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Posts posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Re: Writeups for Cellphones [5e Champs campaign]


    Okay, as McCoy pointed out to me in an email:


    I put my phone on my character sheet. Didn't think of it in these terms at the time, but did expect to use it to get game-world information, effectively functioning as a contact. Worth points.


    If Don didn't pay character points for Granite's phone, when we get into combat "somehow" he has no bars; phone only functions as a roleplay device and cannot affect game mechanics.


    Sound fair?

  2. Re: Writeups for Cellphones [5e Champs campaign]


    And it was just pointed out to me that Cellphone-bands are in the HRRP/T description..


    So it would be


    5 Cellphone: High-Range Radio Percerption/Transmission, Cellphone Band Only (-0), OAF (-1), Flashed as Hearing as well as Radio Group (-1/4) (AP 12, RC 5)


    6 Smartphone: High-Range Radio Percerption/Transmission, Cellphone Band Only (-0), OAF (-1), Flashed as Hearing as well as Radio Group (-1/4) PLUS Computer Link OAF (-1) (AP 15, RC 5)


    So in all honesty, McCoy, your Cellphone should cost 1 more point than it does... maybe remove the computer link for the time being (until you get some XP) and call it a Tracphone or something...

  3. Okay, I forgot to warn my players that I consider Cell Phones to be a perk item (they are equipment, thus they must be paid for).


    One of my players has provided me with a writeup of a Smart Phone:


    5 Smart Phone: Radio Transmit/Perception, Cell Phone Band Only (-0), OAF (-1), Affect as Hearing Group as well as Radio Group (-1/4) PLUS Computer Link, OAF (-1) (13 AP, 5 RC).

    Anyone do any writeups for the iPhone or any other cellphones?

    I understand the iPhone would be a computer on top of the other points... thought/opinons?

  4. Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


    I hate it when movies steal my plot ideas.


    Oh dear, the Replicator-Borg sound nasty. Have they come up in play yet?


    Using the spill as standard, or working in super elements? =)


    Not yet. Haven't had a chance to use them yet (still working out the kinks in game-mechanics). My avalon-city campaign will be the premier of Engineer's new toys after I work out the kinks (thinking of using a summon that has extra time and focus (material componant) with the cavaet that multiple replicants working together reduces the extra time limitation). Also going to set it up that Engineer had the foresight to set it up so she is powering her replicants, and if they stray more than X miles from her, they lose power (built as REC having the limitation Only while whithin 1 mile of The Engineer).


    As for the oil-spill, The Murk (Turakian age, I believe) who was trapped beneith the Atlantic has slowly tainted the crude so his essense possesses it. As he slowly escapes, the world's mentalists will start having VERY nasty nightmares about a pitch-blackness (or a black pitch :evilgrin: ) slowly consuming the world. Keep in mind that my campaign (which just started) is currently in February 2010. On a side-note for the oil-spill, Telios will be making a public announcement that he can bio-engineer a critter that will consume the crude and seed the ocean with an algea/plankton - thus healing some of the damage caused by the spill - but he's going to be charging BP heaps upon heaps of money. Just imagine what will happen when the Murk realizes he's being eaten by microscopic bugs... he gonna be pretty ticked off...

  5. Re: A Variant Origin for Elves (version 3)


    Starship even. This a valid interpretation (IMO only!) even for the Elves in the Silmarillion and LotR' date=' since when they are leaving Middle-Earth their ships carry them beyond "the circles of the world", since Eldamar was sundered from the World during the cataclysm that sunk Numenor. Not that Tolkien would have intended it to mean that, of course. It's just my warped and wacky mind at work.[/quote']


    Oooh... good point. I never looked at it like that...

  6. Okay, I'm working on a scenario where DEMON is trying to Summon a Demon from beyond that demands the sacrifice of 7 Paragons of Virtue:


    Chasity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility


    Basically the plan is to find normal human beings that are living examples of these 7 Virtues (thus being Paragons). What manner of person (real-life examples would be nice) would you consider to be Paragons? What sort of Sacrifice would be appropriate (the stereo-typical tyed to an alter with heart cut-out or maybe death Se7en style?)


