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Super Squirrel

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Posts posted by Super Squirrel

  1. Re: Eating your lunch...


    You know what I find amazing...


    I know more people who prefer Hero but are willing to play d20 than I know people who prefer d20 but are willing to play Hero. Now before you start making a big deal about this fact, let me point a couple more details of this out.


    I'm not including anyone on Hero Games that I haven't gamed at the tabletop before.


    My experience is that people who play Hero Games enjoy the game for its superiority and complexity. But they don't mind playing a game that they can think about less and put less of an effort in.


    I kept all of my d20 Basic Rules book. I have no intention of running a game again but that doesn't mean someone won't ask me to and I'll say sure.

  2. Re: Why the "Big Release" Polls Are Flawed


    It should be pointed out that the question being asked is which book should be the Gen Con release' date=' not which book they should publish. It is very possible 2 or 3 of those book, or more, will be published in 2007. [/quote']It doesn't really change my point though. Even if Swashbuckling Hero and Pirate Hero are going to be released within a month of each other, they still pull away from unrelated categories.


    If the poll was: "What is your favorite animal on this list?" and the choices included, Pugs, German Shepards, Dobbermins, Great Danes, and Cats you are going to see Cats win. It doesn't matter what the nature of the poll is, if you have two many similar voting options, a non-similar voting option is far more likely to win even if another might have been more popular if it was better constructed.

  3. Re: Why the "Big Release" Polls Are Flawed


    The problem Super Squirrel points out here is not unique to Hero polls - it is inherent to democracy. According to Arrow's Impossibility Theorem, it is impossible to devise a voting scheme that will always meet all the criteria one would demand of such a scheme.


    There is an entire sub-field of economics called public choice that looks at collective decision making. Public choice economists have found all sorts of anomalies like Derek's example.

    Yes, well I can hopefully help the company more than I can help the country in getting changes made.

  4. Re: The cranky thread


    Just had someone - NOT a supervisor, at least not one of mine - come into my office and DEMAND to know why I'd done something the way I always do it. "And why didn't you tell US you'd done it this way?"


    When I explained that's how I always do it, and yes, I'd mentioned something, I got further snark.


    This is about when I began wondering when she'd go away.


    The point is: this is the way it was handled. This is ALWAYS the way this is handled. If the idea is to find something I'd done wrong and point it out to me in an effort to make me feel bad about it, you're getting a cold stare in response, and you're wasting time you could be spending on fixing what went wrong.


    I'm mystified as to why she keeps doing this. She KNOWS by now that, even if I DID say, "You're right, I was wrong, I made a mistake," it doesn't fix what went wrong, and it only distracts me from what I'm doing now. And distraction doesn't help me do future requests any faster or with fewer errors.

    Now if you could only track down people and ask THEM why they filled out their forms the way they did and get in their face about it.

  5. Repost of the list for your reference:

    Cyber Hero

    Danger International

    Pirate Hero

    Post-Apocalyptic Hero

    Swashbuckling Hero

    The Ultimate Weapon

    Victorian Hero

    Weird Conspiracy Hero

    Western Hero



    Last year, Hero Games did a poll and now we have another poll. The problem is, if DoJ is trying to find public interest for where to go next, they are shooting themselves in the foot.


    Many of the books mentioned above are similar at least on some level to others. So while Cyber Hero as a title is more appealing out of all of the titles listed; it is not necessarily what would be the best sales wise. The vote is for which title the voter would rather see but gives one choice. In many cases, someone is likely be interested in something similar to their voting selection than something else.


    The best example on the list is Pirate Hero and Swashbuckling Hero. Pirates and Swashbuckling are not the same thing. However there is nothing that says that if you can't get Pirate Hero, you can't simply take Swashbuckling Hero and apply to rules to the sea. Vice-versa, if you really want to play Swashbuckling Hero it would be much easier to take Pirate Hero and apply accordingly. However, because they are similar the vote is about which of the two you prefer to recieve.


    I think a much better approach would be instead to take a poll on what KIND of book you want next. Then, knowing what kind of book, DoJ could go for the actual book they think would be a better release based on either their opinion, feedback in the thread, or even a second poll.

  6. Re: The cranky thread


    I was being a big old cranky puss this morning. I found out that third shift is being removed. Alice was happy (and she should be) but I was fussing for a number of foolish reasons. Initially the only thing I could see good about this was being able to spend more time with Alice. And really... that should have been reason enough. But, they can't force me onto second shift hours and if they don't need supervisors on second shift, they can't cut my pay if they force me to front line.


    Starting the first of February, I will be working day time hours again and will be able to go to bed with my wife nightly instead of twice a week.

  7. Re: Valdorian Age Character Posting Thread


    Reposting from the Daily Art Finding thread


    Based on: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=58075

    Kelis, Jungle Hunter -



    12....STR.....2...12......11-.......HTH Damage 2d6 END [1]

    17....DEX.....21...17......12-.......OCV 6 DCV 6



    10....INT.....0...10......11-.......PER Roll 11-

    10....EGO.....0...10......11-.......ECV: 3

    15....PRE.....5...15......12-.......PRE Attack: 3d6


    5....PD......3...5.............5 PD (0 rPD)

    4....ED......1...4.............4 ED (0 rED)

    2....SPD.....0...2.................Phases: 6, 12




    6....RUN......0...6"................END [1]

    2....SWIM.....0...2"................END [1]

