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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. https://www.superherohype.com/movies/556962-dave-filoni-promoted-to-cco-of-lucasfilm-will-work-directly-with-kathleen-kennedy This is a positive move IMO.
  2. The Marvels - I'll give it a C ***Minor spoilers below!*** Pros: - Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel - Any scenes with Kamala's family - Some of the power switching scenes - Aladna! - Decent plot - Flerken scenes Cons: - Also Flerken scenes - Carol's fluctuating power levels - I wanted more Aladna! - Meh villain (also with fluctuating power levels) - Monica's beef with Carol just came off as whiny to me - Skrulls as helpless good guys
  3. Poor Joe. Oh well...we Bengals fans are used to it. 50+ years without a superbowl.... Time to root for a high draft pick...like usual.
  4. Did you hear the joke about sodium hypobromite? NaBrO
  5. I got it twice so far - one year apart. The first time it manifested as a bad flu and I lost my sense of smell and taste for 9 months. 2nd time was just a regular cold but i got antivirals very early on right after i tested positive.
  6. I don't think his coaching should be questioned. However, his drafting and personnel management are definitely suspect for several years now.
  7. Is it an alien eye that can shoot energy beams strong enough to hurt Gond?
  8. I've always wondered if the vampire got the job....
  9. Why you gotta do Old Man like that, dude?
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