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Tachyon's Achievements

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Skull: Was: A vigilante with a cybernetic arm and leg; quite strong, but not too bright; used a sledgehammer and ranged weapons built into his arm. Is: A robot with big guns; still quite strong and not bright... Ronin: A martial artist with the ability to manipulate darkness/darkforce. Just before the session: Skull's player is drawing something. GM: Thanks for destroying the atmosphere... Ronin's player is drawing something. GM: Maybe I should start drawing too?... Ronin (OOC): So when do we start playing? The Skull: Is this powered armor resistant to MP3 grenades? Everyone else:
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Skull: A vigilante with a cybernetic arm and leg; quite strong, but not too bright; uses a sledgehammer and ranged weapons built into his arm. Ronin: A martial artist with the ability to manipulate darkness/darkforce. After an accident with a nuclear weapon resulting in the destruction of New York: The Skull: At least Daily Bugle won't rant and rave at Spider-Man. GM: Because Daily Bugle ceased to exist! The Skull: One doesn't have to be intelligent when one has a nuclear weapon. GM: The Skull HAS a nuclear weapon... The Skull: We need a brilliant idea. Ronin: I have a bad feeling about this... The Skull: BlackCorp (enemies) know our strategy. GM: What, get in, destroy everything and get out?
  3. Re: Name this PC - please? Hoard(-er) Judge Hoard(-er) Treasure Hoard/Treasure Hunter Cloaked Hoard(-er) Professor Hoard/Treasure Cloaked Traveller Professor Justice Justiciar/Judicator Justice of the Dimensions Cloaked Justiciar/Judicator/Justice Crusader Cloaked Crusader Professor Crusade Jack of all Trades Crusader/Justiciar/Judicator/Professor of all Trades
  4. Re: Technomancer No, he would have to deactivate it first (with Suppress or Dispel, for example). The special effect would be that he is slowly taking control of the power/machine, denying the user (Corpus Delecti in this case) access and then controlling it himself.
  5. Re: Technomancer I think that Summon with 'Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale' could work. Takofanes (Conquerors, Killers and Crooks, page 31) has a power built as Summon with this limitation with a note that the spell requires appropriate number and type of corpses in the vicinity.
  6. Re: Regeneration: What am I missing? It is in The Ultimate Energy Projector, page 13, Healing Via Adjustment section.
  7. Re: Regeneration: What am I missing? I think that Absorption (Physical and Energy to BODY) with modifiers: Persistent, Healing Effect, Always On would do more or less the same.
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Skull: A vigilante with a cybernetic arm and leg; quite strong, but not too bright; uses a sledgehammer and ranged weapons built into his arm. Ronin: A martial artist with the ability to manipulate darkness/darkforce. Ronin: Are you able to pick locks? The Skull: Yes. With my sledgehammer (he has approriate skills, but he prefers the "sledgehammer in the door" style of play ). GM: You have found the map of this facility. You have to go through 20 levels. Ronin (OOC): Mario Bros.! The Skull (OOC): We have to find pipes! The Skull: How are we supposed to end the end of the world? Ronin (OOC): Maybe we could remove the hole in the reality with HoleAway? Ronin: What doesn't belong to the reality? Alternate dimensions? N. (NPC): No, they are the part of it. The Skull: Maybe my mind?
  9. Re: Cuts through anything Maybe something like this: The Sword of Destruction: HKA 1 point, Penetrating x6 (+3), Indirect [passes through barriers] (+1/2), 0 END (+1), Autofire [10 shots] (+1) [Special Effect: one unstoppable hit, but the damage depends on accuracy], OAF (-1) plus Rapid HTH Autofire [to attack multiple targets] plus Precise Sprayfire II [The Ultimate Skill, page 86] plus 2-point CSLs x4, Only to determine the number of hits (-0) The character makes one attack roll. If successful, it deals 5-10 points of damage. This doesn't work against targets with Hardened x6 rDEF, but against everything else... Did somebody say overkill?
  10. Re: One HELL of a poker game... Lordi?
  11. Extra-Dimensional Movement is Instant but the Speed Zone has to be maintained. Can a character, which has bought Enter The Speed Zone power through a Multipower, change the slot and still be able to maintain the power (because the power is Instant), or would that require applying the Uncontrolled Advantage (because the power is Constant)? Thanks in advance!
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