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Need to find a place to set up a new e-mail account


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I got a new computer today after my previous one died of old age Monday.  I want to open up an e-mail account, since I haven't had one since I change internet providers a couple of years ago (and didn't think to open up one there at the time)


Unfortunately finding a place to open up an account is impossible.  As I do not have an active one (which would mean I wouldn't need to open one) nor a mobile phone. I apparently one or both at every site I have tried.  (current internet provider, g-mail, yahoo)

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If you have a community college convenient and can afford a class just for fun, nearly all such situations will get you an email at a .edu address while you're enrolled without need for another email first, and you can leverage that to get others.  In principle that .edu address goes away after a while after you're no longer enrolled, but how quick that happens varies wildly. 

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Thanks, though I think I finally did it right on my current internet provider (porbably should have opened one at the time, but when I had changed, I had been a month without internet, and an hour going through the installation process, so I just had had enough at that point.)


Edit: I do have a older cell phone, so if that counts as "mobile phone" I might go that route in an emergency.  I've never bothered to learn the number for it, since I only turn it on to make a call, and only carry it for emergency purposes.  The number is written down somewhere, I think

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hmm, that didn't work out at all. Hope I never forget my password here or I'll never be seen here again.  You'd think creating emails would get easier over the last decade instead of being harder to get than a Pentagon infiltration.


Edit: Nevermind, I didn't complete my registration. *smacks forehead*

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Yeah, that's right, they did have to set up an outlook account for me at the store to put the programs on (anti-virus, Word/Excel).


Thanks, for helping me remember that, I'll make sure that I access that at least as a backup


Edit: I am merely computer functional instead of highly competent.  I merely accept that Technology's end game for me is my violent death.

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