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Everything posted by Spectrum

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey, where do you want this nuke to go before it goes off? A: Well they're called poison arrow frogs for a reason.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So are you coming to the sacrifice for Cthulhu meeting tonight? A: But they're all red.
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So what did the critics say after the stunt with the chainsaw? A: Penguins...lots of them.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So there was a different reason for having so many extras trained in the use of swords in the Lord of The Rings films? A: Aw nuts, it broke.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Were you amused? A: I still say it's a bird, or possibly a plane.
  6. Q: How do you know Adam Sandler has taken a premise too far? A: Just follow the slime trail.
  7. Q: What's the name of that stage production that's produced by the NBA? A: Behold the most insidious villian of all: Batfox!
  8. Q: When is the right moment to break someone's heart? A: His remains were found buried under five tons of 20 sided dice.
  9. Q: Are you using the tanning bed for baking? A: It's the Fantastic Four vs. the Fab Five.
  10. Q: Ok, you've got huge wings on your back and a glowy thing over your head, now what? A: I told you letting Quentin Tarantino write a children's book was a bad idea.
  11. Q: Do you know Andy Dufrense? A: Maybe it's the plad wire.
  12. Q: White or off-white? A: I'm not sure, it sounded like "Gurgle-gurgle-hack-wheeze."
  13. Q: Have you seen the Champions' new training room? A: But it's soooo cute.
  14. Q: Are you going to hand over the Fritos or not? A: I thought it was the annual running of the bulldogs.
  15. Q: What do you mean there's no Prof. Plum in Monoploy? A: Chocobo de la Muerte.
  16. Q: What's the latest G.I Joe accessory? A: Never trust a duck in a ski mask.
  17. Q: Is this your first day working at Arby's? A: After the fallout of the second Death Star rained down on Endor's forest moon, the Ewoks were never the same.
  18. My first Champs character was Shadowfist. I made hime back in '95 or '96. He was basicly a superpowered ninja, unfortunetly when I made him his points were spread too thin and in nearly every combat situation he got KO'd and I would just sit there waiting for the fight to end so I could get back in the game. I now consider that character a learning experience (it was also my first time with the system).
  19. Q: So this pile of rubble used to your base? A: That's what happens when you cross toon physics with super science.
  20. Q: Why did your plans to take over the city fail this time? A: But it had a big smiley face on it.
  21. Woo-hoo. But actually this was from my second time through it. The first time I got Cyclops (a favorite of mine still) But all I did was change one answer. I'm sticking w/ this result anyway, I feel more of a connection to him anyway. http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/spiderman.jpg'>http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/spiderman.jpg To link it (the actual code):
  22. Q: What did you hear before that jumper landed on him? A: But you said it was only a model.
  23. Shadowfist - Would love nothing more than to see the criminal who killed his grandfather brought down. That and some way to humiliate his boss (professional rival). Spectrum - Considering his love of airplanes, giftwise, he's covered. But he'd be content to spend the holidays with his friends and family and maybe "conveniently" catch his girlfriend under the misletoe and hope her brother doesn't show up to try and kill him (I mean actually kill him). Oh and also, hopefully to not recieve and major injuries. (the last time I played of him he got hurt alot and for some reason I decided to incorporate some aspect of that into any future incarnation of him I may play. BTW, out of curiosity, would "injury prone" be a vaild disad and if so, what would be be best way to do it?)
  24. The real question is will the fry guys be able to hold thier own against the orcs of Mordor and what about Grimace vs the Witchking Ringwrath? (If you've ever seen the animated Clerks, you should know that "Nothing can kill the Grimace")
  25. Man, that's a tough call. On one side you have a relentless force of all consuming evil with legions of followers and then you have Sauron. I might have to think about it some but as it stands right now I'm kinda leaning towards Sauron based solely on the opening sequence from Fellowship of the Ring (it's a bit trickey to deal w/some who's, what? Nine feet tall, clad in plate armor and has a ring of power and a big honkin' mace?).
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