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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. I gave it to Agnes. However, in my defense, I told her about it right after I got the test results from the doctor.
  2. Americans need this type of warning system for important things like terrorist attacks, local child abductions or if a Kardashian dies.
  3. Judging by the red nose I'd say its the face of either rosacea, lupus or chronic alcoholism.
  4. He can't move at all and can't throw more than 15 yards downfield. Probably shouldn't be playing.
  5. That's just...weird. He's almost 40 years old...how has it lasted this long in the first place?
  6. Republicans are red Democrats are blue Neither one Cares about you
  7. Best MCU villain - hands down. Ahsoka is better than expected.
  8. A recent AP poll made up of 10,000 13th and 14th century Eastern/Central Europeans and Central/Western Asians voted Swifties as "Most Feared Menace You Don't Want to Piss Off" over Mongolians and the Bubonic Plague.
  9. In everyday life, I agree - everyone is too easily offended and unnecessarily coddled nowadays it seems. On a moderated message board however, we're essentially playing in someone else's sandbox...so probably better safe than sorry.
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