    This is what I have thus so far:


    Chasity: The only thing I can think of would be a Nun or a Priest...


    Charity: A philanthropist, someone who donates massive amounts of time/money for a cause. Possibly someone who works for a non-profit organization...


    Patience: Someone along the lines of Ghandi...


    Kindness: Somone along the lines of Mother Theresa... but not famous (did she have a security detail, do you think? I could easily see modern-day terrorists going after her...)


    EDIT: The whole idea is that DEMON is going after people they "know" are not supers (thus, they wouldn't go after someone with a public ID). They would also be watching their intended victims to be sure that A) They are in fact the Paragons, and B) They are not Supers-in-disguise (but mistakes can be made...)

  7. Re: STAR HERO Reading List


    My 2 cents:


    David Drake: The Reaches trilogy

    David Weber/John Ringo: March Upcountry (The Prince Roger series)

    John Ringo: The Legacy of the Aldenata, The Vorpal Blade series

    Eric Flint: Rats, Bats and Vats; Rats, Bats, and the Ugly


    Frank Beddor's Looking Glass Wars is an interesting Twist on Alice in Wonderland


    As far as Star Wars goes, I'd recommend The X-Wing series - Half were written by Michael A Stackpole and the other have by Aaron Alliston (I believe the same one that wrote the ones centering on Wraith Squadron is also the co-author of the 5E Champions Genre book... never have been able to confirm that). The nice thing about the X-Wing series is that they are not really centered on the Jedi (Jedi are cool and all, but as is the case in the StarWars RPG, not everyone can be a Jedi - thusly, not everyone wants to read about Jedi all the bleeping time).


    Alan Dean Foster's The Dig is based upon a PC game, but it's a good read.

  8. Re: What's different about YOUR Champions Unvierse?


    My Champs Universe features the Isle of Avalon (http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/79422-The-City-of).


    History-wise, I draw from previous campaigns (In KC, MO there was a Super-Hero team called Metroguard that broke-up following Mechanon's attack on an Arms Production that was producing weapons similar to the Nano-mites from the GI Joe Movie (and I had this idea BEFORE the movie came out). A large portion of KC was destroyed when the Nano-Swarm breached containment, ate Mechanon, the factory where the Nano-Swarm was being produced, and then 1/3 of KC. One of Metroguard's members (an electricity-manipulator/speedster named Ionic) jumped into the swarm-matrix and then over-loaded by tapping into the city powergrid and causing a massive EMP. Mechanon is no longer vulnerable to Nano-Swarms, needless to say.


    As it turns out, The Engineer has her own version of the Nano-Swarm (she saw an episode of Stargate SG-1 and decided to build the Replicators and cross them with the Borg - so she has Replicants and Cyborg-Zombies that she can control).


    Though it doesn't directly affect Avalon (which is off the coast of New Hampshire), I'm using the BP oilspill as a future event.


    My players don't realize it, but the world is in great danger. :D

  9. Re: The Last Word


    Naw' date=' that's pretty normal, everyone does it. The sign is in [i']answering[/i] yourself.


    Which makes me think of my sister's email signature...


    I talk to myself, then disagree about

    the subject, get into a nasty row over it, lose, and

    refuse to speak to myself for the rest of the night.

  10. Re: The Last Word


    Free silver was one of William Jennings Bryan's planks around the turn of the 20th Century' date=' made famous by the "Cross of Gold" oration.[/quote']


    Ah yes... that's right. Didn't the Wizard of Oz books make allusions to that as well? Something about Dorthy's slippers being Silver...


    ... So ... No Andy Jackson?

    No, no Andy Jackson. I believe there was a similar movement during his time... it's been about 8+ years since my last "Early American History" class in college... and I barely pulled a C- in that class

  11. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality?


    There is no reason you can't do both.


    Ture... but it also depends upon how lecherous you are. Using X-ray vision/invisibility to your jollies off does NOT fall in the "doing the right thing" catagory. And I am lecherous enough that I wouldn't want the temptation.


