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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Whoa, whoa...who said anything about zombies? Do you know what brain-bingeing would do to my waistline?
  2. Do I get more levels of the abyss to rule than the other archdemons?
  3. It's probably more like, "So this is it? THESE are the choices I'm given to vote for? What happened to us?"
  4. Trump compares PTSD and mental illness to weakness I am worried about myself, because lately I am feeling a real, visceral anger about this man. I should probably cut my political news time at this point.
  5. Finished Luke Cage. Very, very good stuff. Probably 7-8 out of 10. Not quite as good as Jessica Jones, but close. It really takes off about episode 4, with solid setups for the next series in the last 5 minutes of episode 13. Netflix Marvel is really riding high right now. :thumbup:
  6. Doesn't the fact that he lived his entire life with the name 'Leopoldo' automatically qualify you for sainthood?
  7. Is SLHS pronounced 'sluss' or 'sliss'?
  8. I think that was obviously the set-up. The worst threat possible attacks at the worst possible time.
  9. Wouldn't it be better if you heard it from CM Punk?
  10. Aren't we all medicating in some way or another?
  11. Howabout cuz Polonium is radioactive and Polon sounds like Colon? No?
  12. Doesn't that give you polon cancer? *rimshot*
  13. 5 episodes into Luke Cage. It started off slow for me. Although, the last two episodes have picked up pace and been very good. Best moment so far is, of course:
  14. It's also difficult (at least for me) for any tv show to remain watchable after 3-4 seasons.
  15. - Only Cap and BW saw the information from Arnim Zola in the bunker. - My interpretation was she couldn't hold the explosion so she forced it up into the air and it exploded when she couldn't hold it anymore. Still, it was clear she was trying to help. I also agree with your take that "how would the UN have handled things differently". Although, the entire Ultron situation was, in fact, Tony Stark's (and Banner somewhat) fault. Technically, he is partly responsible for any death's Ultron caused.
  16. As I've watched Civil War 3 times now, I tend to agree with all of your points more and more. Except Bucky, he's being controlled the whole time. He didn't even remember what he'd done when he came out of Zemo's brainwashing.
  17. I've always appreciated your contributions on The Wheel. It's been really helpful to mankind. And thanks for Fire, also.
  18. And then after work you can play Zork!!!
  19. When I saw the picture, I thought that as well, but then, Urban can walk around in normal life being bald. However, there's no reason for him to walk around in normal life with those silly strips of hair. My guess is they'll be added in the makeup chair everyday.
  20. As I foreshadowed with my point about Ultron, hasn't every villain (and hero) there is died at some point, only to reappear later?? Killing off villains is a moot point.
  21. Is this gonna turn into a scene from Apostrophe Now? I love the smell of grammar in the morning....
  22. That post contains an unacceptable number and also counts as a British word...A DOUBLE INSULT!!!!!
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