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Need help with Occult Detective


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I'm working on an Occult Detective for Champions. I got most of his items figured out. Stuff like a revolver with silver bullets, holy knuckle dusters, cross, stakes etc. I'm having problems with a few items. 1 item is a bag of holding. It holds a ton of items within a bag. Think along the line of large on the inside. Look up D&D bag of holding for more info.

Another problem I'm having is figuring out holy water. Mostly because it deals damage to undead, devils, and demons but nothing else.

The last part is various smaller items like spices and chalk. Salt could be used to fend of evil spirits and could even do damage to some. Garlic is effective to Vampires and chalk can be use to make magic barriers and doorways.

I guess I could use some of it in limitations. Such as create a Magic Barrier spell and have 1 of the limitations as "Must draw a circle around desired area in chalk".

Edited by jammer397
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Much depends on whether the power to harm various supernatural creatures inheres in a substance or in the way the occult detective uses it. For instance, if a vampire is scalded by holy water no matter who uses it, or is repelled by garlic it just encounters at random, those are Complications for the vampire. The occult detective simply knows to keep these items on hand.


OTOH, if the vampire is only repelled if the detective brandishes garlic and says the Prayer of St. Fluglehorn, that might be a Power.


Chalk barriers are probably Powers, assuming that an ordinary guy can't draw a chalk circle on the ground and whoops, demons can't cross it. But this depends on the details of the world; talk to your GM.


Dean Shomshak

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For the "bag of holding", you could try a special effect of a Multipower. Or, if you can pull out tons of ordinary but useful items, and put them back in, you could use Extradimensional Space (Hero System Advance Player's Guide 2, page 27-28), and Object Creation (Hero System Advance Player's Guide 2, page 32-34).


You might look into Probability Alteration (Hero System Advance Player's Guide 2, page 34-35), which can simulate the fact that Luck sometimes is on the characters side.

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I'm working on an Occult Detective for Champions. I got most of his items figured out. Stuff like a revolver with silver bullets, holy knuckle dusters, cross, stakes etc. I'm having problems with a few items. 1 item is a bag of holding. It holds a ton of items within a bag. Think along the line of large on the inside. Look up D&D bag of holding for more info.


Another problem I'm having is figuring out holy water. Mostly because it deals damage to undead, devils, and demons but nothing else.


The last part is various smaller items like spices and chalk. Salt could be used to fend of evil spirits and could even do damage to some. Garlic is effective to Vampires and chalk can be use to make magic barriers and doorways.


I guess I could use some of it in limitations. Such as create a Magic Barrier spell and have 1 of the limitations as "Must draw a circle around desired area in chalk".


Bag of holding can be simulated with extra STR, No END Persistent (+1), Only To Carry Items (-1/2), OAF: Bag of Holding (-1).


As for various means of fighting evil you can build a 40 Points Multipower with a Variable Special Effects [Any] (+1/2), Variable Disadvantages (-1/4), OIF: Various Items (-1/2), with slots of for Energy Blasts, Entangle, EB No Normal Defense, Force Wall, etc.  The Variable Disadvantages is useful because you can add "Only Works against Vampires/Werewolves/Witches, etc " (-1/2) to simulate holy water, silver bullets, etc.

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Bag of holding can be simulated with extra STR, No END Persistent (+1), Only To Carry Items (-1/2), OAF: Bag of Holding (-1).


As for various means of fighting evil you can build a 40 Points Multipower with a Variable Special Effects [Any] (+1/2), Variable Disadvantages (-1/4), OIF: Various Items (-1/2), with slots of for Energy Blasts, Entangle, EB No Normal Defense, Force Wall, etc.  The Variable Disadvantages is useful because you can add "Only Works against Vampires/Werewolves/Witches, etc " (-1/2) to simulate holy water, silver bullets, etc.

 Sounds like a good idea too but I really like the VPP. Not sure what direction I'm going to run with till I open up hero designer and try it. I'm not even fully sure how I'll do the items yet but I have a rough idea. I know the most of the demons and undead in the Bestiary guide has susceptibility. Which helps a little bit I know when I wrote up his handguns I wrote it as


Welby Mk5 with Silver Bullets. Than I gave it the normal advantages and disadvantages of gun and add an additional advantage Silver Bullets for +1/4. +1/4 seemed fine due to the fact they do additional damage but only to a few targets.

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I think I got it set up now. base and control maybe lower, I just set it to that before I set up the various items that are in the bag.

Bag of Holding:  Variable Power Pool (Various Minor Objects Of Mystical Importance), 100 base + 100 control cost,  (150 Active Points); OAF (-1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; Must concentrate on what item he wants to draw from the bag.; -1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, Takes a full phase action to find and draw item.; -1/4)

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