    3....LEAP.....0...3"................3" forward, 1 1/2" upward


    CHA Cost: 57



    4.....Spear Pin: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF (20 Active Points); Does Not Prevent The Use Of Accessible Foci (-1), OAF (-1), Requires A Spear Tricks Roll (-1/2), Limited Power Target Must Wear Armor/Clothing of Some Kind (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) - END=2

    11.....Jungle Born Immunity: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: Fungal Infections) - END=0

    13.....Spear Dancer: Desolidification (affected by Magic) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1), Requires A Spear Tricks Roll (-1/2), Instant (-1/2) - END=4

    1.....Jungle Feet: Leaping +1" (3" forward, 1 1/2" upward) - END=1


    POWERS Cost: 29




    3......Analyze: Combat 11-

    2......Animal Handler (Felines) 12-

    3......Breakfall 12-

    3......Concealment 11-

    3......KS: Jungle Wildlife 11-

    2......Navigation (Land) 11-

    3......Paramedics 11-

    3......Riding 12-

    3......Shadowing 11-

    3......Stealth 12-

    2......Survival (Tropical Forests) 11-

    3......Tracking 11-

    3......WF: Common Missile Weapons, Polearms and Spears

    13......Spear Tricks 15-

    12......+4 with any Spears

    6......Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Darkness with PER Rolls

    8......Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Enemy Concealment with any spear


    SKILLS Cost: 75



    39......Follower [Notes: Use Cheetah Write-Up (HSB pg. 144)]


    PERKS Cost: 39



    10.....Distinctive Features: Panther Tattoo and Pale Skin (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

    20.....Enraged: Cheetah Companion is Attacked or Injured (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 11-

    5.....Physical Limitation: -4 PER Rolls when in Direct Sunlight (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

    15.....Psychological Limitation: Distrustful of Others (Common, Strong)

    15.....Psychological Limitation: Protective of Jungle Territory (Uncommon, Total)

    15.....Social Limitation: Barbarian (Very Frequently, Minor)

    10.....Social Limitation: Female (Frequently, Minor)


    DISADVANTAGES Points: 90


    Base Pts: 75

    Exp Required: 35

    Total Exp Available: 35

    Exp Unspent: 0

    Total Character Cost: 200

  8. Re: Creating Fire


    :confused: It takes you 20 minutes to eat a bowl of cereal? Ewwwww. Must get all mooshy.









    Actually no, he is saying that a bowl of cereal only fills him for 20 minutes I think. You would have to eat 72 bowls a cereal a day on that right up in order to live.

  9. Re: Creating Fire


    I have no problem with your choice to use Tranformation. That's a perfectly valid construct.


    For my own part, I am not going to write up a match as a Sticky 1 Pip RKA Uncontrolled Yadda Yadda linked to Images (for the light), Change Environment (for the heat) and several hundred Aids and Transformation attacks with very specific conditions for each (to cook food, boil water, temper metal, etc, etc). There comes a point as a GM where you have to apply common sense. "It's a match. You can start a fire with it."

    I was simply trying to remain within the confines of what I was under the impression Jm0z wanted.


    (So if it helps think of it as a "If you applied a torch for as long as you cast the spell for it would have the same effect)

    Because a torch is 1 pip to 1d6, I felt a 1 pip power would be too weak.


    Stupid flame wars... *wink*

  10. Re: Creating Fire


    I don't see what's the problem with CE. It can do damage over an area, and the effects of damage do not disappear, but must be healed normally just as any other type of damage.


    And Transforms have an obvious limitation that there must be an un-transform condition.

    That's why I use Transform Air to Fire instead of Transfer Kindling to Fire. Fire can be put out by throwing water on it, smothering it, etc. You can turn Fire back into Kindling.

  11. Re: Character: Conan the Cimmerian


    That sword was broken in battle.

    But he uses it, while broken, to kill a demon.


    By the way, I'll be doing some write-ups on Conan related stuff. I had no intention of doing characters or the strange races but I'll send them your way so that you can put them up on your webpage. I've fallen behind though on my Conan reading so I don't foresee me doing much any time soon.


    The write-ups are definitely very nice though as I plan on borrowing elements from Conan for my VA game. This saves me some time for game design. Keep it up. :)

  12. Re: DC Universe Overview


    Sorry I made an assumption, saw BOOM and made a mental leap to either a Mother Box or Darkseid's Father Box, Which I would doubt work for Supes...


    And yes the big D should have wipe the turf with Supes... And then some*. (That Arc was not well written, but hey if I wanted great writing I would be reading War and Peace, or even The Lord of the Rings)


    *Which is what happened every other time they fought post-crisis. Supes gets pounded in to the ground and then thrown into a fire pit for his trouble.

    So basically what people are saying is that:

    a) What happened in the past doesn't matter because it will get retconned anyway.

    B) All DC characters are the same person just wearing a different disguise.

  13. Re: Creating Fire


    I don't have a problem with RKA as long as it is 1d6 Killing, Uncontrolled because Page 445 defines a Torch flame as doing 1 Pip on the edge to 1d6 K in its center. Mimicing the effect and giving it uncontrolled is fine for simulating a torch effect.


    However, I do have a problem with Change Environment. Fire is not an environmental condition and while Change Environment may create a long lasting change that remains in effect even after ended it is going against the nature of Change Environment. For starters, a 1 Pip K is only simulating the effects of the edge of a torch, not a full fire. Yes, you can have Change Environment do damage, but to create the desired effect you are stepping beyond the intended purpose of CE.


    When I made the choice to use Transformation, it was because it made the most sense logical. The spell was not meant to be an attack. It was meant to be a way for a spell caster to create a natural flame using magic. Transform Air to Fire is because without a fuel source present, the fire will die almost immediately.

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