    This Thread makes me think of a Strongbad E-mail...


    http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail1.html (For good or for Awesome?)



  12. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality?


    theese are powers i'd like to have


    It's not "what powers you would like to have"... it's "what would you do if you had these powers"...


    That said:


    1. The ability to shoot lasers from one's eyes.

    This one's never really been my cup of tea, but assuming the power is easily controlled I wouldn't get much use out of it (WTF am I going to do with laser vision).


    2. The ability to see through objects (X-Ray vision).

    Real-life X-Ray Vision? I would try getting a job working security. Super-man style X-Ray vision? I'd try getting a job working security but this one would be abused.

    3. The ability to become invisible.
    Being a spy would be kinda cool, corporate espianage supposively pays well, but it would have to be worth the risk. Great for pranks and scaring the be-jesus out people (always fun!). This another that would be abused though.

    4. The ability to fly under one's own power.

    As previously pointed out, I wouldn't want to be the only person in the world that could fly. If such a thing were common place, I wouldn't be walking to work except when lightning is involved.

    5. The ability to alter luck to their benefit.

    One word. Vegas.

    6. The ability to read minds.

    This is another power I don't think I'd want, who wants to know what everyone is thinking of them. It would be cool to get inside my partners head during lovemaking... (Think of the movie What Women Want). Also be useful in Vegas... so yeah I guess I would like this one IF I could control it.

    7. The ability to conjure permanent items that weight up to ten pounds.

    Living as a stage magician isn't my style. Conjuring gold and precious gems, very much my style - I'd just need to make friends with a reputable jewler :D

    8. The ability to regenerate from even mortal wounds and ignore illness.

    Wow... there is a few things I'd do with this power... too many to list really...

    9. The ability to teleport (closely related to flight, but it differs significantly).

    Anyone see the movie Jumper? There you go. I'd also do some Robin-Hooding

    10. The ability to selectively enhance your senses at will: see vast distances, hear ordinarily inaudible sounds, function in the dark as if it were day, track by scent, and so forth.
    This one really wouldn't change much for me...


    Basically speaking, I would try to do the right thing with my powers... but in the end I would just use my powers for my own benefit. At least I'm honest about it.

  13. Re: The City of ????


    Have you considered Arena Football and Indoor Soccor teams? Also' date=' a minor league basketball team (since they have no NBA team)?[/quote']


    Arena Football? What's the difference between that and regular Football?


    Also, there's professional Indoor Soccer? How's that work?


    And never even thought about minor league Basketball.


    I'm not much of a sports fanatic... so I don't know much about it. I just wanted some details to round out the city.

  14. Re: The City of ????


    Since no one has suggested sports names...


    Football likes aggressive names. Avalon Knights.

    Baseball is more peaceful in names. Avalon Canarys with bright yellow uniforms.

    Baseketball likes old nicknames. Avalon Islanders.

    Hockey I don't know too well. Avalon Storm?

    The local university (Avalon U.) might use Apples for all thier teams (and school colors of red or green and brown.)

    The name "Avalon" is connected to King Aurther (Knights), the Canary Islands, and the Welsh word for Apple.

    Here are the names I've decided to use. I was going to call the baseball team The Merlins... but Canaries works well too.

    • Football - The Excaliburs
    • Soccer - The Swifts
    • Hockey - The Thunder (My favorite hockey team is the Tampa Bay Lightning so...)
    • Basket Ball - No Team As of Yet
    • Baseball stadium - Minor League Team – The Canaries

    I like the idea of Avalon University using the Apple as it's signature... and the colors Red and Brown seem appropriate.


    Have Rep!

  15. Re: Was the BBB ever available in electronic fomat (PDF)?


    My 4E book is still in good shape. I just had to put some packing tape on the spine because the cover was starting to rip off, but no pages have fallen out.


    Of course, I haven't actually opened the 4e book in years now...


    I actually opened my copy of the BBB just a few weeks ago so I could "borrow" the maps. The binding is a little loose in the middle but other than that it's holding together fine.

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