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Super Squirrel

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Posts posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    EGL, or Elogant Gothic Lolita, is a fashion trend that is growing popular in Germany, Japan, and in some spots in the United States. It is exactly what it sounds like, a combination of the Gothic and Lolita look but from what I have seen, is more focused on the Gothic aspect. In fact, EGL hardly is very L at all. It looks more like a Ren style of dress but Gothic to make it more, acceptable in public. If that makes any sense.


    This style is very popular and Anime Conventions for some reason and I have seen it at a couple of Ren Faires but in lower numbers.


    Example provided for education purposes.

  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    I used to drink coffee with a little bit of sugar. But since a study showed that people who drink 3-4 cups of black coffee a day are 57% less likely to develope diabetes, I have been drinking my coffee black.


    Unless I buy it at work which tastes like bile if you don't get sugar into it.

  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    I still don't get the "fanboy service" thing. You mean a fanboy asks them to dress up as a certain character? Or they just do it because they like getting attention from fanboys? Is it a derogatory term? I'm confused.




    P.S. SS, keep up the good work. Our WGAC Index has increased nearly a point since you started posting pictures.

    Fanboys, get excited at the thought of anime girls and stuff like that. Catgirls and anime characters with more revealing outfits are bonus. They are the people who write themselves into "lemons" or sexual fanfics involving hot anime characters and so on. Gross lot if you ask me.


    "Fanboy Service" is basically a cosplayer who dresses in the type of outfit that fanboy fantasize over. High skirts, major clevage, and tight outfits are the common fanboy service outfit. They do it for the attention I guess. They like to tease the fanboys and drive them wild. I've seen at conventions a flock of fanboy's following around people. Weird stuff.

  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    So "cosplay" would be short for "costume play"?


    "...but sometimes for fanboy service."


    Uhh...does that mean what it sounds like it means, or am I really getting the wrong idea here?

    "Fanboy" is a derogatory term for someone a male fan of anime characters that has a hard time distinguishing reality. Fanboy Service are cosplayers who dress up intentionally for the fanboys. They usually also have a boyfriend bodyguard.


    Here have another Yaya picture. This is what she had on when I saw her at Otakon.

  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Well *that* wasn't particularly work safe :)
    Sorry about that. I haven't been to that page in a long time and the last time I was there, the pictures, while risky, were no worse that what we have in the Catsuit thread. I didn't realize she went to the "not safe for work" field.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER



    A cosplayer is an individual who dresses up as an anime character usually for a convention, but sometimes for fanboy service.


    Some of the big names are Alisa-chan, Yaya, and G-chan.


    I used to a big follower in cosplay but I don't anymore.

  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    The otherday I was on a webpage and recognized the profile picture from somebody I happen to know as one of the better cosplayers out there. The profile information didn't match what I knew of the cosplayer so I emailed her and she actually sent me a reply back. It was, infact, someone pretending to be her. I just felt all honored of getting an email from her.


    Oh, and apparently, this was the site the person was getting the pictures from: http://www.alisakiss.com


    Just so that you guys out there have something to drool over.

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