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Everything posted by PamelaIsley

  1. Re: Champions Background Information How else would you phrase villains that appear twice? Repeats seemed the best word to me. But I stand corrected. Mechanon is in other books I have, but not Crooks.
  2. Re: Anybody else having problems? It's a buggy weekend. I've crashed a few times today, but the load screen is also very slow. This wasn't a good way to have a free weekend.
  3. Re: Nebula from Conquerors, Killers, & Crooks p.184-186 Is there any answer to what superhero Nebula sent to Duress in her first adventure? The villain she initially sentenced there seemed made up, so I assumed the hero was as well, but I was curious. Has anyone ever returned from Duress? Her weapon seems like an instant kill that is permanent.
  4. Re: Champions Background Information I guess I was unclear. I didn't mean direct reprints. I meant repeats. Mechanon is in Evil Unleashed and he's certainly in the Crooks book.
  5. Re: Champions Background Information How much of Evil Unleashed is reprinted in Conquerors, Killers and Crooks? The Amazon reviews are kind of contradictory on this point.
  6. Re: Champions Background Information Where does Snowblind appear?
  7. Re: Free Champions Online Weekend! I hope this helps get more people playing.
  8. Re: Millenium City University Colors I ended up going with a darker red cheerleader-type outfit (short pleated skirt and sleeveless tight top for anyone who chares), with a gold M on the chest. It looks ok. I'm not sure I'll wear it much when she is fighting is crime though.
  9. Re: Anybody else having problems? Down for me all evening. Unable to retrieve characters.
  10. Re: Champions Background Information The Champions Universe book, besides lacking the Champions themselves, was the book I wanted. People were right. Nothing against the genre book (I love Icicle for example), but there was more "useful" info in the Universe book. Millenium City is also a good book. So, right now, I'd say I liked the Villains book the best, followed by the Universe book, then Millenium City, the 2005 update, and finally the genre book. The book I feel like is missing is a version of the Villains book with all the superheroes collected, but as was mentioned earlier, that probably wouldn't sell that well to people actually playing the game. Question: What happened to Icicle that she didn't make the 2005 update book?
  11. Re: Millenium City University Colors Thanks!
  12. Re: List Your CO Heroes! Id: @pamisley Main: Bluebird Level 32 Ice Dex/End superstats Primary Alternates: Raven Level 20 Electricity Con/End superstats Stratogirl Level 12 Electricity Rec superstat
  13. As my characters go up in level, I'm running out of alternate costume ideas (and I didn't even buy the extra pack). I have a character who is a Millenium City University student (based on my internet perusing confirming such a place "existed" in-world). I thought about one of her alternates using the colors of her school rather than her costume colors. Are the colors red and gold? This is implied by the seal of the University that you can see at the free preview at DriveThruComics. I was thinking of either a cheerleader outfit or just a top with a big M in some variation of those colors.
  14. Re: Champions Background Information You'll probably get my attention. The book as described at the top of the thread seems more "crunch" than "fluff" (or whatever the vernacular is), which means I'll probably pass but I'll be more than willing to consider it. I am pretty sure that anything you do will only improve the situation; I just wonder if it will be as "good" as the pre-CO material.
  15. Re: Champions Background Information It's your gaming world, so if you're satisfied, that's all that counts. I've dumped a ton of money and time into the Champions Online game, so I can't act as though I'm too critical. But its storylines and characters are very, very cartoonish. I think it will be a challenge taking that and grafting it back over top of something as deep as the tabletop Champions, just based on the books I've read. In terms of background material (or, if I'm not using the term wrong, fluff), I think the change from 5e to 6e looks very much like the change in DnD from 2e to 3e. I bet these 5e Champions books will be very much in demand for a long time, just like people continued to acquire the 2e TSR stuff because of the shortcomings of 3e's "fluff." Incidentally, I think CO could have drawn the line at including HISS (sorry, Anaconda) tanks and Crimson Guardsmen for VIPER.
  16. Re: Champions Background Information Everything is a videogame to me, whether computer or XBox. Menton is very different in the game than in the villains book. VIPER feels much more like COBRA from GI Joe in the game than in the books. It goes from mere homage to almost complete rip-off. DEMON has a lot more demons it seems in the game. ARGENT also seems to have relegitimized themselves, compared how its shown in the book. It goes on and on. Everything feels very different. And I started with the online game, so you'd think I'd be more likely to bend the book to conform with it, but it just feels like two different worlds to me.
  17. Re: Champions Background Information It makes sense that villain books sell better than heroe books. The problem is that so many villain writeups reference heroes and those heroes appear in nothing I have. So the stories are always lacking something. The Champions universe is very silver age, and that's not quite my taste, but it makes for an interesting read. I will say, though, that much of this has been contradicted by the video game. Almost anything Champions Online has touched does not match up very well with the background material. That probably means that the 6th edition will contain quite a few changes.
  18. Re: Champions Background Information For those who care, I read through all of the three books I bought. I can't find the 2002 Champions genre book, or else I would buy it. The only complaint I'm left with after all this is a lack of information on the superheroes of this world. The villains book, in particular, was quite good. The other two were choppy because I felt like I was missing big pieces of the story. The 2005 update book, in particular, really needs the original material to make much sense. Edit: Just as I gave up, a search for "DOJHERO200" found it.
  19. Re: Champions Background Information What's done is done. I can parse the language again and rebut the post two up, but I was doing that before and deleted the post (as I mentioned in my last message). There's no point debating it. I will clarify that I don't think anyone deliberately tricked me. I feel like I was fooled, but I don't think it was by Steve Long or anyone on here (what would the motive be to steer me towards one book rather than another?). That being said, my foray into these books has not gone well. The book I want is clearly not one that I have. I'll probably never have that book at this point. Thank you to everyone who posted information. Good luck with Champions and the 6th edition.
  20. Re: Champions Background Information The Champions Universe book was the book most cited and it has none of the information that my actual request, rather than the intro to my curiosity, asked for. I edited this post to avoid prolonging this argument. At the moment I almost want to burn the books, so I need to step back. This has been an incredibly poor experience, something I haven't had in a PnP-related matter in a long time.
  21. Re: Champions Background Information Clearly this setting must be over my head. My inability to comprehend makes the material too opaque for me to understand. I regret I lack the intelligence to fully appreciate the full depth of the Champions universe. But, for the sake of argument, if someone comes on and posts and says "I would like to learn something about the Champions setting, particularly the history of the Champions supergroup, including three specific characters and certain villains", why on Earth would you list the book that covers all of those in things in detail FOURTH in a recomended list? Furthermore, why would you mention that book almost in an offhand way saying something to the effect of "if you want the Champions, of course you'll need the Champions genre book", with only Champions indicated as part of the title when the FIRST book you recomended also had Champions in the title. And, also for the sake of argument, why would no other posters mention that the Champions are ONLY detailed in a book the original response only briefly mentioned. I'm not going to single anyone out, but there is one post in particular that goes on and on about how the Champions Universe contains all of the information I was requesting. In fact, the book contains NONE of the information I wanted. Not one single piece of it. The true blame for all of this lies with me, of course. I'm just flabbergasted I would have done better not coming to the forums at all and randomly ordering books and hoping for the best.
  22. Re: Champions Background Information It's not going to be read in the near future. I'm also not going to put more money into Champions PnP in the near future. There's an old saying about fool me once . . . My interest was in a group of characters and certain villains. I didn't get any of them in the Universe book. I'm still trying to understand how I could have phrased my initial post more clearly.
  23. Re: Champions Background Information The book I have is called Champions Universe, it is the one listed at the top of Steve Long's first post in this thread.
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