surfer types. I guess the new flash with his speed force drains could fit this.


In the first edition (non d6 version) there archetype rules. Which is why I thought about taking some gestalt heros ideas and mixing in as well.


Like I said it would make a great hero setting.

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