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Superhero: Potions


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2 hours ago, Surrealone said:

Interestingly, in Superheroic games, I wouldn't toolkit Alchemy, at all -- as I think that's more inline with an agent-level game.  i.e. a VPP or a MP with charges is 'good enough' for me (and many ... maybe even most?) when it comes to a SuperHeroic game.



Yes. This is a perfect application for a "Gadget Pool"-style VPP - the kind you change between adventures.


Not so much a Multipower, whose slots remain constant (barring buying new ones with experience points).

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Regular charges covers typical "brew your own" potions just fine. You recharge them back at the lab by brewing more.


A character that can enchant them on the fly might take "recoverable charges" with the recovery needing a short while and maybe some common materials.

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22 minutes ago, dsatow said:

One problem with VPP and potions is that unless each potion has a set trigger, the points used are locked in the VPP until the potion expires or is used.  


I don't quite get what you are saying here.


Unless you are talking about "brew them on the fly" potions, rather than "brew them at home between adventures" (gadget pool style).

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53 minutes ago, dsatow said:

One problem with VPP and potions is that unless each potion has a set trigger, the points used are locked in the VPP until the potion expires or is used.  


Exactly. To me the point of the potions (at least the ones I am looking to create) is to put all the expensive materials (foci), Extra Time, and other limitations in during the 'brewing'. 

Delayed Effect isn't even recommended at the Super Hero Level (6E) even though several 'potion' power examples are then created with that Advantage. So Trigger seems the more likely way to do it, if it is in a VPP (quaffing the potion) to me so far.

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1 hour ago, assault said:


I don't quite get what you are saying here.


Unless you are talking about "brew them on the fly" potions, rather than "brew them at home between adventures" (gadget pool style).


In any VPP,  if you create something and hand it to someone else, those points are allocated and you can't get those points back unless you get control of the power back.  This rule prevents a VPP character with say a 20 point pool from giving everyone a 1d6+1 RKA.  The points used in the power are allocated.  Similarly, if you say give someone a OAF, 1 Charge potion out of the pool, the real points used in the cost of the potion are unavailable until charge recovers.  This is again to prevent someone with dozen of hand grenades, have them used, and then create more hand grenades.


Trigger gets around this limitation as when the trigger is set, all effects are paid for and are ready for the trigger.  the damage as you will is effectively already done though you don't really know the effect until you roll it.  As such it bypasses the focus rule where you give the focus to every one and as long as you do not use charges, by passes that limitation too.

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